Ivydene Gardens Home: Medway Proposed New School Comments
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Coroner rules air pollution caused death of nine-year-old girl is the headline on the front page of The Times on Thursday December 17 2020:-
"A nine-year-old girl who died after an asthma attack has become the first person to have air pollution listed as a cause of death. ... The Times Clean Air For All campaign, launched last year, is calling for an act to introduce new legal limits on air pollution based on World Health Organsisation (WHO) recommendations. Philip Barlow, assistant, ruled at Southwark coroner's court that "exposure to excessive air pollution" had been a significant contributory factor in both inducing and exacerbating Ella's asthma. "The principal source of her exposure was traffic emmission," he said. During the final three years of her life Ella had been exposed to nitrogen dioxide and particulate matter in excess of WHO guidelines and, on balance of probabilities, this had made "a material contribution" to her death. The coroner added:"During this period there was a recognised failure to reduce the level of nitrogen dioxide to within the limits set by EU and domestic law, which possibly contributed to her death".
From Page 7 of The Times on Thursday December 17 2020:-
The Commons environmental audit committee warned in 2010, when Ella made the first of about 30 visits to hospital after severe asthma attacks, that air pollution caused 35,000 premature deaths in the UK. ... Nearly half of the 56 million people in England were exposed last year to levels of fine particles, the most dangerous form of air pollution, that exceeded the World Health Organisation's (WHO) recommended limit. ... The finding that Ms Kissi-Debrah was not given information about the health risks of air pollution by doctors or via goverment alerts on poor air quality, will also help ensure other parents are properly informed. The inquest was told that the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, which had expert knowledge about air pollution levels and risks, and the Department of Health failed to work together to tackle the problem.
I live less than 25 metres from the main road and I do have chest problems. During hours of the day I can walk into Rainham for over 500 yards and beat the rush hour traffic.
This page was started in September 2019. Currently on September 11 2021, the school has been built and pupils now attend - a pity that more of the children and adult population of Medway will now be killed each year since none of the health issues raised in this website have been addressed. "5.2 HEALTH IMPACTS OF POOR AIR QUALITY Poor air quality is the largest environmental risk to the public's health, contributing to cardiovascular disease, lung cancer and respiratory disease. Indeed, between 28,000 and 36,000 deaths each year in the UK are associated with air pollution." from page 43 of Kent and Medway Energy and Low Emissions Strategy viwed on 11 Sep 2021. Page 50 of the same strategy points out that in 2013 in Medway the following 6 locations in Medway exceeded the national Air Quality Standard of annual mean concentration of 40 somethings per cubic metre of Nitrogen dioxide or particulate matter (Medway Council, 2015) - Luton Arches Junction, 18 Star Hill, High Street, Strood (Tanning Shop), High Street, Strood (Southern Heating), London Road, Strood and 33 London Road, Strood. Page 57 shows that "An area running along the High Street in Rainham had Nitrogen Dioxide annual average of 45.4 in 2017".
In March 2020 Chatham in Medway Towns was listed as one of the worst towns in the country for air quality with 1 in 16 deaths in the town linked to long-term exposure to particulates (Medway Unitary Authority had 2,266 deaths in 2019). The Town was also listed in the top 15 places which recorded the highest Daily Air Quality Indexes. Referring to data collected in 2017, it found London had the highest number of estimated deaths caused by long-term exposure to particulates with a diameter of less than 2.5 micrometers, or about 3% the diameter of a human hair. While London had 3,799, Chatham had 137. It was the only town in the county to be analysed in the report. The Report reads:" In places like Chatham or Worthing, PM2.5 is almost exclusively driven by combustion in commercial, institutional and domestic activities". from KentOnline. Only 32 patients in NHS Medway hospitals definitely died of Covid 19 between May 2020 until 7 April 2020.
Since 2017, Rainham has built many houses and intends to build 5000 more. Swale and Maidstone districts are also building alongside Medway land boundaries with more than 2000. The traffic in Moor Street where I live, which is part of the A2, runs into Rainham High Street and traffic is that slow that I can walk the half-mile into Rainham Town Centre along this Rainham High Street (increase the map displayed by clicking the plus sign once to get these locations on the map. I live by St or Moor St; then get to Rainham Healthy Living Centre to see my doctor about my heart and respiratory conditions) faster than the traffic between 08:00-09:00 from Monday to Friday past stationary traffic belching out particulartes and nitrogen dioxide. Since the Medway Tunnel with its connecting roads was built no new road route has been created through from East to West, but the Universities have arrived and thousands of new houses and flats.
I suppose it is like the tax on cigarettes exceeds the cost of its effects with the NHS, so the goverment keeps on allowing us to commit suicide, so the increased rates to the council offsets the cost of the extra Medway Population killed by the results building work, and the local goverment increase its revenue. It is good to know that the Department of Education was involved in the new school being built, which is shown on the map as Leigh Academy Rainham.
HOME PAGES - Use this website in Landscape mode on an iPAD instead of an iPHONE, when away from home. Welcome - Ivydene Gardens informs you how to design, construct and maintain your private garden using organic methods and companion planting. About Chris Garnons-Williams - About Chris Garnons-Williams, with my Mission Purpose - Mission Statement, Contact Chris Garnons-Williams - Contact Information (Never Fail Cake Recipe), Website Design History - Website Design History and Copyright Permissions - Copyright Permissions. Site Map - Ivydene Gardens Site Map - usually each of the educational not commercial 212 topics (none of these 212 linked websites sell or buy anything, nor do they take or give commission, and the only adverts are of products/services that I believe would benefit my visitors and are inserted by me) has its own Site Map, which is normally the first page of that Topic linked to from other topics. Every page should have 3 separate tables - the Topics Table, the Data Table and the Pages/Index Table. Each page has its own resources and is not data-base driven, so can be downloaded - downloading the whole website of 20.44 GB (3 Dec 2021) annually, with pages being between 1200 and over 6000 pixels wide and between 16k and over 33k long would provide you with an updating resource when either visiting a garden or planning your own. Usually 3 or 4 clicks gets you to any page in these 9763 pages in these folders from any other page. Usually the top gallery of a plant type has all the flower images of that and the subsidiary galleries in 1 of 6 colours per month pages, with that flower thumbnail being in each month page that it flowers. Clicking on the middle of that thumbnail will transfer you to that flower's page or row in data table within that page description; and its link - the link may not work the day after it was created - to a mail-order nursery selling you that plant directly should be in the Comments row of that Plant Description Page. The majority of the original images in this website are inserted, published in Freeway which produces a 72 pixel per inch Freeway image. This is exported to a File, and the image published by Freeway replaced by the re-imported Freeway image file as a pass-through image; before that is published again and the resulting folder website uploaded for visitors. The lower resolution speeds up the display of the 28,398 JPEG images - some of these images are re-used in different comparison pages of different galleries and therefore added to the resources of each of those galleries (6,508 images have garnons williams or garnons-williams as the ending of the filename and those can go in the public domain as of 5 June 2019, but all the remainder are copyrighted by others and may not be re-used elsewhere without the permission of the copyright holder). Camera photos of Coleus RHS Bedding Trial starts the process of displaying the complete 4000 x 3000 pixel original photos from Chris Garnons-Williams. Since each photo can be 3.5-6.0 Mb and there may be 11 of these on a page; each page may take a long time to download . Page Menu may also have an Index (Flower Colour, Flowering Months, Height and Width) of all plants of that type in that Topic - Plant Photo Gallery. Besides informing you how to
Monitoring of Trees in pavements in Funchal, Madeira from September 2019 to February 2020 1, 2 after the pages below were produced in 2018 and 2019 Problems with trees in pavements in Funchal, Madeira in January/February 2018 PROBLEMS WITH TREES IN PAVEMENTS IN FUNCHAL, MADEIRA IN JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2019 Death of tree roots and Death of tree trunks/branches caused by people. Solution to problems for trees caused by people using irrigation - Growth of Pollarded Tree in Hotel Garden in 1 year provides a water solution to this destruction. Damage to Tree Trunks 1, 2, 3, 4 caused by people, Damage to Tree Roots caused by people, Area of Open Ground round trees, New Trees in pavements 1, 2, Irrigation of current trees, Watersprouts on trees, Crossing Branches in trees, Utility Equipment with tree Foliage, Lights on trees, Bycycle Lane in Pavement, Public Gardens alongside pavements, Hotel/Private Gardens alongside pavements, Current Permeable Pavement Surface round trees and Irrigation and Fertilising of trees. Camera Photo Galleries:- Pavements of Funchal, Madeira Damage to Trees 1, 2, 3, 4. Will visitors to Madeira worry about having branches or trees in public places fall on them? No; according to Engineer Francisco Pedro Freitas Andrade of Est. Marmeleiros, No 1, Jardins & Espaces Verdes who is Chef de Diviso Câmara Municipal do Funchal; Departamento de Ciência e de Recursos Naturais; Divisão de Jardins e Espaços Verdes Urbanos in charge of the trees within the pavements within the area controlled by Funchal Municipality - See Monitoring of Trees in pavements in Funchal, Madeira from September 2019 to February 2010 1, 2 pages by his department. PROBLEMS WITH TREES IN PAVEMENTS IN ST. PETER PORT, GUERNSEY IN SEPTEMBER 2019 Demise of trees in pavements in St. Peter Port, Guernsey caused by people, to their Roots
Britain runs out of food during summer of 2024. If a worker is on State Benefits and is only allowed to work up 15 hours 59 minutes a week at minimum wage, then with these extra new border control food charges it will cost that person 12% of their gross wage each week and 12% extra if they are supporting their child; from 30 April 2024.
8 problems caused by building house on clay or with house-wall attached to clay. Pre-building work on polluted soil. OTHER TABLE 5 is about warnings of the government in the UK turning its population into slaves.
TABLE SOS where the action of humans breathing produces carbon dioxide and the trees/plants/algae cannot process that; because we either cover the roots in concrete/tarmac or kill the algae in the sea from the phosphorus in the human produced sewage. So we are slowly asphixiating ourselves in the UK. The level of oxygen refers to the amount of oxygen present in the atmosphere or water. Oxygen is produced by photosynthesizing organisms that live in the ocean, in fresh water, and on land. These organisms include bacteria, algae and plants. Photosynthesizing algae in the ocean produce around 70% of oxygen in the atmosphere. The UK pollution going into the sea is killing the algae which provide 70% of oxygen for UK, France, Holland, Portugal, Norway, Sweden and Denmark. Row 7 in last table on the right in Black Background - Welcome to the UK (Urinating Knave) with details of UK government backed pollution of millions of tons per year into its rivers; which the sea transported across the Channel to Europe killing marine life and humans. Pollution is biggest threat to Wildlife on our UK waterways. Photo of permanent air pollution over London.
These remaining items are of no interest to people outside the UK, but will affect you, if have property in the UK or intend to reside in the UK for longer than 1 week.
Medway Proposed New School Comments in September 2019
Neighbour cutting branches off our trees without Conservation Area permission and attempting to sink our house with 1000's of litres of their sewage by blocking the drain to our cesspit. For the following week, they continued to download their sewage after we had written to them stating that the cesspit was full and that the drain was blocked.
Gas explosion from incorrectly installed home boiler, with other customers refusing to correct the situation. Other items in the Home Section which have nothing to do with gardening, but reading them might deter you from visiting Great Britain; or employing its workforce; or trusting its local or main government.
Problems with electrical re-wire in my home, with the knowledge after the event that the client can do nothing about it, since NAPIT requires you to re-use the same contractor to fix the problems. Would you; after reading these pages? Manderson emails to us about re-wire. We wrote the concerns about the electrical work on 21.03.21; Questions concerning electrics on 21.03.21 and re-wire narrative on 19.04.2021 which had no effect on the credit card company or NAPIT. So we commisioned the following report to see if that will make any difference. Pages 10, 11, 12, 13 contain information concerning the condition of the electrical installation of the complete rewiring of my home by Mr Manderson of Manderson Electrical Services Ltd, with the report by a qualified electrician and this statement about the work carried out:- "The result of my observations and testing, I am recommending that all the fixed wiring be recovered and a complete new fixed wiring installation is installed. Unfortunately the work previously carried out is of such a poor standard I cannot re-use any of it." Mr Manderson is a Part P Registered Electrician with Napit; Registered Competent Person Electrical; Approved Electrician from Napit; City & Guilds Qualified; Part P Electrical Safety; and Honest & Transparent. His firm was employed to replace all the wiring, power sockets, light switches and lights and make sure that rodents could not attack them to chew through the cables or cause an electrical problem. Pages 10 lists 18 electrical faults on the new wiring, re-use of the old wiring, and old wiring that was still either in use or had been cut at the old power socket, at the old light fitting, or old light switch (the plasterers filled an old power socket metal box and short-circuited the fuse - it will be fine in 30 minutes sir; 4 hours later it was still shorting, so presumably that would explain why they switched off one of the fuses in the old fuseboard - see photo on page 15 of the report. As clients; we do appreciate having the opportunity of electrocuting ourselves from their re-wire work) where
- fault 2 is a Code C1 'Danger Present' and immediate action is required from March 2021, (the electricians testing 2 of the double power sockets installed in the kitchen in 1987 found that they were polarity reversed. This risks a short circuit, shock or fire. They corrected the problem immediately)
- Faults 4, 12, 14 and 18 are Code C2 and Urgent remedial action required,
- Faults 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16, 17 are Code C3 where improvement is recommended
Because we had paid part of the cost to Manderson Electrical Services Ltd using a credit card, then after we had contacted them and sent the report, the credit card company re-imbursed us. We then used that money towards a total removal of all wiring and total rewiring by the electrician who had produced the report.
The above was a pointless waste of time - we have now had the house completely rewired again without any recompense from the original contractor's lies, thiefery and extremely dangerous work with the government body Napit being no help at all. The unfortunate consequence of either buying a house or having anything done to it is that you the owner can and will be totally screwed by the majority of the British Workforce.
I have looked at a job of the third replacement of turf in a back garden of a new house. The back garden was clay and sloped down to the house - that house will have subsidence problems within 10 years. The only way that it might save itself is to rip up the lawn and plant shrubs that will absorb every drop of rain that falls on that garden - you are not allowed to either drain into the storm drain of the house which is what takes the rain from the roof of the house/garage or drain the rainwater from your garden to outside your property onto either public land or into somebody else's property. I refused the job and told the owner to get onto the builders to rectify their error. Since builders are repeating the same error on a massive scale in Ashford, the poor owners of new £500,000 houses are going to be upset.
Explanation of Structure of this Website with User Guidelines Page for those photo galleries with Photos (of either ones I have taken myself or others which have been loaned only for use on this website from external sources)
On the 19th September 2019, I sent the following 2 emails:-
Dear Ms H Burden, thank you for your email. My further comments are on my Welcome page of www.ivydenegardens.co.uk . Would you do me a favour and go to Otterham Quay Lane junction with Moor Street with its traffic lights and sit down so that you can see towards Rainham, Sittingbourne and Otterham Quay Lane between 08:30 and 09:00 on a school day when pupils are going to school? You will see the current gridlock situation and what is currently proposed is going to totally gridlock those streets for over an hour each morning. Please get Medway to rethink where the drive to the school comes from instead of Otterham Quay Lane, it should be Seymour Road. Except for the buffer of shrubs round the site, it would appear that all other recommendations of mine have been totally ignored.
Kind Regards,
Chris Garnons-Williams
On 29 Aug 2019, at 15:37, Community Consultation Team <info@leighacademyrainhamplans.co.uk> wrote:
Dear Mr Garnons-Williams, thank you for your response, I would like to welcome you to our preview exhibition on Thursday 5th so you can discuss these points further with members of the project team. If you are unable to attend, information will be available at www.leighacademyrainhamplans.co.uk after the public event. You will be able to provide feedback and comments as part of the community consultation and planning process, details of which will be on the website.
Kind regards
Helen Burden
Community Engagement Team
From: chris@ivydenegardens.co.uk [mailto:chris@ivydenegardens.co.uk]
Sent: 28 July 2019 13:16
To: info@leighacademyrainhamplans.co.uk
Subject: Errors on Leigh Academy Rainham Plans
Dear Sir/Madam,
From where you intend to build a school for over 1100 girls/boys between 11-18, you will need to pump the main waste and the storm waste up to the drains in Otterham Quay Lane. This is what would have had to happen to the 200 house scheme for this field. Will that old drainage take it, will the pumps by the river take the extra volume and will there be the water to do it with for incoming fresh water? If so, I would suggest that you a secondary pump system with its own generator for the event where the primary pump fails. The effluent from 1100 pupils and their staff combined with a rainfall exceeding 2 inches in an hour could be a problem if it overflows into the railway cutting alongside the rail line from London to Dover.
From the photo on your website indicating the land for the school, it would appear that you will have the school building near Otterham Quay Lane with its car park. It would appear that the road access would be close to the railway bridge of Otterham Quay Lane. I am almost 71, with many health issues requiring 11 different medications per day and so my walking speed is slow. During the rush hour when children are being taken to school, I can walk from my house 1 Eastmoor Farm Cottages, which is about 100 yards from South Bush Lane into Rainham and beat the traffic to Mierscourt Road between 7:45 and 9:00. The road outside is getting more gridlocked. If you add 500 cars delivering kids to school and trying to get out twice a day, then it will be a total mess.
In order to sort that out you need to switch the school car park, school building and plying grounds at 180 degrees and have the road access from Seymour Road alongside the railway line. Seymour road needs to be widened so that it is 2 lane instead of a lane. Where it joins Canterbury Lane, then that Canterbury Lane needs to be widened from that junction to past the refuse tip to join the 2 lane section to Otterham Quay Lane. That would stop any further congestion on Otterham Quay Lane.
There are 3 roads going East-West in the Medway Area. The M2, the A2 and Lower Rainham Road. If there is a problem on the M2 then Medway becomes gridlocked because the A2 is a series of traffic lights and if you wish to get to Rochester from More Street it is faster to go up to the M2 along it and down the other side of Rochester airport than to use the 4th side of the A2. If you want to use the Lower Rainham Road, then there is a long section of 20MPH, chicanes and speed ramps to destroy your suspension, so that also becomes a series of queues. Either that Lower Rainham Road becomes one way from 7 Sisters Roundabout to a new Roundabout at the junction with Pump Lane and the other part of the dual carriageway goes from there back to the 3 Sisters roundabout, or a new dual carriageway is build north of the Lower Rainham Road between those roundabouts, which would also be capable of taking lorries; there is a 300 yard section closest to the 3 Sisters which is not suitable for heavy lorry access. Then, there is a possibility of reducing congestion in the Medway towns. A new dual carriageway would be better, since there are all those new houses built where the Old Brick Factory was opposite the 3 Sisters and the new houses from the 3 sisters along Otterham Quay Lane and the effect of this school.
If the school is to be community based, will a new Health Centre be built on the grounds next to the school plot of land, together with a small shop/supermarket and cafe for kids lunches/parents waiting to pick up kids. The Health Centre opposite St Margarets Church in the middle of Rainham had 4 surgeries, red, yellow, blue and green. The green one closed in January and it was difficult for the others to absorb their patients. My next door neighbours when they moved in 2 years ago tried to join one of those surgeries from another one where they lived before in Medway, they were unable to and are now selling their house. My wife and I are with one of those surgeries, but a) we are outside their area for accepting patients, b) they have no vacancies and c) some of their doctors had the audacity to retire since they were over 70 in March this year, they have not yet been able to replace them. So if you build the facility, will you able to staff it.
There is a section on my Welcome page of www.ivydenegardens.co.uk which does explain why we in the South East are not just running out of water
- 1) because of climate change dropping less rain in the South East as the years roll on, and
- 2) not just because during 2 months of 2017 Southern Water over abstracted water from the aquifers
under the town of Medway lowering the water table yet again,
- 3) and not just because the 129 litres of water normally used by each resident within the Southern Water
area is now being reduced to 110 litres of water engineered into new built house/school by building regulations approved by local councils without people realising it,
- 4) But Southern Water is only building one new reservoir in Havant and being told by the government
to regulate the supply using management techniques - increase price of water to persuade people to use less. If we dropped average consumption to 100 litres a day, then 20 million extra people could get water and the water companies would get more money for the same amount of product, since their record of reducing loss of water in their pipe system is not working very well.
I would make suggestions a) concerning a 10 feet wide vegetation buffer which includes a path within it round the site, that could be used for running and studying nature and horticulture, b) replacing car park surface with reinforced grass system etc, but I doubt whether anyone is interested, since the design has now been settled and the builders will be in there before the end of September, so everything will already have been tendered for.
What is the other half of the field going to be used for? Annex it to the school and use it to grow the fruit and vegetables for the school? Split off some parts of it for classes to try out ideas of how they could plant their own gardens of their homes?
Yours sincerely,
Chris Garnons-Williams 1 Eastmoor Farm Cottages Moor Street Rainham Kent ME8 8QE
I found out today (16 December 2021) that the Blue Surgery in the Health Centre closed in 2021, so we are left with only the red and the yellow surgeries. New homes are still being built within Medway and alongside Medway by Maidstone, Malling and Swale boroughs, but where are the doctors? When you move to this area, then you have to try to keep the doctor from whence you came. That is why the Accident and Emergency Department in the local hospital and 111 are overwhelmed by people coming to them who have not got a GP, to the extent that an ambulance turns up and has to wait hours before its patient can be admitted - so the patient may well die before treatment can be given and then no ambulance is available for hours to pick up the next patient. If you visit Britain, remember to bring your complete medical team with you otherwise if you have problems you could die before the overworked NHS could treat you. General Practioners or GPs are overworked and are leaving and there are not enough replacements, but neither local nor main government give a dam, just build more houses to get more tax from the owners before they die off from air pollution, diseases from sewage or lack of medical care.
Begin forwarded message:
From: "chris@ivydenegardens.co.uk" <chris@ivydenegardens.co.uk>
Subject: Re: Patient engagement event on digital support for people living with asthma
Date: 23 September 2019 at 07:58:32 BST
To: Victoria Bean <no-reply@emailengage.info>
Reply-To: Christopher Garnons-Williams <chris@ivydenegardens.co.uk>
Dear Ms Bean,
A new school is to built on Otterham Quay Lane for over 1100 pupils. The average air pollution is above the safety limit within Medway and the location with its proposed roundabout on the the lane with the drive into the school is to be the termination of 4 new bus routes and 4 new school buses as well as parents bringing the pupils to school. I have tried to get the school drive moved to Seymour Road to reduce the likelihood of asthma being induced in the pupils and staff, but in one year’s time the illness will start to occur.
I have stated my comments on the Welcome Page (Home Page) of my educational website https://www.ivydenegardens.co.uk.
I have seen today excavations in the field, so the building work has already started. Medway seems to like to find ways to make its population ill.
Not only the school but the surrounding 200 yards of housing will also be affected from the railway line in Otterham Quay Lane to Mierscourt Road and Seymour Road, due to stationary traffic releasing its nitrous dioxide between 07:45 and 09:00 and then in the afternoon of each school workday.
Kind regards,
Chris Garnons-Williams
On 20 Sep 2019, at 14:26, Victoria Bean <no-reply@emailengage.info> wrote:
Dear Member
The Academic Health Science Network and the Design and Learning Centre are organising a patient engagement event on digital support for people living with asthma, which you might be interested in attending
This takes place on 26th September 2019, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm at The Kings Studio, Aylesford Village Community Centre, 25 Forstal Road, Aylesford, Kent. Details of how to book a place are included in the flyer below or attached link
Kind regards
Victoria Bean Governor and Membership Officer Medway NHS Foundation Trust To unsubscribe click here.
The following comments - for the proposed new school in Medway - are responses to the published material from the September 2019 issue of Landscape & Amenity Product Update (LAPU) www.landscapeandamenity.com, who kindly sent me a printed copy of their publication:-
- Childhood obesity, poor mental health and sleep problems linked to playground decline. I could see no sign of a playground near this proposed
school. If it is to be community based, then some of the pupils and the younger pupils with their mothers could use a playground before and after school.
- Green pollution barrier breaks ground. In placing the car park for the school next to Otterham Quay Lane, Rainham on the South Side of the main
railway, it is going to receive a great deal of pollution from cars and this barrier could help to reduce this if the school car park is not moved to Seymour Road end of the existing field.
- John Chambers Wildflower seed makes a B-Line to help pollinators in Skipton. A metre-wide strip of Wildflower would help reverse the decline of
wild pollinators for the Green Pollution Barrier, with a SuDS-compliant grass reinforcement mesh path alongside the wildflower meadow and green pollution barrier.
- Terrain Aeration relieves waterlogging. The field has been used for circuses and Boot Fairs for years. It is likely that the ground is very compacted.
If the sport's Field area is treated with this system before its first use, then the current grass will benefit.
1. Childhood obesity, poor mental health and sleep problems linked to playground decline.
"New research with parents shows the devastating impact that the sharp decline in outdoor play facilities is having on their children's physical and mental health.
The survey was carried out by Mumsnet - the UK's biggest website for parents - and commissioned by the Association of Play Industries (API). It asked parents about their children's outdoor play and indoor screen time habits and revealed their growing concerns over children's activity levels and the shift from outdoor play to indoor screen time. It follows previous API research which uncovered an alarming decline in public playground provision due to local authority budget cuts.
The survey of 1,111 parents with children aged between 2 and 12 has revealed:
- 72% of parents of children with health issues such as obesity said that the lack of outdoor play facilities in their area
has played a role in their children's problems.
- Over a quarter of parents surveyed with children experiencing mental health problems said that the lack of outdoor play
facilities in their area has played a role in their children's difficulties.
- 26% of parents with children who have sleep problems say that a lack of outdoor play facilities in their area has played
a role in their children's sleep difficulties."
If a playground was installed close to the car park, then parents could park their cars, play with their younger children having delivered the older ones to school, have a drink in the community cafe, then go home. Come back later in the day for all their kids to play before returning home. If there is room in the car then a rota of mums can bring each other's kids to school and take them home again, instead of each mum delivering and collecting her own children only.
2. Green pollution barrier breaks ground.
"Work has begun to install a pioneering barrier of plants and shrubs, designed using the research of a Department of Landscape Architecture PhD student, around the playground of Hunter's Bar Infant School. The barrier will filter air pollution from passing traffic and improve air quality for the school's 270 pupils. Top Sheffield businesses have joined forces to support the installation of the barrier which has been designed using data collected from the Breathe project; researching inner-city school air quality and the impact of living green barriers in playgrounds. The 4-year-long study, which is funded by the Grantham Centre for Sustainable Futures, is being conducted by PhD candidate Maria del Carmen Redondo Bermudez.
The Gogogreen campaign was launched in March this year, by Hunter's Bar Infant School and the Department of Landscape Architecture to raise awareness, funds and support for the 60m barrier."
If this barrier was installed round the 3 sides that roads running parralel to them then that would reduce the air pollution caused by the surrounding traffic of cars. This could be combined with a reinforced grass system path and a metre wide wildflower meadow to provide help for pollination of the green belt barrier and any other growing area like, a school vegetable garden, community garden or allotments in the other half of the field.
3. John Chambers Wildflower seed makes a B-Line to help pollinators in Skipton.
"John Chambers Wildflower Seed has donated a custom mix of native wildflower seed to create an exciting new wildflower meadow at Middletown Recreation Ground in Skipton.
Yorkshire Dales Millenium Trust (YDMT) worked with Skipton Town Council to create the new meadow. The project will see an area of the green space transformed into a wildflower habitat benefitting bees, butterflies, hoverflies, beetles and moths, creating a beautiful area of flowers for residents.
Part of Bee Together, a programme supported by the National Lottery Heritage Fund which works with local communities to create habitats that could help reverse the decline of wild pollinators. Declining pollinator populations are bad news for wildlife and people - a third of the food we eat depends on pollinating insects. If bees are in trouble, so are we with the loss of 95% of the UK's wildflower meadows."
4. Terrain Aeration relieves waterlogging.
"Terrain Aeration have treated all kinds of turf surface for waterlogging, compaction and panning, from sports fields, golf courses and bowling greens, to trees in London parks, green speces and the gardens of new house builds.
The machine hammers a hollow probe one metre into the soil and a blast of compressed air is released to fracture and fissure the soil. On the tail end of the air blast, dried milled seaweed is incorporated and this expands and contracts with the moisture content in the soil, keeping the fractures open.
The result is relief from waterlogging and healthier turf, with minimum disruption during the treatment."
This missive came this morning.

One of the issues raised was safe access:-
- "speed mitigation and new footway on Otterham Quay Lane." Speed mitigation or Traffic calming is achieved by putting a new roundabout, 2 zebra crossings, 4 school buses arriving in the morning and leaving in the afternoon and 4 new bus routes ending at the roundabout will cause the traffic to slow down. When the pupils cross the road, it stops the traffic - this problem was cured for the Howard School, Kent and Rainham School for Girls by building a pedestrian bridge over the A2, so that school children would not stop the rush hour traffic.
- "one main vehicular access point in the form of a roundabout". If this gets blocked by traffic, then how does the emergency services get through if there is only one access?
- "2 new zebra crossings leading to segregated pedestrian access". Instead of the pupils being run over by walking up the drive, they can be run over on the zerbra crossing.
- car park with sufficient capacity preventing overspill on local streets. The staff will probably take at least a third of them before the parents arrive. Parent arrives and parks in a bay to let their children out, then parent has to drive down drive to roundabout to get out. Fine for a few days until parent realises that the wait to get on the roundabout to go home or to work exceeds the time of stopping on Otterham Quay Lane and letting their children on or off. This will then lead to perhaps only the car parking being used in the afternoon to collect their kids. Great parking benefit for the community using the school in the evening and weekends.
In theory this may be a reasonabley safe mechanical access but it certainly is not a safe access ftrom the pont of stationary traffic belching out and adding to the excess air pollution already recorded in Medway. This will then lead to both the drivers and pupils probably getting asthma.

C is Dry Attenuation Basin - "Detention basins are surface storage basins or facilities that provide flow control through attenuation of stormwater runoff. They also facilitate some settling of particulate pollutants. Detention basins are normally dry and in certain situations the land may also function as a recreational facility. However, basins can also be mixed, including both a permanently wet area for wildlife or treatment of the runoff and an area that is usually dry to cater for flood attenuation." from The Community for sustainable drainage. In other words rainwater falling on the roof of this school, 3 Court MUGA or on the drive/car park will be drained into the Dry Attenuation Basin for it to be slowly absorbed into the soil below. So there will be no stormdrain which would have to be pumped up to the storm drain in Oterham Quay Lane which would normally be the drain to take away this water. Normally you have to allow for 2 inches (5cm) of rain to be drained, but you can have more. These 2 Basins do not appear to be able to take that volume. If it overflows in the winter, then the deciduous tree roots will not absorb it and you will end up with an ice rink on the car park and drive. That is the reason why these 24 metre and 18 metre shrub/tree sections of 'native shrub planting buffer' were put into the plan.
B is Substation and electric isolation enclosure. No mention of pump and back-up pump to pump the main drain material from the school up to the drain in Otterham Quay Lane. Presumably instead the main drain from the school will enter a French Drain under the native shrub planting buffer between the school and the railway line leading to a tank at the other end. This tank can then be emptied by a Waste Tanker parked on Seymour Road. Most of the liquid will be absorbed by the roots of the vegetation above. If you aim to do this, I would suggest that you make the trees or shrubs evergreen so that they will absorb the fluid in the winter as well. Of course, when the pupils do their practical Chemistry, those plants in the 'native shrub planting buffer' are going to appreciate the sulphuric acid and other chemicals poured down the drain. Unfortunately this idea of a French Drain by the railway leading to a cesspit to hold the solids by Seymour Road cannot now occur. A new building is going up during January 2020 on the land by the railway bridge and Seymour Road, so there will be no access for the Waste Tanker. Perhaps the rail commuters can be provided with face masks as they pass the effluent flowing down into the railway cutting.

It is good to see that the Department for Education is funding this entire school. It is a pity that that department has not done a risk assessment and discovered the health risks with allowing the access for vehicles, students and staff to be from Otterham Quay Lane. I have elsewhere in the Welcome Page detailed the health, transportation, lack of water and doctors for this scheme in this form. The row below details more about the health effect guaranteeing some of these children and parents are going to end up ill because of this road access.

Perhaps you would like to see a photo in Other Table 4 of the permanent air pollution cloud over London taken in Stockbury, Kent, which is about 30 miles from London.
The following article was on the front page of The Times on Monday November 29 2019:-
"LIVING NEAR BUSY ROAD STUNTS LUNG DEVELOPMENT Living within 50 metres of a busy road stunts children's lung growth by up to 14 per cent, a new report says.
The risk of having a stroke or developing lung cancer increases by up to to 10 per cent for those in homes near an A-road compared with those on quieter streets, according to research by King's College London. It shows that cutting air pollution by one fifth would result in almost 8,000 fewer children having low lung function each year and prevent about 3,700 cases of children with asthma suffering symptoms of bronchitis.
The cleaner air would also reduce the number of coronary heart disease cases by 1,885 in London and reduce cases across the country by between 5 and 8 per cent.
The report is one of the most comprehensive yet on the various ways in which air pollution damages health. It draws together previous research on 13 health impacts, including heart disease, lung cancer, strokes and bronchitis, across nine cities in Britain.
It compares air pollution levels on quiet roads with busy highways such as A-roads and others with high traffic levels, and for each city works out the difference in health outcome.
Oxford had the greatest difference in terms of reduced lung growth in children, at 14 per cent. This is attributed to pollution levels being lower on quiet roads in that city than in some other urban areas. The difference in London, which has a much higher overall pollution level, was 12.5 per cent according to the report, which was commissioned by the Clean Air Fund, a philanthropic initiative that aims to tackle air pollution around the world.
The report seeks to present the impacts in a more meaningful way than general statements previously issued, such as a finding in 2016 by the Royal College of Physicians that air pollution caused about 40,000 deaths a year in Britain. Heather Walton, one of the authors and senior lecturer in environmental health at King's, said " This is the first time that health impact calculations for such a wide range of health conditions and cities have been included in one report".
The Clean Air Parent's Network, a group of parents from across the country campaigning to improve air quality, had issued a call to the parties in the general election to commit themselves to urgent action to protect children's health. This newspaper's Clean Air for All campaign, launched in May, calls for clean air zones in cities, temporary traffic bans outside schools and legally binding pollution limits set at the level recommended by the World Health Organisation.
The Conservative manifesto, published yesteday, promised to set "strict new laws on air quality" but did not include any detail. Labour has promsed to introduce clean air zones and adopt WHO limits but has not said when this would be achieved.
Lucy Harbor, a mother in north London and founder of the campaign group Clean Air 4 Schools, said "These findings are deeply worrying, as me and my family live by the A10 and my kids go to a school on a busy main road. We are these statistics - one of my children was hospitalised with pneumonia and has had asthma."
Sandy Robertson, who works in A&E at Homerton University Hospital in east London and is a council member of the UK Health Alliance on Climate Change, said: "It's clear to see the effect of air pollution on the demand for emergency care in A&E waiting rooms. This study from King's College quantifies the staggering scale of that link."
Tom Pierce, a cardiac anaesthetist in Southampton, said " the figures published today show that air pollution isn't just an issue in London. Living near a busy road in Southampton can increase your risk of coronary heart disease by 5.6 per cent"."
The following article was on page 33 of The Times on Monday November 29 2019 as part of a Leading Article:-
... That is why The Times is campaigning for a new Clean Air Act to give everyone a legal right to unpolluted air. It is welcome that the Conservatives, Labour, the Green Party and the Liberal Democrats have all promised legislation on clean air if they get into government.
New laws are on the way, and they must have teeth. They should ban sales of new diesel and petrol cars from 2030, matching the timetable in China, India and Ireland. To achieve that, the goverment will need to reverse cuts to green car grants.
The legislation should impose traffic bans outside schools at drop-off and pick-up times, which will have the added bonus of encouraging children to walk to school. It should also extend charges for the dirtiest cars to cities across the UK, and ensure that there are pollution monitors in every postcode so that politicians can be held to account and made to meet their promises. Until they act, Britain's cities will not be safe."
It is good to see that the Department for Education is funding this entire school and due to their new roundabout, 2 zebra crossings, 4 school buses and 4 new bus routes ending at the roundabout outside the school the children will need to attend the doctor or Medway Hospital - the GPs are retiring due to overwork and taxing their pensions so no doctor for the child and Medway Hospital cannot cope with that much extra A&E cases. Traffic will be banned during certain times outside their school which will be good for their health but the parents will have to move out of Medway, because if they cannot get to work, then they get no salary so cannot afford a mortgage and everything else as well. and because they are outside Medway they will have to try and find another school possibly in Swale. "The legislation should impose traffic bans outside schools at drop-off and pick-up times, which will have the added bonus of encouraging children to walk to school." If this was done:-
- then this new school would stop all traffic coming up Otterham Quay Lane to go to the motorway or to
Sittingbourne between 08:00 and 09:00 in the morning and another period in the afternoon. Getting the children to walk to school since '84% of students would be living less than 4km from the school' would ensure more illness as they walked past stationary traffic belching out noxious pollution. Of couse the children would have 'safe' access via the zebra crossings etc and the stationary traffic would not knock them over.
- The traffic would be stopped at this primary school on Mierscourt Road where parents drop off there kids,
which leads to one of the access points of the M2 Motorway.
- The traffic would be stopped at The School for Girls is on the A2 between Rainham and Rainham Mark.
This is the other east-west route through Medway besides the M2 Motorway and the Lower Rainham Road, which links to the Otterham Quay Lane and then to the road through Medway Tunnel and thence to the M2 Motorway.
the whole of Medway would be gridlocked and workers could not get to work in the morning by 09:00 in the morning. At present the Gas Board is replacing the main gas pipe between Medway and Key Street until September 2020 causing traffic hold ups on the A2. There is roadworks on the M2 Motorway which also has vehicle crashes shutting it down.
Medway is building, building and building but not providing the infrastructure to go with it like GPs, roads, or community areas with shops, doctors, dentists, opticians, restaurants, pubs, community hall with sports facilities or parks for walking for relaxation and walking your dog . The town is just a dormitory with many taking the train/coach to London for work. Let us look at the road structure:-
- The A2 breeds traffic lights and roundabouts, making it very slow and highly polluting to use. I doubt
if you can improve it, but lets divert the through traffic away from it.
- Not everybody can use the M2 Motorway.
- I have pointed out how the Otterham Quay Lane, Moor Street hold up could be reduced by putting the
vehicle access to the new school by Seymour Road and improving the roads round there to improve the access from the Lower Rainham Road to the A2. Also making a proper dual carriageway from the 3 Sisters pub to the roundabout at the end of the Lower Rainham Road which links to a dual carriageway to Medway Tunnel and the A2, to take the strain off driving at 20 mph, through chicanes and over sleeping policemen humps to making a road for getting from a to b quickly and then you can enter the Medway street jungle at points to get to your home or other destination.
- The M2 Junction for Rainham/Gillingham could have an exit to Bearsted via a dual carriageway parallel
to the Motoway to join with the road parallel to the Motorway from Walderslade called Walderslade Woods. That would provide a way for people living in Parkwood to get there instead of causing a traffic jam at the next roundabout towards Rainham and the same for getting onto the Motorway. It would provide easier access for Bredhurst and be on the South side of the Motorway until it meets the road from the roundabout on the north side of the Motorway. These would use up field space and not many houses to build.
- The other road from that roundabout could be made into a valid one for 2 lanes of traffic to get to
join with Hempstead Valley Drive by Hempstead Valley Shopping Centre.
- These 3 would provide east-west access through the Medway area north and south to improve its traffic
flow for non-motorway traffic and decrease the traffic pollution levels for those who wish to get through Medway; and leave less traffic for those going within Medway to cause pollution.
The following article was on the page 15 of The Times on Saturday December 21 2019:-
"Practices in Thanet, Kent, are the most short-staffed in the country, with 2,723 patients per GP on average. Neighbouring Medway and Swale both have more than 2,500 patients per GP, among the worst 5 rates nationally. The avarage surgery has 1,721 patients per GP".
The following article was on the page 14 of The Times on Saturday December 21 2019:-
"Why is there a shortage of GPs? The problem has built up over years in which the focus has been on hospitals. This has meant a declining share of the NHS budget going into local surgeries and fewer medical students wanting to become GPs.
Have things got worse? Yes. The average family doctor is responsible for hundreds more patients than a decade ago, as the population rises and the workforce shrinks. The number of patients over 65, who typically require more appointments, increased by 25% between 2009 and 2017.
Why are doctors quitting?
As they become busier GPs are burning out, creating a vicious cycle for those who remain. A recent poll found that the average GP was seeing 41 patients a day, with some seeing more than 100 despite feeling that more than 30 was unsafe. Figures this week showed that 45% of GPs were now working less than full time.
What is the problem with pensions? A cap of £1 million on the tax-free amount that can be accumulated in a pension pot is encouraging GPs to retire early: the average age at which GPs retire has fallen by 2 years since 2011 to 58. The NHS has promised to effectively pay doctors' tax bills this winter while a permanent solution is found.
What is the government doing? In 2016, the NHS acknowledged that GPs' "backs were against the wall". An extra £4.5 billion has been promised by 2024 with an extra 20,000 health staff. However, there is little chance of solving the GP shortage over the next decade. A shortfall of 2,500 full-time GPs will worsen to 7,500 in 5 years, the Health Foundation estimated."
My comment: " I paid more than £50 towards the interest on the National Debt out of my tax bill of about £550 in one of my years of retirement. The National debt goes up by over £100 billion a year, so this 4.5 billion will simply be added to it and if the interest rate went from 0.5% to 5% then almost all my tax would go on paying interest on the National Debt each year.
Because the tax man wants his pound of flesh, then the doctors etc have to work less hours and retire early not to have pay very hefty tax bills, so we must thank the Inland Revenue for denying us doctors to keep us alive as the government also allow the water companies to reduce our water so that we become dehydrated - 129 litres per person per day reduced by law to 110 litres per person per day by insertion of a pressure reduction valve in your incoming water supply to all new houses in the South East counties. As the population increases with the new houses, then the water pressure will be further reduced with the GPs become even more overloaded and retire, until the GPs are no more and you must join the private health service or overload the A&E department of your local hospital, so that closes down due to overwork. I wonder where the 1100 pupils at this new school will find their GP - survival of the fittest?
All GP surgeries should get the manager, administrative staff and all supporting medical staff paid out by the main government, so that doctors do not have to do the management of all these extra jobs as well as look after patients. Their number of patients should be no more than 1600 each and if the doctors cannot be found for that geograhical area, then no new homes or businesses can be built until each doctor is only serving 1600 current population , until all that current population has a doctor, then a new doctor is installed before 1600 possible new patients can have their homes or businesses built. So get onto this tax situation and stop putting the native population through having to wait 9 weeks to see their doctor or have a doctor looking after 11,000 patients as at a practice in Maidstone, Kent. The consultants in the hospitals face the same tax invasion, so work less hours and retire earlier - must admit that if you do not have the doctors then it is a matter of survival of the fittest and tax man gains by levying further taxes on the children who have been given the house, but who have allowed their parents to live there rent free during the remainder of their parents lives.
Stop passing the buck to the Water Boards and put into place new reservoirs, desalination plants or other means to provide 129 litres of water per person per day in the South East Counties, including the new population for the new homes and new businesses.
WOULD AN MP BE CONCERNED AS HIS/HER CHILD OF 6 DIES OF A BLOCKAGE IN THE BOWEL AS SEBASTIAN HIBBERD DID WHEN HIS SURGERY WITH 6,876 PATIENTS AT THE PRACTICE AND THE EQUIVALENT OF 3 FULL-TIME GPs DID NOT SEE HIM AS THE DUTY DOCTOR AT THE SURGERY SAID THAT ON THE BASIS OF THE NOTES GIVEN TO HIM HE DID NOT REALISE THE CASE WAS "NEEDING IMMEDIATE ATTENTION" whereas the coroner said "It is more likely than not, had his condition been recognised and he had received treatment at 8.44, his life might have been preserved"?" Perhaps the MP prefers to play with BREXIT for the remainder of her/his term of office - minor point when Cypress owed money to the EU, it sent in its officials who took the money from the savings of the local population and their was nothing that the cypriots could do, so the politicians have realised that to get out of the EU, you have to do what the EU states, even if that cripples the country and then in a few years if we have not repented as the Irish did and gone back in, they might let us go - we did not read the contract which means that the EU can do anything it likes.
The following article was on page 11 of the I newspaper of Friday 30 April 2021:-
"Nearly 800 GP surgeries have closed in the past 8 years, forcing millions of patients to move to a different doctor. Bewteen 2013 and 2020, a total of 778 practices shut their doors. About 100 doctors practices closed in 2020, despite the Covid-19 pandemic. That figure is far higher than in 2013, when only 18 were closed. It is estimated that a total of 2,494,700 patients were forced to register with a different doctor because their surgery had closed. GPs said that the closures stemmed from problems with recruitment, high workloads and practices with only 1 GP who was leaving general practice and had no replacement. Dr Peter Holden, of the Derby and Derbyshire local medical committee, said: "[There] are problems of succession, or situations where a practice might have had too little investment for too long and is no longer viable, lists may be getting small, or people may retire. Many practices are only 2 resignations away from collapse. This is what happens when the system is running at capacity all of the time".
If you allow for 2 adults and 2.2 children per household, then for every 400 new houses, you need another GP. So for the new 2000 house village to built alongside Medway district, that will require a new practice of 5 doctors. We do not have those doctors and so people who move into the South East are not going to get medical treatment and if nothing else will be killed off by the pollution from cars in the next 10 years, reduction in available water due to a 30% drop in the rainfall expected over the next 30 years and a further reduction in the available water as the land is covered in concrete and the rain goes into the rivers and out to sea instead of seeping down the soil to be used from Medway's aquifers. If we did not build a new house anywhere in the South-east, then over the years, the available rainwater would decrease by 30% and so the population and houses would need to decrease by that same amount.

The Inside Story of Labour's 'NHS For Sale' Leak
We spoke to the campaigner whose digging eventually led to the leak of secret documents showing talks between the UK and US about trade.
"So what do these documents show us?
They basically give us an idea of what the US wants out of a trade deal, what the UK wants and where agreement is likely to be found. One of the most interesting things is how clearly these papers show where power lies in the room, and power lies with the US negotiators.
US officials were furious with Theresa May’s Chequers plan for Brexit because it kind of tied us into EU standards in the long-term, and for US business that was a complete disaster because they said, "No, no, no, we want to sell you the chlorine chicken and all the other food we can’t sell you under EU standards, and we wouldn’t be able to do that under the Chequers plan."
What we do know is that, on medicine pricing, the US government basically views the UK and every other government in the world as freeloading off US medical research, and that medicine prices in this country should be decided by the market. Introducing a market-based system for drug pricing would absolutely bankrupt the NHS, or would simply mean people would have to privately purchase medicines.
What else is in there?
Food standards are a big issue, and on standards and regulations more generally the Americans are keen on self-regulation and voluntary standards, rather than government taking action. On food, the words "chlorine chicken" are actually in this document. We know the British public are deeply sceptical about American food standards, and the Americans have actually offered to help the UK to sell chlorine chickens to a sceptical public.
The Americans see as hard a Brexit as possible as being best for them because it means they will be able to change British standards to the greatest degree possible, which means there is more scope for low standard American food products coming into our markets."
What do papers obtained by Labour say about NHS and drug pricing?
How does drug pricing in the UK work now?
The UK has some of the lowest drug prices in Europe. A key reason for that is the existence of the National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (Nice), which Tony Blair’s Labour government set up in 1999. It is an independent expert body that assesses evidence and issues guidance to the NHS and health professionals about which drugs, types of surgery and other forms of treatment benefit patients and are worth spending money on. As such it determines what drugs do and do not represent value for money for NHS bodies in England and Wales to buy to give to patients.
Nice has a ceiling of £30,000 per year of “good quality life” gained, rising to £50,000 for end-of-life drugs such as cancer drugs. Nice’s judgments help keep prices down by capping what the NHS can spend on them. So does the NHS’s status as a bulk buyer of drugs, and EU-wide rules on patents.
What do the Americans want to change?
The minutes of the trade talks show the Trump administration and US pharmaceutical interests want the British government to dismantle the safeguards that protect the NHS from paying high prices for drugs. (Drugs in America cost two and a half times what they cost in the UK.)
So there is no problem at all, since without the GPs who are being pension-taxed out of a job and then we go to the A&E Department of our local hospital where the consultants are also pension taxed out of the service - GP's are now retiring at 58 instead of 60 and not working full time due to taxation; you will be unable to get medical help for problems in eating "chlorine chicken". I wonder what what would happen if people sold their possessions for cash only and fled to a foreign country, where they never had any debit or credit cards and only used cash?
Now when we have become financial slaves of America after signing a trade deal with them after BREXIT, then the NHS will not be able to pay for the same drugs that as you get older you will require. You will have to pay for the drugs privately until you run out of money having sold your home to pay for them. So it does not matter if the GPs are no longer there, the taxman will then step in after you die and get another way of taxing your inheritance from the clothes that you died in.
Before this school was proposed for this field a proposal for houses was opposed by the residents surrounding it and it was rejected. Then, this came along for Land at Otterham Quay Lane, Rainham, Kent. Now I believe that this application is for the same land as for this proposed school. If it was the other side of the railway line cutting, then they would be building on top of a rubbish dump, which is still expelling gases. You might note that this application includes "drainage (including a foul water pumping station),". This is because the land is below the main drain in Otterham Quay Lane. There is no mention of a foul water pumping station in the school proposal. Therefore, ALL PUPILS, STAFF AND VISITORS MUST BRING THEIR OWN CHEMICAL TOILETS, WITH ITS CHEMICALS, WATER FOR WASHING WITH AND EQUIPMENT TO TAKE AWAY THEIR WASTE, SINCE THIS SCHOOL WILL HAVE NO FOUL WATER DRAINAGE.

This shows most of the bus routes in Medway from Medway Bus and Rail Guide from 23 July 2017 and produced by Medway Council, Integrated Transport, Gun Wharf, Dock Road, Chatham ME4 4TR.
You can see that the M2 crosses into Medway area as a route from east to west.
The A2 goes through Medway from East to West.
Otterham Quy Lane exits Medway Council and rejoins onto Lower Rainham Road after the Three Sisters Pub, where it comes back into Medway Council. Lower Rainham Road continues to the roundabout, where it joins Pier Road dual carriageway to join the A289 which goes through Medway Tunnel onto Vanguard Way. At the roundabout you turn right onto Berwick Way. At the roundabout, you take the third left onto the A289 to the roundabout, where you take the second left onto a dual carriageway to get past Medway and back up to the A2 going to London. This is the third route from East to West.

28 years ago, I used to do gardening for a client in City Way, Rochester. If I went to work from almost Seymour Road along the A2 to City Way it would take me too long, so I went to the M2 along to Chatham junction and down. If I go via the Lower Rainham Road, the speed limit is reduced to 20 mph on much of the route, there are chicanes and sleeping policeman, together with traffic lights. The land outside Medway Council area on both sides of Otterham Quay Lane has had houses built on it by Swale Council.
If the road plan designed by Kent County Council for a road between Moor Street and Walderslade Woods road had been built, then a fourth East West route would have been created. Medway ignored the plan. If the next road east of Seymour Road, which goes to the M2 Motorway Service Area was made into a dual carriageway which crossed the existing bridge by the M2 Motorway Service Area and then ran west parallel to the M2 to connect to Junction 4 on the Bredhurst side before using the existing M2 motoway underpass to Walderslade Woods to get back onto Medway Council land would provide the fourth East West route. Apparently there is a tiny strip of land that at the moment nobody is prepared to sell which stops the following bit of road from the Walderslade Woods roundabout from being extended and this would get over that problem, since all of the dual carriageway would be built on farmland and existing bridge and underpass could be used.

This website is being created by Chris Garnons-Williams of Ivydene Horticultural Services from it's start in 2005.
Site design and content copyright ©April 2007. Page structure amended October 2012. Page structure changed February 2019 for pages concerning Trees in pavements alongside roads in Madeira. This page created September 2019. Chris Garnons-Williams.
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It should be remembered that nothing is sold from this educational site, it simply tries to give you the best advice on what to use and where to get it (About Chris Garnons-Williams page details that no payment or commision to or from any donor of photos or adverts I place on the site in the Useful Data or other sections is made to Chris Garnons-Williams or Ivydene Horticultural Services). This website is a hobby and not for direct commercial gain for Ivydene Horticultural Services. There is no Google Adscenes or Search Facility in this website.
The information on this site is usually Verdana 14pt text (from December 2023, this is being changed from 14pt to 10pt) and all is in tabular form. This can be downloaded and sorted using WORD or other word-processing software into the order that you personally require, especially for soil subsidence, the Companion Planting Tables and the pages in the Plants section. This would be suitable for use in education as well.
I put jokes in at various places to give you a smile.
This is a detail of Rainham area of the above map. Seymour Road and the road it joins, which joins Otterham Quay Lane need to be made into 2 way roads. This would then give 3 roads including Otterham Quay Lane to get traffic past the stationary traffic queue from the Greens the Petrol Station to Mierscourt Road from 08:00 to 09:00 in the morning (where I can walk from my house which is almost at Seymour Road to Mierscourt Road faster than the traffic). There are plans to build more houses which would use the Lower Rainham Road around Pump Lane - The proposal is for a new village, comprising 1,250 homes (1, 2, 3, and 4 bed family houses) with much-needed affordable housing, new community facilities, extra care apartments for elderly people, an 80 bed care home and a village primary school. If a dual carriageway was built on the farmland between Otterham Quay Lane and the roundabout at the bottom of Church Street, then this would relieve the traffic hold-ups in that area.
There is a major regeneration project between Rochester and Chatham by the Medway River, where many unused buildings are being replaced with flats. What extra roads are planned in that area to take care of hundreds of new inhabitants, when all they can use is the high street to get to the A2 which then uses a bridge to get to Strood Town shopping centre before continuing West to get to the A2/M2 junction? That A2/M2 junction is going to change very soon to allow the M2 to continue by turning right, going for a little moling before rejoining the M25, north of the River Thames.

On Friday 26 March, I received a notice from www.landatmoorstreet.co.uk informing of Bellway Homes intending to submit a detailed planning application to Medway Council for the development of 78 residential dwellings, together with access, parking, open space, landscaping and associated works on land north of Moor Strret, Rainham, Kent. The Proposed development has been subject to pre-application advice discussions with Medway Council, and a Public Consultation Website has been set up to provide further information about the proposed development, and an opportunity to provide feedback to the project team.
Isent the following email to the the people stated on the landatmoorstreet website:-
On 26 Mar 2021, at 22:20, chris@ivydenegardens.co.uk wrote:
Dear sir
You state the following in your website
o the south is Moor Street, with a mixture of residential and commercial buildings within Moor Street Conservation Area beyond.
That statement is incorrect. Moor Street Conservation Area is directly alongside your planning application.
Your plan provides road access from the drive to the new school behind you and in front of the railway line.
The Welcome page of my website https://www.ivydenegardens.co.uk provides a map of the More Street Conservation Area.
It also links to
Which provides further details about my objections to the school.
Something that does not concern you as builders is that the water board supplying the water in the South-East of England is only going to provide 1 new reservoir in Havant to provide the water for the increase in housing in the South-East. Southern Water in 2017 over-abstracted water from the chalk hills within Medway for 2 months. Builders have kept on building. We do not have the water.
Because the field that the school is on is below the main sewage drain in Otterham Quay Lane, the water board have installed a pump to pump the sewage from the school to Seymour Road then Moor Street and up the hill to the end of the main sewage drain by the terrace houses on Moor Street. You will have to be added to that pumped drain. Unfortunately it might not handle your new houses and the school as well, but that is not your concern when the new houses suddenly find sewage in their gardens. Oh dear what a shame!
You have also got round the problem of the storm drain by having 2 lakes to take the rain from the new house roofs, drives, roads and pavements. But, unfortunately you have not put sufficient evergreen tree/shrubs to absorb that volume, so they are going to get flooded during the winter and you will have provided a free skating rink when it freezes. Oh dear, what a shame!
A minor detail - the drive for the new school will be taking 4 school buses and the roundabout outside will have 4 new bus routes ending at it. There will be a zebra crossing on each side of the roundabout outside the school. The Otterham Quay Lane will be at a standstill from 08:00 to 09:00 in the morning and the school leaving time in the afternoon to when the residents in Rainham have finished using the Sports Hall in School in the Evening. This might prove a problem when the Emergency Services are required to come to one or more of the new 78 houses.
The traffic at a standstill outside on that road and Moor Street during those times will cause pupils, staff, parents and people living in the surrounding area to have lung related problems like asthma. Medway Hospital will not be able to cope and there will be no doctors to treat them, since Moor Street is outside local NHS Doctor’s Surgeries as witnessed by my neighbours not being able to transfer from elsewhere in Medway. Of course that is not your problem, all you have to do is to build houses for the people living in them to be killed including the children, parents and staff. There are a fair number of people who die each year from the effects of vehicle pollution. But That of course is not your problem!
We of course who live in Medway Conservation Area are going to very pleased that the value of our homes is going to suddenly drop and therefore you benefit by buying those properties and suddenly getting permission to rebuild and occupy more of the land to Meresborough village with houses and no facilities, like schools, dentists, doctors, community halls, libraries, local shops, etc. This is because our Conservation Area will no longer be in the country but now in the town and once you get permission for building where you intend who is going to stop building south of Moor Street until the whole of the land under Medway Council’s authority is built on. Oh dear, what a shame! Do Not Worry it is only the local population and they do not matter.
You might want to read the other objections to the school that I have written, but I doubt it, since this email will already been thrown away, like my objections to the school which is being paid for by the Department of Education.
I realise that restricting the water used by new households to 110 litres per person per day instead of the average in the South-East of 129 litres per person per day gives you the illusion that you can add more houses with impunity, but very soon we are gong to suddenly find ourselves with no water. You can try hose-pipe bans etc, but that will not work for long before the whole your system crashes to the ground. But of course, it is not fault because if you get planing permission, then all the facilities must then be provided, even they cannot. Doctors are ageing and are only meant to handle about 1700 patients each, not the 19,000 being handled by 1 doctor in Maidstone. Overload people for too long and they either break down or get out of the profession, causing even more problems for those doctors left behind and their staff. Oh dear, what a shame!
I will study the death rates caused by your building work in the future.
The idiot replying to you,
Mr Garnons-Williams of 1 Eastmoor Farm Cottages, Moor Street, Rainham, Kent."
I spoke to our vicar of St Margaret's Church in Rainham and he provided the following map of current Housing Development for 26 March 2021. When you add up the number of houses to be built just for this part of Rainham, it is 2,575 plus the 1200 pupils in the School and number of houses in the 2 Swale Prospective development and Swale New homes built plus the 2000 homes that Maidstone Borough plan to build at Lidsing Garden Community, which sits alongside the boundary between Maidstone Borough and Medway Council. That is close to 5000 new homes and 1500 people in the School. So, if you assume that each home will have 2 adults and 2 children, then ((5000 x 2 adults x 2 children) + (1500 people in the school)) x 129 litres of water consumed on average per person per day in the South-East = 20000 + 1500 x 129 = 21500 x 129 = 2,773,500 litres. That means an extra 2,773,500 litres of water will be required PER DAY when the water for Medway comes from the aquifers in the chalk. Southern Water over abstracted water for 2 months from those aquifers in 2017. How do you expect Southern Water to provide this volume both to Medway residents and the parasites living alongside from Swale and Maidstone who will use the same source of water. Southern Water will build a new reservoir in Havant for the whole of the South-East, but up to some months ago, they were making little headway in curing their heavy loss of water in their supply system to provide the requirement instead of loosing the water each day. MEDWAY IS NOT THE ONLY LEMMING DETERMINED TO PROVIDE HOUSING FOR ITS POPULATION WITHOUT WATER, SINCE EVERY OTHER COUNCIL IN THE SOUTH-EAST IS BUILDING, BUILDING, BUILDING. ONCE APPROVAL HAS BEEN GIVEN, IT IS UP TO THE UTILITIES TO PROVIDE IRRESPECTIVE IF THEY CAN OR THEY CANNOT. THUS IT IS NOT THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PLANNING AUTHORITIERS TO VALIDATE THAT THE INFRASTRUCTURE REQUIRED IS THERE, LIKE NO EXTRA DOCTORS AND MEDWAY HOSPITAL WILL NOT BE ABLE TO COPE WITH THE ADDTIONAL PEOPLE SUFFERING FROM TRAFFIC POLLUTION.
If we now add the 1,400 home regeneration scheme in Medway to the 5000 homes above, then we have 6,400 homes. Add 44+175 (Two new town centre developments given the go ahead in Medway) = 6621 Add 1000 (Transforming Strood Waterfront) = 7621 Add 152 (Choose your own home at Nightgale Rise in Hoo) = 7773
7773 x 2 adults/per home x 2 children per home = 31092.
Medway has a population of 274,015 in 2014.
So 31092 / 274015 =0.113468 = 11.34% increase in population to drink the water. Southern Water have allowed for 15% increase in the water supply by 2035. When you add all the other houses/flats that have built since 2014 in Medway and adjacent to it, it is more than likely than the increase in the population is over 15% already, 14 years before 2035.
