Ivydene Gardens Home: About Chris Garnons-Williams

Copy of email sent to me by the Planning Department of Medway Council is at the bottom of the next table on the right

Chris Garnons-Williams was born in the late 1940s in Egypt of British parents. After an education that spanned Gordonstoun and Brunel University, I worked for a number of years for a major defence contractor. I am married, and live in Kent (England) with my wife.

Eventually, realising that work in horticulture would improve my quality of life, I attended Hadlow College of Agriculture and Horticulture for a 1 year course in horticulture (it should be noted that this course contained no garden design content) before setting up my own garden design, landscaping and maintenance business in 1991 as a sole trader.

Chris is a qualified horticultural gardener. I am a member of the Royal Horticultural Society and was a member of the Medway Fair Trader Scheme until January 2013, before retiring at the end of March 2013; due to heart failure problems.

I speak English, and when not engaged on other people's gardens or my own, I have enjoyed church candle making and DIY. As from November 2012, I have started taking photos of plants and use the photos on this website. It is a Canon Powershot S100 , where I use Autofocus and the Zoom feature. During the last few years I now use my next camera - Powershot SX50HS - and most of the photos in the Camera Photo Galleries come from this excellent camera.

I did design, construct and maintain private gardens using the organic methods and companion planting techniques detailed in this website and these will be shown in Chris Garnons-Williams Work Done 1 Gallery.


In carrying on creating this website, I call a spade a spade and so if I think something needs to be stated for the benefit to the public, then I will state it:-


  • like the problems with trees within pavements in Madeira to me are like Madeira is playing Russian Roulette with its native population and its visitors.
  • I state the pruning instructions stated by the RHS and the ones stated by another authority for RHS gardens open to the public, where I find that neither pruning system has been followed as well as no garden plan has either been created or maintained year by year.
  • Investigating a book on Fragrance of Plants I discover that what is stated in the book cannot be verified by the information from mail-order nurseries and so I say so.
  • stating the asthma health problems caused by traffic for new school pupils and their lack of any tap water (either in their new homes or at school) in a year's time when they attend their new school.


and I provide information to help you in your gardening, which I hope you find useful.



Chris Garnons-Williams.

Aramco have designed a method of using Carbon Dioxide in concrete to reduce climate change:-

"Solidia Technologies, a US-based cement and concrete production company. Their patented technology allows for the production of cement in a way that generates fewer emissions; CO2 is then used rather than water to cure the concrete. Solidia’s innovative technology has the potential to lower emissions in concrete production by up to 70% and water consumption by up to 80%. Companies like Solidia demonstrate how carbon dioxide can be re-used successfully from both an environmental and a commercial perspective." from Aramco.com.
"Concrete is the most used man-made material on earth. But before it can be used, it must first be cured. We've developed a new curing method, storing up to 200kg of Carbon Dioxide in every tonne of cement. Making it as strong as regular concrete in 3 days instead of 28, for faster, more efficient construction. If the whole precast concrete industry switched to our technology, we could recycle up to 246 million tonnes of Carbon Dioxide a year - equivalent to removing emissions from 53 million cars." from advert in The Times on Monday November 8 2021.



Table 9 and three quarters

Cakes for Church

Never Fail Cake. (Recipe by
A. Whybrow) amended by

Ingredients to boil for 25 minutes:-

  • 3 mugs fruit (mixed) - I tend to use the Villier and Bosch Large Mugs, dried mixed fruit, chopped dates, chopped apricots, chopped prunes; with bought mixed peel and glace cherries added after the 3 mugs of the mixed fruit of the previous ones in this list
  • 1 mug sugar - I tend to use Dark Molasses in one third and two thirds light molasses
  • 1.5 mugs water
  • 4 oz margarine or butter - I tend to use unsalted butter

Remaining instructions:-

  • Whisk 4 large eggs and a pinch of salt in a mixing bowl, then
  • When boiled mixture is cool mix
    • the contents of that mixing bowl into it before
    • mixing 1 teaspoon of Bicarbonate of Soda to 2 mugs of sifted Self-Raising (S.R.) flour in that empty mixing bowl - You can substitute 2 mugs of sifted Self-Raising flour for 1.5 mugs of sifted self-raising flour and 0.5 mugs of wholemeal flour plus 1 teaspoon of Baking Powder. Then fold that mixture over the cooled mixture in the boiled mixture pan, until the flour has been completely mixed in.
  • Spoon into a greased and lined cake tin (7-8 in. square or round)
    spoon it into 54 fairy cake cases preceeded by a glace cherry or candied orange peel/diced glace ginger on the top.
  • You can leave it to rise for 30 minutes before baking in the oven to increase its lightness once cooked,
  • You can use 2pcs-Baking Silicone Bread and Loaf Rectangle Bakeware Non-Stick Loaf Pan instead of re-lining cake tins each time. Then after cooking the cake and it has cooled down, you can remove it from the silcone loaf pan quite easily without it sticking to it. Bake at 160c or 325 - 350F or Mark 3.5-4 (fan 140c) for approx. 1.5 hours for 1 lb loaf tins or
    1 hour 50 minutes for an 8 inch lined circular cake tin. The cake should rise at least 50% in size.
    Bake the fairy cakes at fan 140c for 55 minutes - they will come out with a thin crisper darker top layer and a moist sponge-like texture remainder (since they are in fairy cake cases, the cake when eaten will only be touched by the person peeling the case away from the cake and then eating it).
    Bake the 12 mini loaf shapes in silicone tray for 50 minutes at fan 140c.
  • Remove from oven having tested for it being fully cooked with a skewer, empty out of tin onto a mesh tray and leave to cool.

Mincemeat Fruit Cake
(Recipe by
Soulby Women's Institute in

Cumbria-Westmorland Federation of Women's Institutes
Treats for Tea Time
published by Cumbria-Westmorland Federation of Women's Institutes in December 1989)

amended by
Chris Garnons-Williams

When sugar from soft brown sugar or mincemeat meets self-raising flour, or baking powder, then gas is produced. If too much time is lost in preparation of ingredients and mixing them, between that starting and the cake mixture being in the loaf tin, then some of that gas disappears and the cake will not become a light airy sponge.
So, these Ingredients are to be weighed and in bowls ready to use, before following the rest of the instructions:-

  • 5 ounces soft brown sugar
  • 5 ounces unsalted butter
  • 10 ounces Self-Raising Flour
  • 16 ounces mincemeat (Morrisons sell mincemeat all year in jars in Kent)
  • 3 ounces mixed dried fruit including the orange peel,
    mix with the above mincemeat
  • 4 eggs beaten with 1 teasp. baking powder


  • Grease two 1lb loaf tins
    insert a Nostik Reusable Non-Stick Liner for Cake Tins/Loaf Tins, Black into each.
  • Place butter and sugar in saucepan and apply a little heat to get the butter to melt and mixed into the sugar by using a metal spoon
  • Add the beaten eggs/baking powder and flour alternatively to the saucepan,
    and mix together.
  • Mix the dried fruit/mincemeat into the egg/baking powder/flour mixture.
  • Split the mixture into the 2 loaf tins.
  • Leave to rise for 30 minutes,
  • Bake at 160C Fan, 180C, 350F on bottom oven shelf for 60 minutes for a crisp outside
    55 minutes for a cooked firm cake.
  • Remove from oven having tested for it being fully cooked with a skewer
    (put skewer into the cake to its bottom and withdraw. No cake mixture should stick to the skewer when the cake is fully cooked).
    Empty out of loaf tins onto a cooling rack and leave to cool.
    If the Nostik Reusable Non-Stick Liner for Cake Tins/Loaf Tins was used, then
    after 1 or 2 minutes you can handle that liner with your fingers and
    lower its sides to the base, before tipping the cake on its side and lowering the base.
    Leave to cool and firm up for 2 minutes.
    Then using oven gloves hold cake firmly and lift before laying it the right way up on a Non-Stick Cooling Rack and leave to cool.

Carrot and Fruit Cake
(Recipe by Ravenstonedale and Newbiggin-on-Lune Women's Institute in

Cumbria-Westmorland Federation of Women's Institutes
Treats for Tea Time
published by Cumbria-Westmorland Federation of Women's Institutes in December 1989)

amended by
Chris Garnons-Williams


  • 4 ounces soft brown sugar
  • 6 tablsp. honey or Golden Syrup (I used Golden Syrup)
  • 4 ounces Raisins
  • 3/4 teasp. ground nutmeg
  • 2 ounces chopped dates
  • 4 ounces margarine or butter (I use unsalted butter)
  • 1/4 pint of water
  • 6 ounces finely grated carrot

Mix above in a saucepan. Bring to boil and simmer for 5 minuters. Wait until mixture has become cool, otherwise 1 beaten put in when the mixture is too hot will become a cooked egg before its time. Stir in the beaten egg.

  • 1 beaten egg
  • 3 teasp. baking powder
  • 4 ounces wholemeal flour
  • 4 ounces plain flour

Mix flours and baking powder before adding to saucepan. Mix thoroughly. Insert into two Reinforced Silicone 12-cup mini Loaf Cake Pans and bake for 35 minutes at 160 C fan.


  • Turn the mixture into a greased large loaf tin.
  • Bake 160C Fan, 180C, or 350F on bottom of oven for 70 minutes.
  • Remove from oven having tested for it being fully cooked with a skewer (put skewer into the cake to its bottom and withdraw. No cake mixture should stick to the skewer when the cake is fully cooked). Empty out of large loaf tin onto a metal mesh tray and leave to cool


I received an invitation to attend a Drinks Function in early December 2017 from the
Chair and Principal of Gordonstoun to thank me for my generous support and
this is the email I sent:-

Dear Organisers,

Thank you for the personal invite to thank me for my generous support by the Chair and Principal of Gordonstoun.

The following parts of my medical condition prevent me from attending:-

  • I have had atrial fibrillation diagnosed in March 2013. Part of the treatment was Electrical Cardioversion
    Was administered not just once but 3 times in one afternoon in hospital. The pill for reducing my heart rate by 30 beats per minute had to have another to reduce it by another 30 beats per minute after that electrical surgery.
  • The result is that my heart rate is forced lower by 60 beats per minute and that still leaves the heart beating irregularly; which means that my body does not get rid of water as well as before even though another pill as a Diuretic
    Helps by persuading me to go to the toilet 3 times a night, etc.
  • The further side effects are that water collects at my ankles and in my throat area. I use a toilet roll within the car to catch the ejaculation of phlegm from my mouth and sleep on a settee to elevate my legs and head above my stomach - to drain my legs and stop me drowning or choking to death.
  • When I attend my female dentist, I must close my eyes as soon as I get into the chair; otherwise her close proximity will send my blood-thinning tablet medication round the bend for 2 months. I do not open my eyes until she has retired to further than 3 feet from me.
  • I cannot attend the theatre or cinema due to the noise level and heat - my temperature range is 18-20 degrees Centigrade (a side effect from the motorbike accident in 1972). 24 degrees centigrade was the temperature to bring the theatre down by the air conditioning at the theatre in Canterbury, but the air conditioning was not switched on and so I had to leave as soon as I could at the intermission.
  • I listened to 4 African singers in the same theatre who simply sang and the noise level increased to a level of pain for me so I did not hear the end of the concert.
  • I also cannot attend formal dinners or occasions inside buildings due to the steadily rising heat.
  • My 8 medications some twice a day preclude alcohol, cranberries and sweet desserts (I also have type II Diabetes).
  • I cannot dance, due to the motorbike accident in 1972 and landing on my head at 60 miles an hour thus dislodging a third of my brain from my skull.
  • It also led to losing the power of speaking English - I taught myself, but I gradually become very tired after 10 minutes and my speech becomes slurred and slows right down, when I cannot remember the word that I wish to say next. If I get knocked the rest of the brain could also be detached which could have fatal consequences.
  • The above are some of the negative aspects, but being more positive, neither my pituitary gland tumour, my glaucoma or my diabetic diet of little fat, no sugar and only a small amount of protein cause any further social interacting problems, when I do so with my wife.

I suspect that you might have heard of The Bricklayer’s Story

As its better to finish reading this epistle with a smile,

Chris Garnons-Williams

Still creating



I think it was clear enough and so no reply has been received,
although by February 2019, the number of my medications had increased to 11.
Although I can no longer do physical work, I can still do mental work to aid others in their garden endeavours, which is why I continue creating this website since 2005.

I have been associated with the Society Of Garden Designers and
I currently use the following Clause 3.3 and 3.4 of their Code of Conduct and Practice in this website:-


Society Of Garden Designers

Code of Professional Conduct and Good Practice

Scope of the Code
The code, reprinted below was adopted by the Council of the Society of Garden Designers on 15th January 2003 under Clause 7 of the Society's Constitution.
This Code is binding on all members of the Society with effect from 15th January 2003.

3. As a member of the Society, you must act with integrity and avoid conflicts of interest

  • 3.1 Before commencing any work for a client or employer you must disclose in writing any business, financial or personal interest of yours, or that of any partner, co-director or associate, the existence of which, if not declared, would or might be likely to raise either a conflict of interest between you and the client or employer or doubts about your integrity.
  • 3.2 You must not (in a garden design practice) be a partner, co-director or take up employment with an unsuitable person. Examples of unsuitable persons are:
  • - A person whose name has been removed from the Directory of Registered Garden Designers by virtue of disciplinary measures
  • - A person disqualified from membership of a recognised professional body
  • 3.3 You must refuse any gift, favour or hospitality that might be interpreted, now or in the future, as an attempt to obtain preferential consideration.
  • 3.4 When you specify or recommend a product, contractor or any other service, you must ensure that your advice is based on your professional opinion as to the relative advantages and disadvantages of alternative products, contractors or services and is not based on commercial gain.


Cheer up


Mr Common Dog Violet, fcommonmapwintercress1a

stop watering with your Common Winter-cress watering can


and let off some of your Thale Cress rockets!

See Wild Flowers of British Isles




See Rosa 'Adelaide d'Orleans in the Rose

Why I like jokes to put in this website


A man and his dog were walking along a road. The man was enjoying the scenery, when it suddenly occurred to him that he was dead.  He remembered dying, and that the dog walking beside him had been dead for years.  He wondered where the road was leading them.

After a while, they came to a high, white stone wall along one side of the road.. It looked like fine marble. At the top of a long hill, it was broken by a tall arch that glowed in the sunlight.

When he was standing before it he saw a magnificent gate in the arch that looked like mother-of-pearl, and the street that led to the gate looked like pure gold. He and the dog walked toward the gate, and as he got closer, he saw a man at a desk to one side

When he was close enough, he called out, 'Excuse me, where are we?'

'This is Heaven, sir,' the man answered.

'Wow! Would you happen to have some water?' the man asked.

'Of course, sir. Come right in, and I'll have some ice water brought right up.'

The man gestured, and the gate began to open.

'Can my friend,' gesturing toward his dog, 'come in, too?' the traveller asked.

'I'm sorry, sir, but we don't accept pets.'

The man thought a moment and then turned back toward the road and continued the way he had been going with his dog.

After another long walk, and at the top of another long hill, he came to a dirt road leading through a farm gate that looked as if it had never been closed. There was no fence.

As he approached the gate, he saw a man inside, leaning against a tree and reading a book.

'Excuse me!' he called to the man. 'Do you have any water?'

'Yeah, sure, there's a pump over there, come on in.'

'How about my friend here?' the traveller gestured to the dog.

'There should be a bowl by the pump.'

They went through the gate, and sure enough, there was an old-fashioned hand pump with a bowl beside it.

The traveller filled the water bowl and took a long drink himself, then he gave some to the dog.

When they were full, he and the dog walked back toward the man who was standing by the tree.

'What do you call this place?' the traveller asked.

'This is Heaven,' he answered.

'Well, that's confusing,' the traveller said. 'The man down the road said that was Heaven, too.'

'Oh, you mean the place with the gold street and pearly gates? Nope. That's hell.'

'Doesn't it make you mad for them to use your name like that?'

'No, we're just happy that they screen out the folks who would leave their best friends behind.'




Sometimes, we wonder why friends keep forwarding jokes to us without writing a word.


Maybe this will explain.


When you are very busy, but still want to keep in touch, guess what you do? You forward jokes.


When you have nothing to say, but still want to keep contact, you forward jokes.


When you have something to say, but don't know what, and don't know how, you forward jokes.


Also to let you know that you are still remembered, you are still important, you are still loved, you are still cared for, guess what you get?


A forwarded joke.


So, next time if you get a joke, don't think that you've been sent just another forwarded joke, but that you've been thought of today and your friend on the other end of your computer wanted to send you a smile.


One Hungry Little Mouse


The extraordinary scene was captured by photography student  Casey Gutteridge at the Santago Rare Leopard  Project in Hertfordshire.

The  19-year-old, from Potters Bar, Hertfordshire,  who was photographing the leopard for a  course project, was astounded by the mouse's  behaviour.

He said: 'I have no idea  where the mouse came from - he just appeared  in the enclosure after the keeper had dropped in  the meat for the leopard.

'He didn't  take any notice of the leopard, just went  straight over to the meat and started  feeding himself.

'But the leopard was  pretty surprised - she bent down and sniffed  the mouse and flinched a bit like she was  scared.

'In the meantime the mouse just  carried on eating like nothing had  happened..


..but even a gentle shove does not deter the little creature from getting his fill...

'It was  amazing, even the keeper who had thrown the meat  into the enclosure was shocked - he said he'd never seen anything like it before.' 






Project owner Jackie James added: 'It  was so funny to see - Sheena batted the  mouse a couple of times to try to get it away  from her food.



'But the determined  little thing took no notice and just carried  on.'

Sheena was brought in to the Santago  Rare Leopard Project from a UK zoo when she  was just four months old. She is one of  14 big cats in the private collection started by  Jackie 's late husband Peter in 1989.  The African Leopard can be found in the  continent's forests, grasslands, savannas,  and rainforests.


Chris Garnons-Williams taking photos of roses at R.V. Roger Nursery field. Photo taken by I. Roger in July 2014.


Site design and content copyright ©April 2007. Page structure amended October 2012. Chris Garnons-Williams.

DISCLAIMER: Links to external sites are provided as a courtesy to visitors. Ivydene Horticultural Services are not responsible for the content and/or quality of external web sites linked from this site.  


Work in progress by Chris
Garnons-Williams, who is retired and who continues to create, maintain and pay the running costs of this small educational website
from March 2013:-

Using photos taken by myself, I am currently adding 235 roses (July 2013) from The Jubilee Rose Garden and Bowes-Lyon Rose Garden of the RHS garden at Wisley with their juvenile, middle-age and mature flowers to the Rose RHS Wisley A-F, G-R and S-Z galleries - the middle-aged flower is then used for flower comparison purposes. I am continuing to update the roses with Bloom Shape, Petal Count and Fragrance / Not Fragrant Comparison Pages and adding the remaining 125 roses from Wisley out of the 235 plus 215 roses from grower R.V. Roger in October 2014. This was completed in January 2015.

Mixed Borders Garden Design
Using photos taken by myself and Heather Kavanagh of the Mixed Borders at Wisley, these have been added to Mixed Borders sub-topic to the Garden Design Topic. Photos in each of the seasons show the change to 10 sections of the East Border and 9 sections of the West Border which are alongside a wide and long lawn. The plants are detailed in their respective Photo Galleries.
I will provide further unqualified advice in 2015 concerning the design of each section to show how given a basic permanent structure of plants; then with a small amount of work; different flowers, fruit, bulbs, climbers, vegetables could use the same section of remaining ground in the 4 different seasons without competing with each other as well as showing what Wisley is doing on that remaining ground.

Bee-pollinated Plants for Asthma sufferers
After July 2013, I have created the following:-
You can compare the flower colour of the bee-pollinated plants with all the other bee-pollinated plants (who have Plant Description Pages in this website) using the Bee-pollinated 12 colours of Bloom in each Month Gallery. There are also additional bee-pollinated plants (who may not have any Plant Description Page in this website) in the 12 colours per month pages of the Bee-pollinated Index Gallery.

  • Heathers
    The following work on heathers is in the photo gathering stage and from November 2014:-
    Using photos of heathers to be taken each season from the Heather Collection in the Royal Horticultural Society Garden at Wisley, England by myself and Heather Kavanagh - Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter - more plant description pages of heathers will be created. The Heather Index Gallery Pages are being created in December 2014 - before the new Heather Description Pages in 2015.
    A piece of advice from The Heather Society - "To get decent photographs of heathers you really need young, well-pruned plants, not over 5 years old".... The age of the heathers at Wisley range from when God was a boy to the age when released from a nursery. My State Pension is unable to afford the frequency of visits to the new public display of heathers in the Riverside Garden in Perth, Scotland required to photo each of their different heathers at least 4 times in a year to fulfill that advice from The Heather Society. I have asked the members of that Society for photos of heathers through their administrator some years ago with no response.
    Instead of only using flower colour, then you could use changing foliage colour in your planting designs.
  • Starting in December 2014, each Heather Comparison Gallery Page has 1 or more corresponding Heather Index Pages in the Heather Index Gallery; due to there being more than 800 heathers to be compared in the Heather Comparison Gallery from the number of heathers photographed by H. Kavanagh or myself in the RHS garden at Wisley and the complete index of all these 800+ heathers cannot be put into a table on each page.
  • Problem 8 of Photo Label Problems Gallery - Is it children of visitors who move plant labels in the Heather beds of 1000 heather varieties? In 3 years of taking 15,000 photos between my colleague Kavanagh and myself, we only managed to photograph 848 varieties.
    • calluna vulgaris carries white bad label. IMG 3767.JPG taken on 27 February 2015
    • Problem 8 - Is it children of visitors who move plant labels in the Heather beds of 1000 heather varieties?
      • calluna vulgaris carries white. MG 1535.jpg taken on 14 March 2013 by Heather Kavanagh
      • name is wrong calluna vulgaris carries white. IMG 4522.JPG taken on 12 April 2015
      • name is wrong calluna vulgaris carries white. IMG 4524.JPG taken on 12 April 2015
      • name is wrong calluna vulgaris carries white. IMG 4527.JPG taken on 12 April 2015
      • Do you know that the colour of the flowers in this photo may not be white, or is my failing tunnel-vision eyesight (glaucoma in both eyes - as from March 2020) informing me incorrectly?
  • See further Heather labelling problems in Plant Labelling within
    • Shrub Heather Site Map ,
    • Comments on the Heather Beds in the Royal Horticultural Garden at Wisley Page and
    • Label moved from elsewhere Page.


Other Website Details
You can choose clothes from a commercial clothes catalogue and then have them delivered mail-order from a commercial supplier in that catalogue.
You can choose plants/ services/ products from this educational website with the same kind of information as in a clothes catalogue, then link to and mail-order an external commercial supplier to buy them yourself.
There is no shop in this website, which is my hobby and whose expenses I pay for.
There is no commission paid to or received from any other person or company; through your use of this site or in me creating it.
I regret the lack of finance throughout the world in the Plant Mail-order Nursery Business to take and display photos of their plants showing the flower, foliage and overall natural shape to help the public to choose.
After requesting them for those photos for 6 years until 2013; I (at my own expense, with the photographic help of Heather Kavanagh till 2014) have decided to take those photos in public areas - whilst I am still currently on medication for heart failure since March 2013 - before displaying them on this website to help those impoverished firms improve their sales directly with their public.



Work in progress from September 2012 to February 2013:-
This site was originally built for screens of 800 pixels wide.
Now most people have screens that will accomodate at least 1200, so I am moving the main menu and the page menus to the sides as shown here and fixing them. Then, the existing data of 460 pixels wide goes in between these menus and as you scroll down the page the data will change, but the menus usually remain where they are.
Included in this change for every page are the Page Description Pages to include these Topic and Page Menus.
The INDEX pages have been replaced by an added INDEX link to Plant Description Page table to the right of the Pages Menu in every page of that photo gallery topic.

The Colour Wheel for Flowers has direct links to the relevant Page Description Pages so that IPHONE users can use it. Clicking part of the text in the Text Description below the thumbnail in the All Flowers per Month will have a direct link to the Page Description Page. This will be in addition to the Link to New Window from clicking the Thumbnail to add that Page Description Page for users who allow more than 1 Window.

Completing the change from 825 to 1225 for the width of the Plant Description Page in the Link to New Window Action from every Thumbnail to the respective Page in February 2013.
Also, changed 7 flower colours per month Colour Wheel to make it easier to click required colour in required month for
Bulb, Deciduous Shrub , Deciduous Tree , Evergreen Perennial , Evergreen Shrub , Evergreen Tree , Herbaceous Perennial in January 2013.
Instead of using the Link to New Window above, I am now (October 2014) using a Map Link to change the page to the Page Description Page rather than adding that Page, starting with the roses in the Rose Galleries, before I moved onto the Heathers in December 2014.


I replied to this email:-

Hello Ms Thompson,

You may have noticed from looking at page 8792 of my small educational website that as a Sole Trader, I am retired. Your client might find it worthwhile to visit www.ivydenegardens.co.uk which teaches you how to design, construct and maintain your garden as well as comparing plants.

I am continuing my creation of this website at my own cost, which only had 199,988 pages visited in February 2022 from a 9763 page site.


To benefit her plants, I would recommend that the gardener starts at one corner and only weeds the garden making sure that the roots of each weed are also removed. The weeds should be given to the council in the brown bin. Each cleared weed area by the end of that day should have a 3 inch depth of spent mushroom compost as a mulch. Each week the mulched area shouldbe inspected and if a weed appears it should be hoed and left to dry on the top of the mulch. Then, the weeding can be continued until all the garden beds have been weeded and mulched. Then each time the gardener comes, the first job is checking the beds for weeds. Then, the pruning should be carried out on each plant once it has flowered.

This does mean that not all the shrubs/trees/climbers or hedges may be initially pruned at the correct time of the year in the initial phase. In the autumn, when the leaves of the trees/shrubs/hedges fall on the lawn, then the mower can be set to its highest setting and the lawn mowed each week until all fallen leaves have been collected. These should then be added on top of the mulch to provide nourishment in the following year. If there are trees in the public space outside your home, these fallen leaves can also be collected using a rotary mower. Any prunings can be placed on the lawn and then be chopped up by the mower when cutting the lawn and the mowings put on top of the mulch. A third to a half of the mulch will disappear each year, so replenish in the autumn.

See Manure/Mulch - Shredded Manure and Compost on


page for where to get good sized bags of mushroom compost.

Kind Regards,


Chris Garnons-Williams.



On 1 Mar 2022, at 11:38, Lucy Thompson wrote:



I work for a company called Bark, connecting customers in need with businesses that can help. A new client in West Malling, ME19 came to Bark to find a Gardener.


John, West Malling, ME19


• What kind of property is this for?

• Residential garden

• How often do you need gardening services?

• Every other week

• How big is your garden?

• Medium

• Do you need plants purchasing?

• No - I will buy the plants

• Who will remove the garden waste?

• I can take care of the garden waste

• Which of the following do you require?

• Hedge cutting/trimming, Pruning, Trimming and edging, Weeding and weed prevention

• When do you want the work to begin?

• As soon as possible

• How likely are you to make a hiring decision?

• I'm ready to hire now

• Additional details:

• I need regular help weekly or fortnightly with hedging, pruning, edging etc in attractive, mature medium size garden


I found your business online, and think you’d be a good fit for what John is after – can you help? You can reply to them for free if you're interested:


Contact John »


If John isn’t a good match or if you have any questions, please let me know – my contact details are below.


Kind regards,


Lucy Thompson

Marketplace Success Executive

lucy.thompson@bark.com / 020 3697 0237




Bark has a 4.5 rating with over 60,000 reviews on Trustpilot


Bark.com Global Limited | 85 Great Portland Street, London, England, W1W 7LT, United Kingdom (registered in England & Wales, registration number 10614196)

Learn how Bark could help grow your business | Privacy Policy


My current ambition at my retired age of 73 in 2022 (having started this website in 2005) is to complete the following:-

Wildflower Flower Shape and Landscape Uses Gallery has an empty framework that I created on 20 February 2022. When all the remainder of the UK wildflowers have been checked:-

  • to see if they are also native in the USA and/or Canada - if the UK native plant botanical name matches one in the Flora of America and Canada, then the info from Flora of America and Canada is added to the Botanical Names and Common Names Galleries, but the UK Wildflower Family Pages will not be amended by this or other data from the Botanical Names and Common Names Galleries (completed in April 2022) - and
  • to see if they are also native in China - if the UK native plant botanical name matches one like Achillea millefolium 蓍 shi, then the info from Flora of China is added to the Botanical Names and Common Names Galleries - (completed only from AC to CE in June 2022) and
  • insert snippets from Flower Arrangements from Wild Flowers into the Botanical Names and Common Names Galleries - (completed in June 2022) and
  • have been copied from the Wildflower Family pages to the Botanical Names and Common Names Galleries (completed in April 2022) - and.
  • Then, I will insert the information from the books associated with the Evergreen Perennial Shape gallery - Flower Shape - to that gallery and to the Wildflower Flower Shape and Landscape Uses Gallery for the evergreen perennials:-
    • Landscaping with Perennials by Emily Brown. 5th printing 1989 by Timber Press. ISBN 0-88192-063-0 for planting sites for perennials, which include most plant types except Annuals and Biennials (starting in June 2022, completed entering 17 cultivated species and 3 wildflower species by 26 June 2022).
    • Perennials & Ephemerals chapter of Plants for Dry Gardens by Jane Taylor. Published by Frances Lincoln Limited in 1993. ISBN 0-7112-0772-0 for plants that are drought tolerant.
    • Alpines without a Garden by Lawrence D. Hills. Published by Faber and Faber Limited in 1953 for cultivation of alpines in pans, troughs and window-boxes, particularly in towns, for gardeners who have only windowsills or verandas, or flat roof spaces.
    • Colour All The Year in My Garden by C.H. Middleton. Published by Ward, Lock & Co. for culture.
    • Perennials The Gardener's Reference by Susan Carter, Carrie Becker and Bob Lilly. Published by Timber Press in 2007 for plants for Special Gardens. It also gives details of species and cultivars for each genus.

Then, the wildflower entries in the Wildflower Flower Shape and Landscape Uses Gallery will be filled in after each Wildflower has its cultivation details added to the Botanical Names and Common Names Galleries.

Starting the above from 20 February 2022, I think it might take me a few years, but it does mean that as I progress then you will be able to associate more wildflowers with more of all the plant types of the cultivated plants who have similar growing requirements.


I am also updating these galleries from July 2022 and going back to Wildflower Flower Shape and Landscape Uses Gallery when this is completed.
Bee instead of wind pollinated plants for hay-fever sufferers
All Bee-Pollinated Flowers
per Month


Then, more of the natural world with its wildlife could also inhabit your garden.

is TABLE 3

HOME PAGES - Use this website in Landscape mode on an iPAD instead of an iPHONE, when away from home.
Welcome - Ivydene Gardens informs you how to design, construct and maintain your private garden using organic methods and companion planting.
About Chris Garnons-Williams - About Chris Garnons-Williams, with my
Mission Purpose - Mission Statement,
Contact Chris Garnons-Williams - Contact Information (Never Fail Cake Recipe),
Website Design History - Website Design History and
Copyright Permissions - Copyright Permissions.
Site Map - Ivydene Gardens Site Map - usually each of the educational not commercial 212 topics (none of these 212 linked websites sell or buy anything, nor do they take or give commission, and the only adverts are of products/services that I believe would benefit my visitors and are inserted by me) has its own Site Map, which is normally the first page of that Topic linked to from other topics.
Every page should have 3 separate tables - the Topics Table, the Data Table and the Pages/Index Table.
Each page has its own resources and is not data-base driven, so can be downloaded - downloading the whole website of 20.44 GB (3 Dec 2021) annually, with pages being between 1200 and over 6000 pixels wide and between 16k and over 33k long would provide you with an updating resource when either visiting a garden or planning your own. Usually 3 or 4 clicks gets you to any page in these 9763 pages in these folders from any other page.
Usually the top gallery of a plant type has all the flower images of that and the subsidiary galleries in 1 of 6 colours per month pages, with that flower thumbnail being in each month page that it flowers.
Clicking on the middle of that thumbnail will transfer you to that flower's page or row in data table within that page description; and
its link - the link may not work the day after it was created - to a mail-order nursery selling you that plant directly should be in the Comments row of that Plant Description Page.
The majority of the original images in this website are inserted, published in Freeway which produces a 72 pixel per inch Freeway image. This is exported to a File, and the image published by Freeway replaced by the re-imported Freeway image file as a pass-through image; before that is published again and the resulting folder website uploaded for visitors. The lower resolution speeds up the display of the 28,398 JPEG images - some of these images are re-used in different comparison pages of different galleries and therefore added to the resources of each of those galleries (6,508 images have garnons williams or garnons-williams as the ending of the filename and those can go in the public domain as of 5 June 2019, but all the remainder are
copyrighted by others and may not be re-used elsewhere without the permission of the copyright holder).
Camera photos of Coleus RHS Bedding Trial starts the process of displaying the complete 4000 x 3000 pixel original photos from Chris Garnons-Williams. Since each photo can be 3.5-6.0 Mb and there may be 11 of these on a page; each page may take a long time to download .

Page Menu may also have
an Index (
Flower Colour, Flowering Months, Height and Width) of all plants of that type in that Topic - Plant Photo Gallery.

Besides informing you how to


Monitoring of Trees in pavements in Funchal, Madeira from September 2019 to February 2020 1, 2
after the pages below were produced in 2018 and 2019

Problems with trees in pavements in Funchal, Madeira in January/February 2018

Death of tree roots and
Death of tree trunks/branches caused by people.
Solution to problems for trees caused by people using irrigation -
Growth of Pollarded Tree in Hotel Garden in 1 year provides a water solution to this destruction.
Damage to Tree Trunks 1, 2, 3, 4 caused by people,
Damage to Tree Roots caused by people,
Area of Open Ground round trees,
New Trees in pavements 1, 2,
Irrigation of current trees,
Watersprouts on trees,
Crossing Branches in trees,
Utility Equipment with tree Foliage,
Lights on trees,
Bycycle Lane in Pavement,
Public Gardens alongside pavements,
Hotel/Private Gardens alongside pavements,
Current Permeable Pavement Surface round trees and
Irrigation and Fertilising of trees.
Camera Photo Galleries:-
Pavements of Funchal, Madeira
Damage to Trees
, 2, 3, 4.
Will visitors to Madeira worry about having branches or trees in public places fall on them? No; according to Engineer Francisco Pedro Freitas Andrade of Est. Marmeleiros, No 1, Jardins & Espaces Verdes who is Chef de Diviso Câmara Municipal do Funchal; Departamento de Ciência e de Recursos Naturais; Divisão de Jardins e Espaços Verdes Urbanos in charge of the trees within the pavements within the area controlled by Funchal Municipality - See Monitoring of Trees in pavements in Funchal, Madeira from September 2019 to February 2010 1, 2 pages by his department.

Demise of trees in pavements in St. Peter Port, Guernsey caused by people, to their Roots


Britain runs out of food during summer of 2024. If a worker is on State Benefits and is only allowed to work up 15 hours 59 minutes a week at minimum wage, then with these extra new border control food charges it will cost that person 12% of their gross wage each week and 12% extra if they are supporting their child; from 30 April 2024.


8 problems caused by building house on clay or
with house-wall attached to clay.
work on polluted soil.
is about warnings of the government in the UK turning its population into slaves.


TABLE SOS where the action of humans breathing produces carbon dioxide and the trees/plants/algae cannot process that; because we either cover the roots in concrete/tarmac or kill the algae in the sea from the phosphorus in the human produced sewage. So we are slowly asphixiating ourselves in the UK.
The level of oxygen refers to the amount of oxygen present in the atmosphere or water. Oxygen is produced by photosynthesizing organisms that live in the ocean, in fresh water, and on land. These organisms include bacteria, algae and plants. Photosynthesizing algae in the ocean produce around 70% of oxygen in the atmosphere. The UK pollution going into the sea is killing the algae which provide 70% of oxygen for UK, France, Holland, Portugal, Norway, Sweden and Denmark.
Row 7 in last table on the right in Black Background - Welcome to the UK (Urinating Knave) with details of UK government backed pollution of millions of tons per year into its rivers; which the sea transported across the Channel to Europe killing marine life and humans.
Pollution is biggest threat to Wildlife on our UK waterways.
Photo of permanent air pollution over London.




These remaining items are of no interest to people outside the UK,
but will affect you,
if have property in the UK or
intend to reside in the UK for longer than 1 week.

Medway Proposed New School Comments in September 2019

Neighbour cutting branches off our trees without Conservation Area permission and attempting to sink our house with 1000's of litres of their sewage by blocking the drain to our cesspit. For the following week, they continued to download their sewage after we had written to them stating that the cesspit was full and that the drain was blocked.

Gas explosion from incorrectly installed home boiler, with other customers refusing to correct the situation.
Other items in the Home Section which have nothing to do with gardening, but reading them might deter you from visiting Great Britain; or employing its workforce; or trusting its local or main government.

Problems with electrical re-wire in my home, with the knowledge after the event that the client can do nothing about it, since NAPIT requires you to re-use the same contractor to fix the problems.
Would you; after reading these pages? Manderson emails to us about re-wire.
We wrote the
concerns about the electrical work on 21.03.21;
Questions concerning electrics on 21.03.21 and
re-wire narrative on 19.04.2021
which had no effect on the credit card company or NAPIT. So we commisioned the following report to see if that will make any difference.
Pages 10, 11, 12, 13 contain information concerning the condition of the electrical installation of the complete rewiring of my home by Mr Manderson of Manderson Electrical Services Ltd, with the report by a qualified electrician and this statement about the work carried out:-
"The result of my observations and testing, I am recommending that all the fixed wiring be recovered and a complete new fixed wiring installation is installed. Unfortunately the work previously carried out is of such a poor standard I cannot re-use any of it."
Mr Manderson is a Part P Registered Electrician with Napit; Registered Competent Person Electrical; Approved Electrician from Napit; City & Guilds Qualified; Part P Electrical Safety; and Honest & Transparent. His firm was employed to replace all the wiring, power sockets, light switches and lights and make sure that rodents could not attack them to chew through the cables or cause an
electrical problem.
Pages 10 lists 18 electrical faults on the new wiring, re-use of the old wiring, and old wiring that was still either in use or had been cut at the old power socket, at the old light fitting, or old light switch (the plasterers filled an old power socket metal box and short-circuited the fuse - it will be fine in 30 minutes sir; 4 hours later it was still shorting, so presumably that would explain why they switched off one of the fuses in the old fuseboard - see photo on page 15 of the report. As clients; we do appreciate having the opportunity of electrocuting ourselves from their re-wire work) where

  • fault 2 is a Code C1 'Danger Present' and immediate action is required from March 2021, (the electricians testing 2 of the double power sockets installed in the kitchen in 1987 found that they were polarity reversed. This risks a short circuit, shock or fire. They corrected the problem immediately)
  • Faults 4, 12, 14 and 18 are Code C2 and Urgent remedial action required,
  • Faults 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16, 17 are Code C3 where improvement is recommended

Because we had paid part of the cost to Manderson Electrical Services Ltd using a credit card, then after we had contacted them and sent the report, the credit card company re-imbursed us. We then used that money towards a total removal of all wiring and total rewiring by the electrician who had produced the report.

The above was a pointless waste of time - we have now had the house completely rewired again without any recompense from the original contractor's lies, thiefery and extremely dangerous work with the government body Napit being no help at all. The unfortunate consequence of either buying a house or having anything done to it is that you the owner can and will be totally screwed by the majority of the British Workforce.

I have looked at a job of the third replacement of turf in a back garden of a new house. The back garden was clay and sloped down to the house - that house will have subsidence problems within 10 years. The only way that it might save itself is to rip up the lawn and plant shrubs that will absorb every drop of rain that falls on that garden -
you are not allowed to either drain into the storm drain of the house which is what takes the rain from the roof of the house/garage or
drain the rainwater from your garden to outside your property onto either public land or into somebody else's property.
I refused the job and told the owner to get onto the builders to rectify their error.
Since builders are repeating the same error on a massive scale in Ashford, the poor owners of new £500,000 houses are going to be upset.


More Details


Cultural Needs of Plants
from Chapter 4 in Fern Grower's Manual by Barbara Joe Hoshizaki & Robbin C. Moran. Revised and Expanded Edition. Published in 2001 by Timber Press, Inc. Reprinted 2002, 2006. ISBN-13:978-0-

"Understanding Fern Needs
Ferns have the same basic growing requirements as other plants and will thrive when these are met. There is nothing mysterious about the requirements - they are not something known only to people with green thumbs - but the best gardeners are those who understand plant requirements and are careful about satisfying them.
What, then, does a fern need?

  • All plants need water. Water in the soil prevents roots from drying, and all mineral nutrients taken up by the roots must be dissolved in the soil water. Besides water in the soil, most plants need water in the air. Adequate humidity keeps the plant from drying out. Leaves need water for photosynthesis and to keep from wilting.
  • All green plants need light to manufacture food (sugars) by photosynthesis. Some plants need more light than others, and some can flourish in sun or shade. Most ferns, however, prefer some amount of shade.
  • For photosynthesis, plants require carbon dioxide, a gas that is exhaled by animals as waste. Carbon dioxide diffuses into plants through tiny pores, called stomata, that abound on the lower surface of the leaves. In the leaf, carbon dioxide is combined with the hydrogen from water to form carbohydrates, the plant's food. This process takes place only in the presence of light and chlorophyll, a green pigment found in plant cells. To enhance growth, some commercial growers increase the carbon dioxide level in their greenhouses to 600ppm (parts per million), or twice the amount typically found in the air.
  • Plants need oxygen. The green plants of a plant do not require much oxygen from the air because plants produce more oxygen by photosynthesis than they use. The excess oxygen liberated from the plants is used by all animals, including humans. What do plants do with oxygen? They use it just as we do, to release the energy stored in food. We use energy to move about, to talk, to grow, to think - in fact, for all our life processes. Although plants don't talk or move much, they do grow and metabolize and must carry on all their life processes using oxygen to release the stored energy in their food.
  • Roots need air all the time. They get it from the air spaces between the soil particles. Overwatering displaces the air between soil particles with water, thereby removing the oxygen needed by the roots. This reduces the root's ability to absorb mineral nutrients and can foster root-rot.
  • Plants need minerals to grow properly. The minerals are mined from the soil by the plant's root system. If a certain mineral is missing, such as calcium needed for developing cell walls, then the plant will be stunted, discoloured, or deformed.
  • Some plants tolerate a wide range of temperatures, whereas others are fussy. If the temperature is too high or low, the machinery of the plant will not operate satisfactorily or will cease entirely.

    The basic needs of plants are not hard to supply, but growing success depends on attending to these needs with care and exactitude. The remainder of this chapter is devoted to a discussion of these requirements, with the exception of mineral needs, which are discussed in Chapter 5."


It is worth remembering that especially with roses that the colour of the petals of the flower may change - The following photos are of Rosa 'Lincolnshire Poacher' which I took on the same day in R.V. Roger's Nursery Field:-




Closed Bud




Opening Bud



Juvenile Flower


Older Juvenile Flower


Middle-aged Flower - Flower Colour in Season in its
Rose Description Page is
"Buff Yellow, with a very slight pink tint at the edges in May-October."



Mature Flower




Juvenile Flower and Dying Flower




Form of Rose Bush


There are 720 roses in the Rose Galleries; many of which have the above series of pictures in their respective Rose Description Page.

So one might avoid the disappointment that the 2 elephants had when their trunks were entwined instead of them each carrying their trunk using their own trunk, and your disappointment of buying a rose to discover that the colour you bought it for is only the case when it has its juvenile flowers; if you look at all the photos of the roses in the respective Rose Description Page!!!!




There are 180 families in the Wildflowers of the UK and they have been split up into 22 Galleries to allow space for up to 100 plants per gallery.

Each plant named in each of the Wildflower Family Pages may have a link to:-

its Plant Description Page in its Common Name in one of those Wildflower Plant Galleries

and it does have links:-

to external sites to purchase the plant or seed in its Botanical Name,

to see photos in its Flowering Months and

to read habitat details in its Habitat Column.




Links to external websites like the link to "the Man walking in front of car to warn pedestrians of a horseless vehicle approaching" would be correct when I inserted it after March 2007, but it is possible that those horseless vehicles may now exceed the walking pace of that man and thus that link will currently be br
ok en .... .....

My advice is Google the name on the link and see if you can find the new link. If you sent me an email after clicking Ivydene Horticultural Services text under the Worm Logo on any page, then; as the first after March 2010 you would be the third emailer since 2007, I could then change that link in that 1 of the 15,743 pages. Currently (August 2016).

Other websites provide you with cookies - I am sorry but I am too poor to afford them. If I save the pennies from my pension for the next visitor, I am almost certain in March 2023, that I could afford to make that 4th visitor to this website a Never Fail Cake. I would then be able to save for more years for the postage.


Considering that the warnings below will not be actioned on by the required personnel, you might as well ignore them,

This section in this table in this wet background colour is mostly
about warnings caused by the government in the UK to turn its population into slaves; including
warning 18 - by keeping on lowering the take home pay of nurses over the last 13 years until they cannot afford to eat or heat their homes, unless they go on a benefits system, so turning them into economic slaves of the state.
warning 19 - destruction of manufacturing in industry throughout the UK by high cost of electricity, leading to fewer and fewer jobs as the future rolls out,
warning 1 - children swimming in sewage and drinking recycled sewage water in London from the Thames,
where government in the UK is deliberately harming the UK chidren since 2009, and
warning 7 for drowning them before they become adults, then
warning 2 - babies given arsenic and
warning 3 - children poisoned by vehicle fumes and
warning 8 - families in South-East of England homeless due to lack of water by 2030.
warning 14 for using slavery against adults getting benefits and finally
warning 13 for destruction of the built up private pension pot in October 2022 before that person retires and would have used it to get a private pension, so forcing them to continue to work to pay bills until they kick the bucket, thus reducing the pay out by the government on State Pension since the person is not retired - for
1) UK population,
2) its visitors and
3) anyone who currently trades with the UK Government or UK Businesses after January 2023, of

  • Children swimming in sewage in UK waterways and the beaches, with European children swimming on their own country's beaches in that UK exported sewage, without knowing, since 2009.
    The following is from Surfers Against Sewage "Evidence of potentially illegal sewage dumps revealed in our 2022 Water Quality Report
    24 November 2022
    Today, we’ve released our 2022 Water Quality Report which uncovers potential illegal sewage discharges, stomach-churning stats from more than 700 sickness cases, and the sorry state of the UK’s ‘excellent’ bathing waters. Water companies keep dirty secrets behind opaque data. CEOs stuff their pockets with cash, and the government twists the knife in the wound.
    We’re in a second wave of sewage pollution and it has to end NOW, for the sake of not just the ocean, but people too. Read the full report.
    We found water companies have committed 146 ‘dry spills’ in the last year. 
    For the first time, we’ve used rainfall data to investigate potentially illegal ‘dry spills’. Sewage outflows are only permitted in ‘unusually heavy rainfall’, but our analysis shows water companies have been dumping untreated sewage into our waterways even when there hasn’t been any rain."

      In 2020, there were over 400,000 discharges of untreated sewage into English waters, and the UK ranks last in EU countries for bathing water quality.
      The following comes from this background colour in the Mission Statement Page; below the Sewer Flow Diagram:-
      ' "What we know now is that even the most modern efficient wastewater treatment plants aren't completely capable of degrading these compounds before they end up in rivers or lakes. The most polluted sites were largely in low- to middle-income countries, and in areas where there was sewage dumping, poor wastewater management and pharmaceutical manufacturing." from Pharmaceuticals in rivers threaten world health - study by the BBC.
      Raw sewage is regularly dumped into the Thames each week (see In 2020, over 400,000 discharges of untreated sewage into English rivers/ sea.). Water is taken from 11 pumping stations on the River Thames and River Lee.' -
      Enjoy the toilet facilities, eating from water cleaned crockery and drinking recycled sewage water at London's Airports and in London.
    • "Six cyclists pedal 160ft underground - in the 'super sewer' Tideway London. After being craned down, they rode from Battersea to Blackfriars to raise money for charity.
      Opening in 2025, the 2.8-mile sewer will pump away 38million tons of waste a year currently flowing into the Thames
      " from Metro of Monday, February 13, 2023. I wonder how more millions of tons of waste gets put into the remainder of the 215 miles long (The tidal part, which is affected by the North Sea's tides, runs for 68 miles from the mouth of the river to Teddington Lock in west London. The last 200 miles of the Thames flows between solid walls. In 2013, over 55million tonnes of dilute raw sewage overflowed into the tidal Thames.) Thames to be drunk by Londoners and dumped onto the coasts of Europe.
    • Southern Water operates in Kent, East Sussex, West Sussex, Hampshire and Isle of Wight had operating profit on 31 March:
      2010 £303.9 million
      2011 £191.5 million
      2012 £239.6 million
      2013 £297.0 million
      2014 £325.0 million
      2015 £325.9 million
      2016 £284.5 million
      2017 £258.9 million
      2018 £263.3 million
      2019 £256.4 million
      2020 £212.3 million
      2021 £138.8 million from
      £784.2 million revenue less operating cost of £360.0 million,
      charge for debts £34.8 million and depreciation, net of
      amortisation £287.9 million
      2022 £16.1 million from
      £835.5 million revenue less operating costs of £384.7 million,
      charge for court fine and costs £91.5 million, debts
      £29.9 million and depreciation, net of amortisation
      £324.1 million.
      Still they are dumping sewage into the rivers and sea round the counties of kent, sussex, hampshire and isle of wight and the government does not do anything to stop it.

      Why not wear plastic gloves to stop contamination and dunk a glass bottle into a river or at the seaside, let it sit in the sun for an hour, then look at its sediment to see the solid waste, open it and smell its sewage aroma? Finally bag the bottle and the gloves and put into a public waste bin - if you take it home, then you may have to apply for a sewage export licence instead of us english exporting that sewage and yours for the water companies profit. You might find it safer for you to bring with you bottled water - that does not come from the UK - in your main hold luggage, for you to drink and wash in during your stay.
  • Babies being given arsenic in their food without their mothers knowing in the USA. The Genetic Technology (Precision Breeding) Bill - which could be given royal assent in January 2023 (unless we change our shopping habits) states that GMO food can be be sold to you without you knowing it. Then, it is likely that the UK will sign a trade deal with the USA. The UK would be flooded by USA produced baby food from HappyBABY, Beech-Nut, Earth's Best Organic, Gerber, Plum Organics from Campbell Soup Company, Parent's Choice from Walmart and Sprout Organic Foods. "A recent test of baby foods in the USA found that 95% contained toxic metals, with 73% containing traces of arsenic" detailed in Mission Statement Page. 'Recent studies have shown that even low concentrations of arsenic impair neurological function, particularly in children. This review will focus on the current epidemiological evidence of arsenic neurotoxicity in children and adults, with emphasis on cognitive dysfunction, including learning and memory deficits and mood disorders.' from The Effects of Arsenic Exposure on Neurological and Cognitive Dysfunction in Human and Rodent Studies. 'Cognitive dysfunction refers to deficits in attention, verbal and nonverbal learning, short-term and working memory, visual and auditory processing, problem solving, processing speed, and motor functioning.'
    My Comment - Babies given arsenic would probably not pay attention in class when they were older and end up not learning much.
    If warning Number 4 causes the EU not to trade with us - once the UK is no longer following all 3800 REULs, then it is likely that a trade deal with the USA might be signed. If Parliament have got this far in the process of getting the Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill through in less than 3 months, then it could be law within another 3 months.
  • School children poisoned by nitrous dioxide from cars detailed in Medway Proposed New School and Mission Statement Pages.
  • Any or all of 3,800 retained EU laws from 50 years of being a member of the EU could be scrapped by December 2023 and this would stop trade with the EU and possibly other countries outside of the EU by January 2024.

    'Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill' is originated in the House of Commons, Session 2022-23 on 22 September 2022. It is doing the Report Stage before the third reading in the House of Commons on Friday 16 December 2022 of the long title of this bill - 'A Bill to revoke certain retained EU law; to make provision relating to the interpretation of retained EU law and to its relationship with other law; to make provision relating to powers to modify retained EU law; to enable the restatement, replacement or updating of certain retained EU law; to enable the updating of restatements and replacement provision; to abolish the business impact target; and for connected purposes.' After the third reading in the House of Commons, it goes to the House of Lords and then Final Stages before getting Royal Assent.
    'The Bill's aim is to review and decide whether to retain, reform or remove 1000s of regulations built up by dint of our decades-long membership of the EU. However, in the Bill's current form of 8 December 2022 (from i newspaper of that date), there is a "sunset" clause on the regulations formed while we were in the EU, meaning that unless 1000s of laws are proactively "saved" by ministers, they'll be removed by the end of next year', which is December 2023. 'This is bad news for consumers in terms of potential losses of crucial protections - as well as for businesses in terms of lack of legal certainty with potential for so many legal requirements to change or disappear in such a short space of time.'
    In 2018, the UK Parliament passed the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 which in effect ‘copied’ almost all EU law and ‘pasted’ it into UK law as "retained EU law" (REUL). The Bill seeks to repeal or replace an estimated 3,800 articles of REUL. 
    My Comment -
    • Some of those regulations may tell you not to feed babies with arsenic, but the Americans do and our existing protection would then disappear if those EU regulations of the last 50 years had superseeded our own previous regulations telling us not to feed babies with arsenic, which might well occur when you read warning 2.
    • Secondly, if any of those regulations are removed, then how does the UK trade with the the EU countries from January 2024? This means that fruit and vegetables grown in Spain would no longer be traded with the UK and we would suffer a food shortage. Then, there would be no replacement parts - for cars, washing machines or boilers manufactured in the EU - made available within the UK.
    • In 3 months, has the House of Commons reviewed all 3,800 articles of REUL? In order to retain, to scrap or to change the regulations will require 1,000s of officials to review legislation full time, with each regulation subject to 25 detailed questions and multiple sub-questions. It is suggested that the Bill will go to the House of Lords in February 2023, who will address the concerns that have been raised to worker's rights and environmental protections - The Times January 3 2023.
  • UK adults who cannot afford to buy food - Tax receipts have recovered strongly from the worst of the pandemic, rising by £120,000,000,000 (15.1 per cent) in 2021-22, and are forecast to rise by a further £90,900,000,000 (9.9 per cent) this year; with an extra £24,000,000,000 raised in 2022 Autumn Statement - the UK overspent by over twice the total tax received by the UK government in 2006-2007 during 2021-2023 tax years (from Tax Expenditures in OECD Countries by Joe Minarik 4127867.ppt),
    What is the government overspending the above increases in Tax receipts by over £180,000,000,000 in each of the last 2 years on - having effectively reduced the take home pay of nurses, post office workers, rail workers, etc to the point where they need to get their food donated from food banks? Is it to
    • get the nurses to leave and then the Conservative party MPs create their own private health service,
    • stop people travelling by train because of proposed lack of guards and any staff members at train stations for ticket offices so people including children going to school do not feel safe travelling,
    • stop tourists coming here because of the raw sewage polluting every river and beach; since it is coming from the new houses, hotels and other buildings; and thus kill off the hospitality industry,
    • sell foreigners from abroad buildings for investment purposes that will flood from being in a flood plain or subside from being on a slope of clay, because the rain will soak the clay and make it rise and the sun will dry it out and make it shrink.
    • bankrupt the UK, so that the next government will spend an annual increase from next year's 20% of its tax receipts on paying the National Debt interest. They will have to pay off the £2,000,000,000,000 increase in the National Debt incurred by the existing Conservative Government since they currently came into power.
  • The government continues to instruct councils to get new houses built, so that between 2016 and 2021 water companies discharged sewage from these new houses into waterways and the sea for a total of 9,427,355 hours, the equivalent of 1,076 years. This sewage is received by France and other EU countries. London water is recycled up to 7 times from River Thames.
    New houses are being built on clay and then subsiding in 6 years in UK since builders do not understand that when you use the lining material for the old-fashioned duck pond in the middle of the village, that that lining material clay holds water and only when it dries out and shrinks by 40% that the new owner finds his house subsiding, or
    flooded since they are now being given planning approval by local authorities for them to be built on flash flood areas in UK, without their new owners knowing this would happen - if the building site is building 9 or less houses, it does not have to provide drainage to stop the flooding of the new houses.
  • 8 reasons why the Energy Charter Treaty reform process is doomed to failure. 'While countries in Europe and the EU are stepping up their climate action with more ambitious policies, there is a treaty which provides legal protections for investments in fossil fuels. The Energy Charter Treaty (ECT) is a little known but highly controversial international trade and investment agreement which is a major blocker to climate action and gives fossil fuel companies the power to sue sovereign governments over their climate policies. Through a mechanism called Investor State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) companies which invest in energy products and infrastructure such as coal mines, oil fields and gas pipelines can sue any of the 55 signatories (including the EU, Germany, France & UK) that have signed the Treaty if their actions harm profits. It is a system which lacks transparency, is highly favourable to investors and does nothing to help facilitate our transition to a low carbon world.'.
    The UK government’s approval of its first new coal mine in 30 years has sparked international outrage. After more than three years of debate, communities minister Michael Gove approved the Whitehaven coal mine on Wednesday, based on the top planning official’s recommendation. Climate watchers from around the world accused the UK of hypocrisy. As host of last year’s Cop26 climate talks in Glasgow, the UK successfully pushed other countries to agree to phase down coal power. Coal from the planned mine is destined for export to steel works, not power plants. The UK has slashed its use of of coal for electricity by 95% in the last ten years, by lowering demand and scaling up renewable generation.

    My Comment - We as a country are meant to be reducing carbon emmissions not increasing them.
    Another way that the UK government is supporting this Energy Charter Treaty is:-
    The windfall tax on renewables (wind and solar farms), biomass and nuclear power generators will be set at 45%, Chancellor Jeremy Hunt announced on Thursday. This will of course persuade the wind and solar farms to continue to invest and to generate electricity when 45% of the profit goes in tax in the UK, which they could have used to create more generators. This helps the UK to get to Net-Zero? But gas and coal electricity generators will be exempt.
    This Energy Charter Treaty is going to destroy the world by flooding it and then where would these fossil fuel companies sell their products? A concerted effort must be made to get rid of this Energy Charter Treaty and this UK government should rescind this opening of a coal mine.

    The UK government is giving in the fossil fuel proponents in direct conflict with the survival of this country -
    as the temperature increases in the world more

    A) permafrost melts in Siberia and
    B) the Poles

    leading to the flooding of our country (Aryn Baker came away from both poles with a mounting sense of frustration over a global unwillingness to act in the face of certain doom, as well as fear. A warming Arctic is not just a warning. It has the potential to take us with it in its demise. Permafrost, the layer of permanently frozen ground that undergirds both poles, is a carbon bomb waiting to go off. As the soil thaws it releases greenhouse gases, warming the region further and setting off a perpetual feedback loop. Scientists don’t yet know if Arctic emissions are on par with a small developing nation, or, more likely, another China. (The South Pole’s permafrost is trapped under the Antarctic ice sheet. If that melts away, we have bigger things to worry about, like a 200-ft. sea-level rise).).
    My house is 121 feet above sea level and would be flooded, because of the madness of the Conservative UK government as would Chatham, Rochester, Strood and Gillingham in Medway town.

    C) 'One of the most significant ocean current systems – which includes the Gulf Stream – is weakening and may be on the verge of complete collapse, according to a new study. The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) is crucial in moderating the climate of the Northern Hemisphere, and a collapse would be catastrophic.
    If the Gulf Stream collapses, the study found that temperatures in the UK would drop by an average of 3.4°C. As a result, winter storms blowing across the Atlantic towards Britain would not pick up the usual warm moisture from the ocean, and would instead bring much harsher, wintry conditions, particularly in northern areas. Although some of us might welcome the idea of more white Christmases, snow could lie for months at a time and accumulate to levels that the country is currently not equipped to deal with.
    Even more concerning, is the effect a Gulf Stream collapse might have on rainfall. During the growing season, the researchers found that precipitation might drop by as much as 123 mm – enough to reduce the UK’s percentage of arable land from 32% to just 7%.This would have profound impacts on the agricultural industry, with the level of irrigation required to offset this rainfall reduction coming to an estimated cost of ten times the value of the crops produced.'
  • Homeless because water in Southern Water for homes will run out before 2030, since no new reservoirs have been built during the increase in UK population of 10,000,000. With the chemical pollution in every river, is our drinking water safe?
    Net Storage level in Wimbleball Reservoir in South West Water is currently only 20% (17 October 2022) whereas a year ago it was about 68%. The total Storage of the 5 largest reservoirs in South West Water is currently 30% whereas last year that was 70%.
    Southern Water Authority is responsible for water undertakings in Medway from 1973.
    "Twenty-five years from now we will have lost a third of our water sources through climate change, seen a reduction in the amount of water we are allowed to take from rivers and underground sources, and our population will have grown by 15%. Without action, we predict a supply and demand deficit by 2030 equivalent to around 50% of our current supply. Our Plan proposes 43 performance commitments for the five-year period from 2020 to 2025, directly aligned to 10 key outcomes to create a resilient water future." from Southern Water.
    Medway has a population of 274,015 in 2014, which has grown to 280,000 by January 2023. So Medway has increased its population by more than 2% in 9 years where our water supply has shrunk by more than 18%. See further details about 'Lack of drinking water from Southern Water by 2030' in Mission Statement page..
  • Increases in the cost of mortgages, due to the mini-budget, could cause a housing price collapse.
  • who increase their National Debt from £225,457,000,000 in 1993 to £2,735,000,000,000 by 30 September 2022?
    The UK government overspent for 28 years to the annual average of £88,734,000,000. £83,000,000,000 is now the annual interest on that Debt. The UK does not even have the bullets or the shells to last more than 2 weeks, if this country is attacked.
  • Gas explosion from incorrectly installed home boiler, and simpletons had refused to have positioning corrected in 2020.
  • Totally unsafe electrical work from a NAPIT registered installer.
    Further details of above points in Wet Background in Mission Statement Page.
  • If the Prime Minister wants to cut spending in order to stabilize the UK public finance as of 4 October 2022, then savings of over £350,000,000,000 has to be made that the Conservative Government had already overspent by August 2022 in this year. He cannot balance the books. The Prime Minister has stated 5 pledges on 4 January 2023 - the third is we will make sure our national debt is falling so that we can secure the future of public services. Assuming that he is going to pay off the National Debt by £100,000,000,000 a year so that the National Debt is falling, then he also has to pay this year's National Debt interest of £120,000,000,000 and pay off what he has overspent this year of £350,000,000,000 plus his further expenses until April 2023, so he only has to find £570,000,000,000 in the next 3 months, which is more than twice the National Debt of 1993. Using Country List Government Debt to Gross Domestic Product he might get a lower figure than 97.4% from December 2021 by using inflation, but still have the National Debt itself increasing over the next few years - The Times Thursday 5 January 2023... Another con by UK government.
    Pity that due to the UK Goverment actions, that the Bank of England on 29 September 2022 had to buy bonds over the next 13 working days to ease pressure on pension funds (to prevent them from going bust, then pensioners would lose their private pension part of the pension) and insurance companies. Unfortunately the interest rate on 30-year inflation-linked gilts has tripled since late June.
    The value of stock in pension fund and insurance companies has reduced because of this mini-budget - Member of public admitted on BBC Radio 2 on 12 Oct 2022, that when he checked his pension pot of £100,000 with his pension company, that it's value had dropped to £60,000.
    "How the gilt market works and its impact on pensions" by Andrew Ellson on Thursday October 13 2022 in The Times. This indicates that unless the Bank of England keeps on spending Thousands of Millions of English Pounds, then what it has spent at this time has not worked and the interest rate on these gilts has shot up again, so that pension companies could still go bust in using this pension scheme hedge, leaving existing pensioners with only the State Pension and the private pension pot of the working population going up in smoke.

    from result of UK government policies; which include
  • the use of slavery to force a senior care worker to reduce her working hours; because she needs more of her benefits from the UK government to be returned to her, so that both she and her daughter could eat, instead of only her daughter. The current Conservative Government will come to the next election with more of the population in the Benefit Slavery System, so making it easier to control the UK population.
  • use same policy as for smoking - Get Tax of £100; pay out to NHS £10 to treat the smokers, profit £90. Get increased tax each year, then give back dribbles and keep on increasing the National Debt for the 29th year; until the UK is bankrupt. I wonder who pays the salaries of the government when the 1 bullet for each member of the armed forces has been used and they get hoarse or killed from shouting bang at the advancing enemy?
    UK orders thousands more anti-tank weapons to bolster stockpiles. Thousands of new Next Generation Light Anti-Tank Weapon (NLAW) systems will be assembled in Northern Ireland and delivered to the British Army, Defence Secretary Ben Wallace announced today (7 December 2022). The UK has provided thousands of NLAWs to Ukraine to support the defence of their nation following Russia’s unprovoked and illegal invasion. With NLAW, a single soldier can take out a heavily protected modern main battle tank from 20 to 800 metres away.
    'Rishi Sunak promises to send 14 Challenger 2 tanks to Ukraine after phone call with Volodymyr Zelenskyy. The squadron of Challenger 2 tanks, which are battle tanks designed to attack other tanks, will go into Ukraine in the coming weeks. About 30 AS90s, which are large, self-propelled guns operated by five gunners, are expected to follow, it said." January 2023. Each FV 4034 Challenger 2 Tank cost £4,217,000 and 408 were built for the UK - 14 is £59,038,000. Original cost of AS90 was £1,675.977 each. It was updated in 1999 and therefore £50,000,000 would not pay for 30 of them now. Then you would need ammunition, so we could say that Sunak is about to deliver £350,000,000 worth of armaments to Ukraine, but cannot afford to pay the nurses, teachers, etc; but prefers to use it to give to Ukraine.
    My Comment - What about bullets for UK Armed Forces and why did we give Ukraine 1000s of our NLAWs since we are not at war, which would make us unprotected, who authorised this and who paid for this? Let us hope that Ukraine does not use by mistake our NLAW to destroy our Challenger 2 Tank.
  • This shows you what Medway local government is capable of:-
    If you approve of the building of this school in this area in this way, you might find the following worth looking at:-
    Local Authority
    A Medway newsletter
    A free Medway newsletter every Friday covering local news, politics, culture, and more. Paid supporters receive 3 newsletters every week.
    Hundreds of paid subscribers.
    Perhaps you might read all of the Southeastern "simplifies" timetable by removing services article
  • On the week of our launch issue of Local Authority in August 2021, 806 Medway residents had died as a result of the virus.
    Medway reached 1,000 deaths caused by covid this week in January 2023. Medway has a population of around 280,000, so roughly 1 in 280 people in Medway have lost their lives to this virus.
    There are 7000 students in 3 Universities with Medway School of Pharmacy within Medway, so roughly 25 of these students could well be within that 1000.

    Medway secondary school pupil numbers are also expected to rise from 18,661 (2015-16) to 21,635 (2023-24). This is a 15.9% increase in the number of students in 7 years. Southern Water in warning 8 stated that they would allow for a 15% population rise in 25 years by 2025, these secondary pupils have exceeded that in 7 years - so no water?
    When I travel on the 145 bus into and out of Chatham Bus Station, school children get on the bus and have ignored any restrictions on the bus; and continue not to take preventative measures once those restrictions were lifted since covid is still killing the population of Medway, so are they spreading the virus?
  • £100 in 2010 is equivalent in purchasing power to about £164.05 today, an increase of £64.05 over 13 years. The pound had an average inflation rate of 3.88% per year between 2010 and today, producing a cumulative price increase of 64.05%. The British Pound has lost 39% of its value since 2010.
    The starting salary for a nurse joining the NHS was comparatively protected across the period, being only 3% lower last year than in 2010/11. However, it too would be predicted to drop sharply in the current year, by four percentage points. See the drop in NHS staff pay and the cost of living compared to 2010.
    So the starting salary for a nurse is 3% lower than in 2020/11, so this means that she has lost more than 39% of value in her salary since this Conservative Government have come into power. If she buys 100
    STJUT at £1 each in 2010, now she can only buy less than 61 of them in January 2023.

    From The Guardian of Monday 20 February 2023 - "A Department of Health and Social Care spokesperson said "As part of a multi-year deal we agreed with the BMA, junior doctors' pay has increased by a cumulative 8.2% since 2019/20". The HCSA president, Dr Naru Narayanan stated that" junior doctors have been subjected to a decade of real-terms pay cuts totalling over 26%."

    Annual salary of Members of Parliament in the United Kingdom in 2010 was £65,736, in 2022 it was £84,144. That is an increase of 28% or £18,408.
    • The nurses instead have received 3% less in 2022 than they received in 2010. If the nurses accept a 10% pay rise then with inflation they would be 1.1% worse off since United Kingdom Inflation Rate was 11.1% in October 2022.
      • Since the Members of Parliament received 28% increase in the last 12 years then the nurses should receive the same plus 3% plus 11.1% to cover inflation caused by the Conservative mishandling the economy in September 2022. So, it should be 42.1% increase not 10%.
        Since the Members of Parliament received 28% increase in the last 12 years, then the junior doctors should receive the same plus 26% to cover the real-terms pay cuts plus 11.1% to cover inflation of September 2022. So, it should be a 65.1% increase.
        Nice way for Members of Parliament to turn nurses, etc into economic slaves and totally destroy the NHS.

        The UK Government intend to make it illegal for them to strike and make them even more slaves who have to get their food from food banks and then live during their off-time in churches to keep warm. What a marvellous slavery system this country is producing.

        Then, I wonder that the result of this Anti-Strike Law would be that we find that the workers in the affected industries of health, education, fire and rescue, transport, decommissioning of nuclear installations with management of radioactive waste or spent fuel, and border security would seek other work that pays an increase each year instead of a decrease in their wage.
        If the Inland Revenue staff accept a 2% pay rise, then a third of them would earn less than the Minimum Wage - what if you looked at the pay increase for teachers, the armed forces, civil servants, transport and border security personnel - would we find the same method of reducing their effective pay, while management can take millions in bonuses in public companies and deprive their workforce of a living wage.
  • From The Times of Friday 3 March 2023 "Manufacturing involves the deployment of energy to turn raw materials into products, so in raising energy prices the government was making it significantly less attractive to do business here. Consider steelmakers. As of 2020/21 - before Russia invaded Ukraine - the cost per megawatt hour for steel producers was £25 in Germany and £29 in France - and £47 in the UK. Look through this prism and it is clear why so many steel producers have shut down (and continue to do so). It's not just cheap Chinese competition, the cost of energy makes it in essence impossible to make a profit. And you could the same about many industries. Why are battery makers so reluctant to build gigafactories in the UK? Well, making batteries is an energy-intensive process: far easier to locate in Sweden, where plentiful hydroelectricity makes for some of the lowest prices in the developed world.
    All of which brings us to the British Industry Supercharger. The policy is meant to undo some of that damage, shifting network costs and some other burdens like the emissions trading scheme away from intensive users.....For one thing, the politics of lumping extra costs on to household bills (which seems to be the plan) feels like a non-starter. For another, it's not clear how British energy costs can get much lower without much more investmrent in the grid.....
    But there is a bigger issue here. Most of human progress, from one industrial revolution to another, involved the deployment of ever greater quantities of energy."
    My comment -
    The government increases the tax on renewable energy as given in warning 7, thus making it more difficult to get cheaper electricity.
    The government might continue the tax relief for households after April 2023, but if they do not then the extra that households will pay is
    the current household relief,
    the increase in cost from the electricity suppliers, and
    the cost of bringing the cost of industrial users megawatt hour from £47 to less than £25,
    making every household bankrupt.
    Add to this that all businesses, that use electricity will
    move out of the UK, including car battery chargers,
    or close down.
    Storks used to deliver babies. In the future, Flying pigs sponsored by the UK government might supply water and then food after you have paid pre-planning fees for each, attendance fees for each, consultation periods for each, followed by current plans of your registered house with its proposed plans and location plans for each - for later planning approval or not. Due to overload of local government personnel; approval could be delayed from when it was supplied in September till March the following year.

Main Menu to Site Map of each Topic.
Topic Table normally in this position (but sometimes moved to the right hand side of the page) has the SAME CONTENTS in the SAME ORDER for every one of the remaining 9762 pages in the 212 Topic folders.

Plants detailed in this website by
Botanical Name

A, B, C, D, E, F, G,
H, I, J, K, L, M, N,
O, P, Q, R, S, T, U,
V, W, X, Y, Z ,
A1, 2, 3, B, C1, 2,
D, E, F, G, Glad,
H, I, J, K, L1, 2,
M, N, O, P, Q, R,
S, T, U, V, W, XYZ
Evergreen Perennial
A, B, C, D, E, F, G,
H, I, J, K, L, M, N,
O, P, Q, R, S, T, U,
V, W, X, Y, Z
Herbaceous Perennial
A1, 2, B, C, D, E, F,
G, H, I, J, K, L, M,
N, O, P1, 2, Q, R,
S, T, U, V, W, XYZ,
Diascia Photo Album,
UK Peony Index
Botanical Names
Common Names
will be compared in:-
Flower colour/month

Evergreen Perennial
Flower Shape
Wildflower Flower Shape
and Plant Use
Evergreen Perennial Flower Shape,
Bee plants for hay-fever sufferers
Bee-Pollinated Index
Egg, Caterpillar, Chrysalis and Butterfly Usage
of Plants.
A, B, C, D, E, F, G,
H, I, J, K, L, M, N,
O, P, QR, S, T, UV,
Companion Planting
A ,B ,C ,D ,E ,F ,G ,
H ,I ,J ,K ,L ,M ,N ,
O ,P ,Q ,R ,S ,T ,
U ,V ,W , X, Y, Z
Pest Control using Plants
1000 Ground Cover
A, B, C, D, E, F, G,
, I, J, K, L, M, N,
, P, Q, R, S, T, U,
, W, XYZ
Rock Garden and Alpine Flowers
Rock Plant Flowers
Rose Use
These 5 have Page links in rows below
Bulbs from the Infill Galleries (next row),
Camera Photos A 1,
Plant Colour Wheel Uses,
Sense of Fragrance,
Wild Flower

Case Studies
...Drive Foundations
Ryegrass and turf kills plants within Roadstone and in Topsoil due to it starving and dehydrating them.
CEDAdrive creates stable drive surface and drains rain into your ground, rather than onto the public road.
8 problems caused by building house on clay or with house-wall attached to clay.
work on polluted soil.

Companion Planting
to provide a Companion Plant to aid your selected plant or deter its pests


with ground drains

Garden Design
...How to Use the Colour Wheel Concepts for Selection of Flowers, Foliage and Flower Shape
...RHS Mixed

......Bedding Plants
......Her Perennials
......Other Plants
Flower Shape
Camera photos of Plant supports

Glossary with a tomato teaching cauliflowers
Library of over 1000 books
Offbeat Glossary with DuLally Bird in its flower clock.

Chalk (Alkaline) Soil A-F1, A-F2,
A-F3, G-L, M-R,
M-R Roses, S-Z
Heavy Clay Soil
A-F, G-L, M-R, S-Z
Lime-Free (Acid) Soil A-F, G-L, M-R,
in Light Sand Soil
A-F, G-L, M-R, S-Z.
...Poisonous Plants.
...Extra Plant Pages
with its 6 Plant Selection Levels

Interaction between 2 Quartz Sand Grains to make soil
How roots of plants are in control in the soil
Without replacing Soil Nutrients, the soil will break up to only clay, sand or silt
Subsidence caused by water in Clay
Use water ring for trees/shrubs for first 2 years.

Tool Shed with 3 kneeling pads
Useful Data with benefits of Seaweed

Topic -
Plant Photo Galleries

If the plant type below has flowers, then the first gallery will include the flower thumbnail in each month of 1 of 6 or 7 flower colour comparison pages of each plant in its subsidiary galleries, as a low-level Plant Selection Process
...by Flower Shape

...Allium/ Anemone
...Colchicum/ Crocus
...Gladiolus with its 40 Flower Colours
......European A-E
......European F-M
......European N-Z
......European Non-classified
......American A,
B, C, D, E, F, G,
H, I, J, K, L, M,
N, O, P, Q, R, S,
T, U, V, W, XYZ
......American Non-classified
......Australia - empty
...Hippeastrum/ Lily
...Late Summer
Each of the above ...Bulb Galleries has its own set of Flower Colour Pages
...Flower Shape
...Bulb Form

...Bulb Use

...Bulb in Soil

Further details on bulbs from the Infill Galleries:-
Hardy Bulbs



...Forcing Lily of the Valley



...Hyacinths in Pots


...Lilium in Pots
...Narcissi in Pots



Half-Hardy Bulbs



Uses of Bulbs:-
for Bedding
in Windowboxes
in Border
naturalized in Grass
in Bulb Frame
in Woodland Garden
in Rock Garden
in Bowls
in Alpine House
Bulbs in Greenhouse or Stove:-




Plant Bedding in

Bulb houseplants flowering inside House during:-
Bulbs and other types of plant flowering during:-
Selection of the smaller and choicer plants for the Smallest of Gardens with plant flowering during the same 6 periods as in the previous selection

Climber in
3 Sector Vertical Plant System
Deciduous Shrub
...Shrubs - Decid
Deciduous Tree
...Trees - Decid
Evergreen Perennial is to compare every plant in this website, starting from July 2022
...P-Evergreen A-L
...P-Evergreen M-Z
...Flower Shape
Evergreen Shrub
...Shrubs - Evergreen
...Heather Shrub
...Heather Index
......Erica: Carnea
......Erica: Cinerea
......Erica: Others
Evergreen Tree
...Trees - Evergreen

...P -Herbaceous
...Flower Shape
...RHS Wisley
......Mixed Border
......Other Borders
Odds and Sods

...RHS Wisley A-F
...RHS Wisley G-R
...RHS Wisley S-Z
...Rose Use - page links in row 6. Rose, RHS Wisley and Other Roses rose indices on each Rose Use page
...Other Roses A-F
...Other Roses G-R
...Other Roses S-Z
Pruning Methods
Photo Index
R 1, 2, 3
Peter Beales Roses
RV Roger

Soft Fruit
Top Fruit

Wild Flower and
Butterfly page links are in next row

Topic -
Butterflies in the UK mostly use native UK wildflowers.

Butterfly Species.

Egg, Caterpillar, Chrysalis and Butterfly Usage
of Plants.

Plant Usage by
Egg, Caterpillar, Chrysalis and Butterfly.

Wild Flower
...Flower Shape of all wildflower/ cultivated plants with Landscape USA Uses

7 Flower Colours per month and
UK Plant Uses
with its
flower colour page,
Site Map page in its flower colour NOTE Gallery
...Blue Note
....Scented Flower, Foliage, Root
....Story of their Common Names
....Use of Plant with Flowers
....Use for Non-Flowering Plants
....Edible Plant Parts
....Flower Legend
....Flowering plants of Chalk and Limestone Page 1, Page 2
....Flowering plants of Acid Soil Page 1
...Brown Botanical Names
....Food for

...Cream Common Names
....Coastal and Dunes
....Sandy Shores and Dunes
...Green Note

...Mauve Note
....Grassland - Acid, Neutral, Chalk
...Multi-Cols Note
....Heaths and Moors
...Orange Note
....Hedgerows and Verges
...Pink A-G Note
....Lakes, Canals and Rivers
...Pink H-Z Note
....Marshes, Fens,

...Purple Note
....Old Buildings and Walls
...Red Note
...White A-D Note
....Shingle Beaches, Rocks and Cliff Tops
...White E-P Note
...White Q-Z Note
....Number of Petals
...Yellow A-G Note
...Yellow H-Z Note
....Poisonous Parts
...Shrub/Tree Note
....River Banks and
other Freshwater Margins

Wildflower Plants.

You know its name, use
Wild Flower Plant Index a-h, i-p, q-z.
You know which habitat it lives in, use
Acid Soil,
(Chalk) Soil
Marine Soil,
Neutral Soil,
is a
is a
is a
Rush, or
is a
You have seen its flower, use Comparison Pages containing Wild Flower Plants and Cultivated Plants in the
Colour Wheel Gallery.

Each plant named in each of the 180 Wildflower Family Pages within their 23 Galleries may have a link to:-
1) its Plant Description Page in its Common Name column in one of those Wildflower Plant Galleries and will have links,
2) to external sites to purchase the plant or seed in its Botanical Name column,
3) to see photos in its Flowering Months column and
4) to read habitat details in its Habitat Column.

Adder's Tongue
Bog Myrtle
Cornel (Dogwood)
Crucifer (Cabbage/Mustard) 1
Crucifer (Cabbage/Mustard) 2
Daisy Cudweeds
Daisy Chamomiles
Daisy Thistle
Daisy Catsears Daisy Hawkweeds
Daisy Hawksbeards
Dock Bistorts
Dock Sorrels
Filmy Fern
Royal Fern
Figwort - Mulleins
Figwort - Speedwells
Grass 1
Grass 2
Grass 3
Grass Soft
Bromes 1

Grass Soft
Bromes 2

Grass Soft
Bromes 3

Jacobs Ladder
Lily Garlic
Marsh Pennywort
Melon (Gourd/Cucumber)
Orchid 1
Orchid 2
Orchid 3
Orchid 4
Clover 1

Clover 2

Clover 3

Peaflower Vetches/Peas
Pink 1
Pink 2
Rannock Rush
Rose 1
Rose 2
Rose 3
Rose 4
Rush Woodrushes
Saint Johns Wort
Saltmarsh Grasses
Sea Lavender
Sedge Rush-like
Sedges Carex 1
Sedges Carex 2
Sedges Carex 3
Sedges Carex 4
Tassel Pondweed
Thyme 1
Thyme 2
Umbellifer 1
Umbellifer 2
Water Fern
Water Milfoil
Water Plantain
Water Starwort

Topic -
The following is a complete hierarchical Plant Selection Process

dependent on the Garden Style chosen
Garden Style
...Infill Plants
...12 Bloom Colours per Month Index
...12 Foliage Colours per Month Index
...All Plants Index
...Cultivation, Position, Use Index
...Shape, Form

Topic -

All Flowers 53 with
...Use of Plant and
Flower Shape
- page links in bottom row

All Foliage 53
instead of redundant
...(All Foliage 212)

All Flowers
per Month 12

Bee instead of wind pollinated plants for hay-fever sufferers
All Bee-Pollinated Flowers
per Month

Rock Garden and Alpine Flowers
Rock Plant Flowers 53

...Rock Plant Photos

Flower Colour Wheel without photos, but with links to photos
12 Bloom Colours
per Month Index

...All Plants Index

Topic -
Use of Plant in your Plant Selection Process

Plant Colour Wheel Uses
1. Perfect general use soil is composed of 8.3% lime, 16.6% humus, 25% clay and 50% sand, and
2. Why you are continually losing the SOIL STRUCTURE so your soil - will revert to clay, chalk, sand or silt.
Uses of Plant and Flower Shape:-
...Foliage Only
...Other than Green Foliage
...Trees in Lawn
...Trees in Small Gardens
...Wildflower Garden
...Attract Bird
...Attract Butterfly
, 2
...Climber on House Wall
...Climber not on House Wall
...Climber in Tree
...Pollution Barrier
...Part Shade
...Full Shade
...Single Flower provides Pollen for Bees
, 2, 3
...Covering Banks
...Patio Pot
...Edging Borders
...Back of Border
...Adjacent to Water
...Bog Garden
...Tolerant of Poor Soil
...Not Fragrant
...Standard Plant is 'Ball on Stick'
...Upright Branches or Sword-shaped leaves
...Plant to Prevent Entry to Human or Animal
...Coastal Conditions
...Tolerant on North-facing Wall
...Cut Flower
...Potted Veg Outdoors
...Potted Veg Indoors
...Raised Bed Outdoors Veg
...Grow in Alkaline Soil A-F, G-L, M-R,
...Grow in Acidic Soil
...Grow in Any Soil
...Grow in Rock Garden
...Grow Bulbs Indoors

Uses of Bedding
...Bedding Out
...Filling In
...Pots and Troughs
...Window Boxes
...Hanging Baskets
...Spring Bedding
...Summer Bedding
...Winter Bedding
...Foliage instead of Flower
...Coleus Bedding Photos for use in Public Domain 1

Uses of Bulb
...Other than Only Green Foliage
...Bedding or Mass Planting
...Tolerant of Shade
...In Woodland Areas
...Tolerant of Poor Soil
...Covering Banks
...In Water
...Beside Stream or Water Garden
...Coastal Conditions
...Edging Borders
...Back of Border or Back-ground Plant
...Fragrant Flowers
...Not Fragrant Flowers

...Grow in a Patio Pot
...Grow in an Alpine Trough
...Grow in an Alpine House
...Grow in Rock Garden
...Speciman Plant
...Into Native Plant Garden
...Naturalize in Grass
...Grow in Hanging Basket
...Grow in Window-box
...Grow in Green-house
...Grow in Scree
...Naturalized Plant Area
...Grow in Cottage Garden
...Attracts Butterflies
...Attracts Bees
...Resistant to Wildlife
...Bulb in Soil:-
......Lime-Free (Acid)

Uses of Rose
Rose Index

...Bedding 1, 2
...Climber /Pillar
...Cut-Flower 1, 2
...Exhibition, Speciman
...Grow In A Container 1, 2
...Hedge 1, 2
...Climber in Tree
...Edging Borders
...Tolerant of Poor Soil 1, 2
...Tolerant of Shade
...Back of Border
...Adjacent to Water

Topic -
Camera Photo Galleries showing all 4000 x 3000 pixels of each photo on your screen that you can then click and drag it to your desktop as part of a Plant Selection Process:-

RHS Garden at Wisley

Plant Supports -
, 2, 3, 8, 11,
12, 13,
Plants 4, 7, 10,
Bedding Plants 5,
Plant Supports for Unknown Plants 5
Clematis Climbers 6,
the RHS does not appear to either follow it's own pruning advice or advice from The Pruning of Trees, Shrubs and Conifers by George E. Brown.
ISBN 0-571-11084-3 with the plants in Pages 1-7 of this folder. You can see from looking at both these resources as to whether the pruning carried out on the remainder of the plants in Pages 7-15 was correct.

Narcissus (Daffodil) 9,
Phlox Plant Supports 14, 15

Coleus Bedding Foliage Trial - Pages
1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
16, 17, 18, 19, 20,
21, 22, 23, 24, 25,
26, 27, 28, 29, 30,
31, 32, Index

National Trust Garden at Sissinghurst Castle
Plant Supports -
Pages for Gallery 1

with Plant Supports
1, 5, 10
2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9,
11, 12
Recommended Rose Pruning Methods 13
Pages for Gallery 2
with Plant Supports
Plants 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Dry Garden of
RHS Garden at
Hyde Hall

Plants - Pages
without Plant Supports
Plants 1
, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Nursery of
Peter Beales Roses
Display Garden

Roses Pages
1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
11, 12, 13

Nursery of
RV Roger

Roses - Pages
V76,Z77, 78,

Damage by Plants in Chilham Village - Pages
1, 2, 3, 4

Pavements of Funchal, Madeira
Damage to Trees - Pages
1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
11, 12, 13
for trees 1-54,
14, 15,
16, 17, 18, 19, 20,
21, 22, 23, 24, 25,
for trees 55-95,
26, 27, 28, 29, 30,
31, 32, 33, 34, 35,
36, 37,
for trees 95-133,
38, 39, 40,
41, 42, 43, 44, 45,
for trees 133-166

Chris Garnons-Williams
Work Done - Pages
1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
11, 12, 13

Identity of Plants
Label Problems - Pages
1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8, 9, 10,

Ron and Christine Foord - 1036 photos only inserted so far - Garden Flowers - Start Page of each Gallery
AB1 ,AN14,BA27,

Plant with Photo Index of Ivydene Gardens - 1187
A 1, 2, Photos - 43
B 1, Photos - 13
C 1, Photos - 35
D 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
Photos - 411
with Plants causing damage to buildings in Chilham Village and Damage to Trees in Pavements of Funchal
E 1, Photos - 21
F 1, Photos - 1
G 1, Photos - 5
H 1, Photos - 21
I 1, Photos - 8
J 1, Photos - 1
K 1, Photos - 1
L 1, Photos - 85
with Label Problems
M 1, Photos - 9
N 1, Photos - 12
O 1, Photos - 5
P 1, Photos - 54
Q 1, Photos -
R 1, 2, 3,
Photos - 229
S 1, Photos - 111
T 1, Photos - 13
U 1, Photos - 5
V 1, Photos - 4
W 1, Photos - 100
with Work Done by Chris Garnons-Williams
X 1 Photos -
Y 1, Photos -
Z 1 Photos -
Articles/Items in Ivydene Gardens - 88
Flower Colour, Num of Petals, Shape and
Plant Use of:-
Rock Garden
within linked page

Topic -
Fragrant Plants:-

Sense of Fragrance from Roy Genders
Fragrant Plants:-
Trees and Shrubs with Scented Flowers
, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Shrubs bearing Scented Flowers for an Acid Soil
, 2, 3, 4
Shrubs bearing Scented Flowers for a
Chalky or Limestone Soil
, 2, 3, 4
Shrubs bearing Scented leaves for a
Sandy Soil
, 2, 3
Herbaceous Plants with Scented Flowers
, 2, 3
Annual and Biennial Plants with Scented Flowers or Leaves
, 2
Bulbs and Corms with Scented Flowers
, 2, 3, 4, 5
Scented Plants of Climbing and Trailing Habit
, 2, 3
Winter-flowering Plants with Scented Flowers
, 2
Night-scented Flowering Plants
, 2

Topic -
Website User Guidelines

My Gas Service Engineer found Flow and Return pipes incorrectly positioned on gas boilers and customers had refused to have positioning corrected in 2020.

Main Menu to Site Map of each Topic.
Topic Table normally in this position (but sometimes moved to the right hand side of the page) has the SAME CONTENTS in the SAME ORDER for every one of the remaining 9762 pages in the 212 Topic folders.

Plants detailed in this website by
Botanical Name

A, B, C, D, E, F, G,
H, I, J, K, L, M, N,
O, P, Q, R, S, T, U,
V, W, X, Y, Z ,
A1, 2, 3, B, C1, 2,
D, E, F, G, Glad,
H, I, J, K, L1, 2,
M, N, O, P, Q, R,
S, T, U, V, W, XYZ
Evergreen Perennial
A, B, C, D, E, F, G,
H, I, J, K, L, M, N,
O, P, Q, R, S, T, U,
V, W, X, Y, Z
Herbaceous Perennial
A1, 2, B, C, D, E, F,
G, H, I, J, K, L, M,
N, O, P1, 2, Q, R,
S, T, U, V, W, XYZ,
Diascia Photo Album,
UK Peony Index
Botanical Names
Common Names
will be compared in:-
Flower colour/month

Evergreen Perennial
Flower Shape
Wildflower Flower Shape
and Plant Use
Evergreen Perennial Flower Shape,
Bee plants for hay-fever sufferers
Bee-Pollinated Index
Egg, Caterpillar, Chrysalis and Butterfly Usage
of Plants.
A, B, C, D, E, F, G,
H, I, J, K, L, M, N,
O, P, QR, S, T, UV,
Companion Planting
A ,B ,C ,D ,E ,F ,G ,
H ,I ,J ,K ,L ,M ,N ,
O ,P ,Q ,R ,S ,T ,
U ,V ,W , X, Y, Z
Pest Control using Plants
1000 Ground Cover
A, B, C, D, E, F, G,
, I, J, K, L, M, N,
, P, Q, R, S, T, U,
, W, XYZ
Rock Garden and Alpine Flowers
Rock Plant Flowers
Rose Use
These 5 have Page links in rows below
Bulbs from the Infill Galleries (next row),
Camera Photos A 1,
Plant Colour Wheel Uses,
Sense of Fragrance,
Wild Flower

Case Studies
...Drive Foundations
Ryegrass and turf kills plants within Roadstone and in Topsoil due to it starving and dehydrating them.
CEDAdrive creates stable drive surface and drains rain into your ground, rather than onto the public road.
8 problems caused by building house on clay or with house-wall attached to clay.
work on polluted soil.

Companion Planting
to provide a Companion Plant to aid your selected plant or deter its pests


with ground drains

Garden Design
...How to Use the Colour Wheel Concepts for Selection of Flowers, Foliage and Flower Shape
...RHS Mixed

......Bedding Plants
......Her Perennials
......Other Plants
Flower Shape
Camera photos of Plant supports

Glossary with a tomato teaching cauliflowers
Library of over 1000 books
Offbeat Glossary with DuLally Bird in its flower clock.

Chalk (Alkaline) Soil A-F1, A-F2,
A-F3, G-L, M-R,
M-R Roses, S-Z
Heavy Clay Soil
A-F, G-L, M-R, S-Z
Lime-Free (Acid) Soil A-F, G-L, M-R,
in Light Sand Soil
A-F, G-L, M-R, S-Z.
...Poisonous Plants.
...Extra Plant Pages
with its 6 Plant Selection Levels

Interaction between 2 Quartz Sand Grains to make soil
How roots of plants are in control in the soil
Without replacing Soil Nutrients, the soil will break up to only clay, sand or silt
Subsidence caused by water in Clay
Use water ring for trees/shrubs for first 2 years.

Tool Shed with 3 kneeling pads
Useful Data with benefits of Seaweed

Topic -
Plant Photo Galleries

If the plant type below has flowers, then the first gallery will include the flower thumbnail in each month of 1 of 6 or 7 flower colour comparison pages of each plant in its subsidiary galleries, as a low-level Plant Selection Process
...by Flower Shape

...Allium/ Anemone
...Colchicum/ Crocus
...Gladiolus with its 40 Flower Colours
......European A-E
......European F-M
......European N-Z
......European Non-classified
......American A,
B, C, D, E, F, G,
H, I, J, K, L, M,
N, O, P, Q, R, S,
T, U, V, W, XYZ
......American Non-classified
......Australia - empty
...Hippeastrum/ Lily
...Late Summer
Each of the above ...Bulb Galleries has its own set of Flower Colour Pages
...Flower Shape
...Bulb Form

...Bulb Use

...Bulb in Soil

Further details on bulbs from the Infill Galleries:-
Hardy Bulbs



...Forcing Lily of the Valley



...Hyacinths in Pots


...Lilium in Pots
...Narcissi in Pots



Half-Hardy Bulbs



Uses of Bulbs:-
for Bedding
in Windowboxes
in Border
naturalized in Grass
in Bulb Frame
in Woodland Garden
in Rock Garden
in Bowls
in Alpine House
Bulbs in Greenhouse or Stove:-




Plant Bedding in

Bulb houseplants flowering inside House during:-
Bulbs and other types of plant flowering during:-
Selection of the smaller and choicer plants for the Smallest of Gardens with plant flowering during the same 6 periods as in the previous selection

Climber in
3 Sector Vertical Plant System
Deciduous Shrub
...Shrubs - Decid
Deciduous Tree
...Trees - Decid
Evergreen Perennial is to compare every plant in this website, starting from July 2022
...P-Evergreen A-L
...P-Evergreen M-Z
...Flower Shape
Evergreen Shrub
...Shrubs - Evergreen
...Heather Shrub
...Heather Index
......Erica: Carnea
......Erica: Cinerea
......Erica: Others
Evergreen Tree
...Trees - Evergreen

...P -Herbaceous
...Flower Shape
...RHS Wisley
......Mixed Border
......Other Borders
Odds and Sods

...RHS Wisley A-F
...RHS Wisley G-R
...RHS Wisley S-Z
...Rose Use - page links in row 6. Rose, RHS Wisley and Other Roses rose indices on each Rose Use page
...Other Roses A-F
...Other Roses G-R
...Other Roses S-Z
Pruning Methods
Photo Index
R 1, 2, 3
Peter Beales Roses
RV Roger

Soft Fruit
Top Fruit

Wild Flower and
Butterfly page links are in next row

Topic -
Butterflies in the UK mostly use native UK wildflowers.

Butterfly Species.

Egg, Caterpillar, Chrysalis and Butterfly Usage
of Plants.

Plant Usage by
Egg, Caterpillar, Chrysalis and Butterfly.

Wild Flower
...Flower Shape of all wildflower/ cultivated plants with Landscape USA Uses

7 Flower Colours per month and
UK Plant Uses
with its
flower colour page,
Site Map page in its flower colour NOTE Gallery
...Blue Note
....Scented Flower, Foliage, Root
....Story of their Common Names
....Use of Plant with Flowers
....Use for Non-Flowering Plants
....Edible Plant Parts
....Flower Legend
....Flowering plants of Chalk and Limestone Page 1, Page 2
....Flowering plants of Acid Soil Page 1
...Brown Botanical Names
....Food for

...Cream Common Names
....Coastal and Dunes
....Sandy Shores and Dunes
...Green Note

...Mauve Note
....Grassland - Acid, Neutral, Chalk
...Multi-Cols Note
....Heaths and Moors
...Orange Note
....Hedgerows and Verges
...Pink A-G Note
....Lakes, Canals and Rivers
...Pink H-Z Note
....Marshes, Fens,

...Purple Note
....Old Buildings and Walls
...Red Note
...White A-D Note
....Shingle Beaches, Rocks and Cliff Tops
...White E-P Note
...White Q-Z Note
....Number of Petals
...Yellow A-G Note
...Yellow H-Z Note
....Poisonous Parts
...Shrub/Tree Note
....River Banks and
other Freshwater Margins

Wildflower Plants.

You know its name, use
Wild Flower Plant Index a-h, i-p, q-z.
You know which habitat it lives in, use
Acid Soil,
(Chalk) Soil
Marine Soil,
Neutral Soil,
is a
is a
is a
Rush, or
is a
You have seen its flower, use Comparison Pages containing Wild Flower Plants and Cultivated Plants in the
Colour Wheel Gallery.

Each plant named in each of the 180 Wildflower Family Pages within their 23 Galleries may have a link to:-
1) its Plant Description Page in its Common Name column in one of those Wildflower Plant Galleries and will have links,
2) to external sites to purchase the plant or seed in its Botanical Name column,
3) to see photos in its Flowering Months column and
4) to read habitat details in its Habitat Column.

Adder's Tongue
Bog Myrtle
Cornel (Dogwood)
Crucifer (Cabbage/Mustard) 1
Crucifer (Cabbage/Mustard) 2
Daisy Cudweeds
Daisy Chamomiles
Daisy Thistle
Daisy Catsears Daisy Hawkweeds
Daisy Hawksbeards
Dock Bistorts
Dock Sorrels
Filmy Fern
Royal Fern
Figwort - Mulleins
Figwort - Speedwells
Grass 1
Grass 2
Grass 3
Grass Soft
Bromes 1

Grass Soft
Bromes 2

Grass Soft
Bromes 3

Jacobs Ladder
Lily Garlic
Marsh Pennywort
Melon (Gourd/Cucumber)
Orchid 1
Orchid 2
Orchid 3
Orchid 4
Clover 1

Clover 2

Clover 3

Peaflower Vetches/Peas
Pink 1
Pink 2
Rannock Rush
Rose 1
Rose 2
Rose 3
Rose 4
Rush Woodrushes
Saint Johns Wort
Saltmarsh Grasses
Sea Lavender
Sedge Rush-like
Sedges Carex 1
Sedges Carex 2
Sedges Carex 3
Sedges Carex 4
Tassel Pondweed
Thyme 1
Thyme 2
Umbellifer 1
Umbellifer 2
Water Fern
Water Milfoil
Water Plantain
Water Starwort

Topic -
The following is a complete hierarchical Plant Selection Process

dependent on the Garden Style chosen
Garden Style
...Infill Plants
...12 Bloom Colours per Month Index
...12 Foliage Colours per Month Index
...All Plants Index
...Cultivation, Position, Use Index
...Shape, Form

Topic -

All Flowers 53 with
...Use of Plant and
Flower Shape
- page links in bottom row

All Foliage 53
instead of redundant
...(All Foliage 212)

All Flowers
per Month 12

Bee instead of wind pollinated plants for hay-fever sufferers
All Bee-Pollinated Flowers
per Month

Rock Garden and Alpine Flowers
Rock Plant Flowers 53

...Rock Plant Photos

Flower Colour Wheel without photos, but with links to photos
12 Bloom Colours
per Month Index

...All Plants Index

Topic -
Use of Plant in your Plant Selection Process

Plant Colour Wheel Uses
1. Perfect general use soil is composed of 8.3% lime, 16.6% humus, 25% clay and 50% sand, and
2. Why you are continually losing the SOIL STRUCTURE so your soil - will revert to clay, chalk, sand or silt.
Uses of Plant and Flower Shape:-
...Foliage Only
...Other than Green Foliage
...Trees in Lawn
...Trees in Small Gardens
...Wildflower Garden
...Attract Bird
...Attract Butterfly
, 2
...Climber on House Wall
...Climber not on House Wall
...Climber in Tree
...Pollution Barrier
...Part Shade
...Full Shade
...Single Flower provides Pollen for Bees
, 2, 3
...Covering Banks
...Patio Pot
...Edging Borders
...Back of Border
...Adjacent to Water
...Bog Garden
...Tolerant of Poor Soil
...Not Fragrant
...Standard Plant is 'Ball on Stick'
...Upright Branches or Sword-shaped leaves
...Plant to Prevent Entry to Human or Animal
...Coastal Conditions
...Tolerant on North-facing Wall
...Cut Flower
...Potted Veg Outdoors
...Potted Veg Indoors
...Raised Bed Outdoors Veg
...Grow in Alkaline Soil A-F, G-L, M-R,
...Grow in Acidic Soil
...Grow in Any Soil
...Grow in Rock Garden
...Grow Bulbs Indoors

Uses of Bedding
...Bedding Out
...Filling In
...Pots and Troughs
...Window Boxes
...Hanging Baskets
...Spring Bedding
...Summer Bedding
...Winter Bedding
...Foliage instead of Flower
...Coleus Bedding Photos for use in Public Domain 1

Uses of Bulb
...Other than Only Green Foliage
...Bedding or Mass Planting
...Tolerant of Shade
...In Woodland Areas
...Tolerant of Poor Soil
...Covering Banks
...In Water
...Beside Stream or Water Garden
...Coastal Conditions
...Edging Borders
...Back of Border or Back-ground Plant
...Fragrant Flowers
...Not Fragrant Flowers

...Grow in a Patio Pot
...Grow in an Alpine Trough
...Grow in an Alpine House
...Grow in Rock Garden
...Speciman Plant
...Into Native Plant Garden
...Naturalize in Grass
...Grow in Hanging Basket
...Grow in Window-box
...Grow in Green-house
...Grow in Scree
...Naturalized Plant Area
...Grow in Cottage Garden
...Attracts Butterflies
...Attracts Bees
...Resistant to Wildlife
...Bulb in Soil:-
......Lime-Free (Acid)

Uses of Rose
Rose Index

...Bedding 1, 2
...Climber /Pillar
...Cut-Flower 1, 2
...Exhibition, Speciman
...Grow In A Container 1, 2
...Hedge 1, 2
...Climber in Tree
...Edging Borders
...Tolerant of Poor Soil 1, 2
...Tolerant of Shade
...Back of Border
...Adjacent to Water

Topic -
Camera Photo Galleries showing all 4000 x 3000 pixels of each photo on your screen that you can then click and drag it to your desktop as part of a Plant Selection Process:-

RHS Garden at Wisley

Plant Supports -
, 2, 3, 8, 11,
12, 13,
Plants 4, 7, 10,
Bedding Plants 5,
Plant Supports for Unknown Plants 5
Clematis Climbers 6,
the RHS does not appear to either follow it's own pruning advice or advice from The Pruning of Trees, Shrubs and Conifers by George E. Brown.
ISBN 0-571-11084-3 with the plants in Pages 1-7 of this folder. You can see from looking at both these resources as to whether the pruning carried out on the remainder of the plants in Pages 7-15 was correct.

Narcissus (Daffodil) 9,
Phlox Plant Supports 14, 15

Coleus Bedding Foliage Trial - Pages
1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
16, 17, 18, 19, 20,
21, 22, 23, 24, 25,
26, 27, 28, 29, 30,
31, 32, Index

National Trust Garden at Sissinghurst Castle
Plant Supports -
Pages for Gallery 1

with Plant Supports
1, 5, 10
2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9,
11, 12
Recommended Rose Pruning Methods 13
Pages for Gallery 2
with Plant Supports
Plants 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Dry Garden of
RHS Garden at
Hyde Hall

Plants - Pages
without Plant Supports
Plants 1
, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Nursery of
Peter Beales Roses
Display Garden

Roses Pages
1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
11, 12, 13

Nursery of
RV Roger

Roses - Pages
V76,Z77, 78,

Damage by Plants in Chilham Village - Pages
1, 2, 3, 4

Pavements of Funchal, Madeira
Damage to Trees - Pages
1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
11, 12, 13
for trees 1-54,
14, 15,
16, 17, 18, 19, 20,
21, 22, 23, 24, 25,
for trees 55-95,
26, 27, 28, 29, 30,
31, 32, 33, 34, 35,
36, 37,
for trees 95-133,
38, 39, 40,
41, 42, 43, 44, 45,
for trees 133-166

Chris Garnons-Williams
Work Done - Pages
1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
11, 12, 13

Identity of Plants
Label Problems - Pages
1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8, 9, 10,

Ron and Christine Foord - 1036 photos only inserted so far - Garden Flowers - Start Page of each Gallery
AB1 ,AN14,BA27,

Plant with Photo Index of Ivydene Gardens - 1187
A 1, 2, Photos - 43
B 1, Photos - 13
C 1, Photos - 35
D 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
Photos - 411
with Plants causing damage to buildings in Chilham Village and Damage to Trees in Pavements of Funchal
E 1, Photos - 21
F 1, Photos - 1
G 1, Photos - 5
H 1, Photos - 21
I 1, Photos - 8
J 1, Photos - 1
K 1, Photos - 1
L 1, Photos - 85
with Label Problems
M 1, Photos - 9
N 1, Photos - 12
O 1, Photos - 5
P 1, Photos - 54
Q 1, Photos -
R 1, 2, 3,
Photos - 229
S 1, Photos - 111
T 1, Photos - 13
U 1, Photos - 5
V 1, Photos - 4
W 1, Photos - 100
with Work Done by Chris Garnons-Williams
X 1 Photos -
Y 1, Photos -
Z 1 Photos -
Articles/Items in Ivydene Gardens - 88
Flower Colour, Num of Petals, Shape and
Plant Use of:-
Rock Garden
within linked page

Topic -
Fragrant Plants:-

Sense of Fragrance from Roy Genders
Fragrant Plants:-
Trees and Shrubs with Scented Flowers
, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Shrubs bearing Scented Flowers for an Acid Soil
, 2, 3, 4
Shrubs bearing Scented Flowers for a
Chalky or Limestone Soil
, 2, 3, 4
Shrubs bearing Scented leaves for a
Sandy Soil
, 2, 3
Herbaceous Plants with Scented Flowers
, 2, 3
Annual and Biennial Plants with Scented Flowers or Leaves
, 2
Bulbs and Corms with Scented Flowers
, 2, 3, 4, 5
Scented Plants of Climbing and Trailing Habit
, 2, 3
Winter-flowering Plants with Scented Flowers
, 2
Night-scented Flowering Plants
, 2

Topic -
Website User Guidelines

My Gas Service Engineer found Flow and Return pipes incorrectly positioned on gas boilers and customers had refused to have positioning corrected in 2020.

Table Item Number


Table E

To understand about clay before inspecting what it can do to buildings, it might be useful to look at
Case 3 Drive Foundations in Clay
and then the affect on a new house after 6 years in
Clay on Sand Subsidence of New House
and there are
Other Factors causing subsidence.
Part of solution is to use
Aquadyne Drainage System
to transport rainwater within garden area to evergreen plants that can use it.

You might find that reviewing pages about soil and why clay causes problems could be useful:-
How Soil is created with organic matter and
why is Organic Matter important to Soil?
Soil Formation combines Rock Particles, Humus, Water and Air into Soil Texture with
Soil Structure, which is the interaction between clay domains, organic matter, silt and sand particles.
How is Clay created? ,
What is Humus and How is Humus made? and
How does Water act in the Soil?
What are the Soil Nutrients besides
the Carbon Cycle and
the Nitrogen Cycle.
What types of organisms are found in the soil? and
how do soil microbes recycle nutrients?
What Pysical changes occur in Soil because of weather?
and what
Chemical changes occur in Soil because of weather?
leading to
how are Chemicals stored and released from Soil? with
how is material lost from the soil?
This leads to an
Action plan for you to do with your soil and
Pre-Building Work for Builders to treat polluted soil using phyto-remediation plants.

Perhaps after Builders have read the following section:-


Problems for Houseowners and Builders when the new home is surrounded clay and how to solve them.

8 problems caused by clay:-

  • In creating a new driveway for a client you can see (from the top photos in Drive Foundations in Clay) that when it rains, that the indentations in the clay caused by my boots do fill with water and then that water does not drain away.
    Solution -
    Had I installed a soakaway under the drive or elsewhere in the back garden below the drive, then it would have filled with water and not drained.
    If the ground is clay, then that soakaway will fill and never empty. In that case if you create that soakaway as a continuous one about 2 feet away from the boundary with it starting 3 feet from house and continuing round to meet the entrance of the drive, then planting privet or yew evergreen hedge in that 2 feet gap between it and the boundary will absorb the water from that driveway. The 2 feet depth of existing clay soil between that extended soakaway and the boundary should be replaced by the following mixture of 1 part existing soil and 1 part sand to provide a soil where the soakaway water can move from the soakaway through the soil to the hedge roots. The french drain used to transport the water should be surrounded by 4 inches of coarse pea-shingle inside an envelope of geotextile to stop that pea-shingle from mixing with the mixed soil.
  • The same happened to a client's house, which subsided after 6 years from being built. The builder had run out of top soil and instead of putting sand as the rest of the back garden was composed of where it had been growing a forest, they put 24 inches (60 cms) of blue clay the full width of the back of the house which sloped up and met the upward sloping lawn laid by the builders. The lawn prevented much of the rainwater from entering the sand underneath and thus draining away and ended up on the 144 inch (360 cms) wide slabbed patio before hitting the house wall and soaking into the blue clay below the slabs. Clay can absorb 40% of its own volume before it turns from a solid to a liquid. When the clay absorbs the water, then the suction on the housewall is sufficient to raise that wall. When it dries out then the wall subsides and so it subsided. The 6th photo down the Case 3a Clay on Sand Subsidence of New House Page shows the blue clay as the dark section at the top of the trench with the sand being dark yellow below it.
    Solution 1 -
    Instead of the patio sloping up the back garden, I installed a concrete foundation for a conservatory with the concrete going 12 inches (30 cms) deeper than the 24 depth of blue clay. Then, the foundation for the new Path/Patio at the back of the house was sloped away from the house at 1:40 and the rain drained to the Gully, thence to the Sump in the middle of the garden. I then bought a powerful Cultivator Tiller and rotovated the back lawn. Using an asphalt rake and a spade with wheelbarrow; I then levelled the remaining back garden lawn in both directions, with the conservatory/path areas sloping away from the house to allow rainwater to be collected and taken to the sump, instead of causing further damage to the house. The levelled lawn then needed a Patio wall to stop the earth from being unsurpported. A builder than built the conservatory, the restraining patio wall and the new path/patio.
    Solution 2 -
    If that area of blue clay had been surrounded by the Aquadyne Drainage System by the original builders to a 36 inches depth, then the problem would never have arisen as all the rainwater would have been transferred to the surrounding sand soil and the underlying sand. Thus the suction power of the clay would have been on the Aquadyne and not the house wall. Since the Aquadyne is plastic it would if it moved up and down and not taken the house wall with it.
  • There are other factors causing Subsidence of Buildings, especially Tree Roots in Clay Soils.
  • I spent some months maintaining the grounds within 5 acres of a new Care Home. The previous use for these 5 acres had been as a boys school. This had been demolished and the rubble then built on for the 5 new residential Care Buildings with its Administration/Kitchen Building. 5000 shrubs and trees were planted and at the end of the first year, I audited what remained - 2000 out those 5000 had died. The builders had generously added a 2 inches (5 cm) depth of topsoil before planting into that and the rubble under it.
    Solution -
    I bought an American Super Tomahawk Chipper/Shredder and shredded the tree/shrub prunings during the winter and applied the shreddings as a mulch in the further beds on the 5 acre estate during the winter to provide nutrients for the surviving plant.
    I did suggest putting a 4 inch mulch of bark on top of the ground in the beds at a trifling cost of £19,000, since digging up the plants and transfering them to a nursery bed, before excaving a further 12 inches (30 cm) and replacing the 14 inch (35 cm) depth with good soil mixed with manure; and then its plants; would have been extremely time consuming and expensive. This money was not forthcoming, so when I started cutting the lawns, I added the mowings to the beds as a mulch. I was told that this was unsightly and to stop doing that - at this point I resigned since the contract for the original planting only included making up the losses in the first year, I could not see that many of the plants would survive in the succeeding years.
    You need a minimum of a spade depth of at least 8 inches (20 cms) of topsoil with a 4 inch mulch of bark or spent mushroom compost surrounding each plant after the planting, plus an irrigation system - that means 12 inches below the top of the bed edging, so that the mulch does not flow out onto the lawn, patio, drive or paths after it has been laid.
  • In maintaining a client's lawn, I found that after rain that their lawn was squelchy. The lawn was laid on a clay topsoil.
    I mowed the lawn quite low and applied Top Dressing at the recommended rate. I repeated this twice more once a month. After that, the problem was sorted.
  • I received this from a client - An unsuccessful planting scheme had left bare areas of garden as plants failed to survive winter in the waterlogged clay soil. The loss of numerous plants and the cost of replacing them had left us disheartened.
    Solution -
    A 150mm (6 inch) deep mulch of mixed peat, sharp washed sand and horticultural grit was applied on top of a heavy clay soil to improve its structure, and stop the plants therein from drowning, at £10 a square metre. The mix was:
    • 4 cubic metres of Peat (to provide the Organic Polymers/Organic Matter and Carbon.)
    • 2 cubic metres of Sharp Washed Sand (to provide the sand for the production of microaggregates)
    • 2 cubic metres of Horticultural Grit (to provide larger particles for aggregation)
    • 25kg of Garden Lime (to provide Calcium for the plants and allow clay minerals to bond together to form domains. Once clay minerals are stacked together to form domains, they can then bond with organic matter to form microaggregates)
    • 25 kg of Sulphate of Iron (to provide Iron to act as a trace element and to create soil colloid for buffering chemical nutrients in the soil for later use by plants)
    • 25Kg of Sulphate of Potash ( to provide fertilizer for the plants)

      and the following was sent to me in October 2004:- An unsuccessful planting scheme had left bare areas of garden as plants failed to survive winter in the waterlogged clay soil. The loss of numerous plants and the cost of replacing them had left us disheartened. It was evident that remedial action was needed in the form of a mixture of gravel, sand and peat to create an organic loam. Approximately six inches was added in April and left to settle and do its job. By July there was a noticeable difference in the quality of the soil and the plants. Shrubs with sparse, mottled leaves were looking glossy and robust, overall growth had increased (including the weeds!) and the soil was holding its moisture well. But the biggest difference came in the confidence it gave us to transform the garden. The borders used to be a no-go area between May and September as the clay baked and cracked, but the new soil was easy to handle and weeds could be successfully removed. We realised that there are no quick fixes - the key to a healthy garden is rich, nutritous soil. Once our plants began to thrive we were optimistic that, with good advice, we could create a garden to be proud of.
  • I visited a prospective client whose second laid lawn sloping up from the house in the back garden was needed to be replaced. The turves had dried and the clay soil had also dried with the result that the turves separated. She had had the builder lay a horizontal patio at the back of her new house and the lawn went from there up to the next house. Her home and garden were on clay. I did point out to her that when it rained, then the patio would become a lake and her house would subside, since not only the rain falling on the patio but the rain falling on the lawn would also end up at the patio. I refused to quote for her lawn replacement.
    Solution -
    in the second row down.
  • When requested by a builder, I visited his site where huge excavators were used to dig the trenches for the drains and utilities. The garden at the back of the showhouse had a downward slope from the garden wall to the house and moss was already growing round the french windows facing the back garden.
    Solution -
    in the second Row down.

Then, they could follow my following Suggested Action Plan for Builders after they have built their houses:-
Lay the
Aquadyne Drainage System round the perimeter of the new garden areas.
Next to it then plant 1 of these Instant Hedges on the non-house wall sides to absorb the rainwater collected by that drainage system:-

And finally on the same day pour a depth of 11 inches (27.5 cms) depth of the builders soil mixture detailed below onto the remainder of the new garden areas and alongside the Instant Hedging.

To provide a different requirement from the current plants used in the above Instant Hedges, plants for each of the following could be used instead:-

A fortnight later the following type of turf containing RTF (Rhizomatous Tall Fescue), bred by Barenbrug Research USA, could be laid over the proposed lawn areas.

The roots of that grass will reach the clay below and stabilise the new builders soil mix, before the proposed owners view the property a month later.

The builders soil mix should within 3 months become roughly the same proportion of clay, silt and sand which is within a Sandy Clay Loam to create a sweet spot for growing plants as shown on How is material lost from the soil? Page, since it will mix with the clay below.


Builders do sell the original topsoil including

  • the grass,
  • the zone of organic matter and the
  • zone where mineral and organic matter are mixed

where the new building and its garden areas are to be built.


The consolidated parent material (bedrock) is usually sand, chalk or clay with flint possibly. At the end of building; the builders rubble is covered with possibly only a 2 inch (5 cms) depth of imported topsoil, which might be the washings from the sugar beet in the sugar industry. This is covered with turf and the unsuspecting public is offered the result. As likely as not one of their gardens slopes towards the house and even with the modern depth of foundation wall, there is no guarantee that subsidence will not occur.


If every garden of a new house had a 12 inch depth of soil removed from its new garden area, then at the end of the building work, the Aquadyne Drainage System would be laid round the entire boundary. Next to it then plant the relevant Instant Hedge on the non-house wall sides to absorb the rainwater collected by that drainage system


The mix to change clay soil into a friable useful soil in less than 4 months for the above domestic garden problem was in royal blue colour typing. Using the burgundy colour typing components, the builder could create the following soil mix for his gardens:

  • 4 cubic metres of Spent Mushroom Compost (to provide the Organic Polymers/Organic Matter and Carbon.)
  • 2 cubic metres of Sharp Washed Sand (to provide the sand for the production of microaggregates).
  • 2 cubic metres of Horticultural Grit (to provide larger particles for aggregation)
    752,000 tons of glass are now recycled annually in the UK. Crushed glass (cullet) is used in Agriculture and landscape applications, such as top dressing, root zone material or golf bunker sand, so builders could replace the Sharp washed Sand and the Horticultural Grit with cullet.
  • 25kg of Garden Lime (to provide Calcium for the plants and allow clay minerals to bond together to form domains. Once clay minerals are stacked together to form domains, they can then bond with organic matter to form microaggregates).
    Poultry litter - Uric acid and organic nitrogen (N) in the bird excreta and spilled feed are converted to ammonium (NH4+) by the microbes in the litter. Ammonium, a plant-available N form, can bind to litter and also dissolve in water. Ammonium is a highly reactive ion that bonds with sulfates, nitrates and phosphates to form ammonium salts that improve the nutrient value of litter when land applied as fertilizer.
    Plasterboard (is gypsum - Calcium sulfate dihydrate normally pressed between a paper facer and backer) wastage in the UK is estimated to be 300,0000 tonnes per year. Builders could replace the Garden Lime with the reaction of the poultry litter on the gypsum.
    The recommendations stated in the RHS article are for the finely ground garden lime (calcium carbonate) sold in garden centres in kilograms (kg) per square metre or ounces per square yard. They are based on the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) recommendations for incorporation into the top 20cm (8in) of soil and are enough to raise the soil pH to pH6.5. This is considered the best all-round pH for the majority of garden plants.
  • 25 kg of Sulphate of Iron (to provide Iron to act as a trace element and to create soil colloid for buffering chemical nutrients in the soil for later use by plants)
  • 25Kg of Sulphate of Potash ( to provide fertilizer for the plants)

If water with 150 kgs of clay was first added to the Concrete TruckMixer and then the required volume of cullet followed by the required volume of waste plasterboard, the mixture is then mixed for an hour. If the cullet/waste plasterboard mixture is passed through the poultry houses to mix with the poultry litter on the litter floor before being collected into the next Concrete TruckMixer, then the houses would be cleaner and smell less. The required volume of waste from beer making could replace the Spent Mushroom Compost above and the requisite Sulphate of Iron and Sulphate of Potash could be added to the Concrete TruckMixer before that mixture from the Poultry Farm litter floor is added.

That soil mixture could then be mixed for 30 minutes before applying it to the garden areas of the new houses built by the builder to an 11 inch (27.5 cms) depth. The resulting mixture would then integrate with the clay and create a deep topsoil within 3 months.

All the requirements for a soil as shown in the figure above would then have mixed together and time will increase the bacteria and get a new soil structure created.

The following type of turf could then be laid over the proposed lawn areas a fortnight later:-

RTF (Rhizomatous Tall Fescue), bred by Barenbrug Research USA, produces rhizomes (an underground stem) that send a shoot up to the soil surface while extending new roots downwards. In fact, RTF can root to 1.5 metres deep giving it a chance to tap into water reserves that normal lawn turf cannot reach.
Because RTF is suited to almost all soil types and needs little maintenance and minimal irrigation, gardeners will be rewarded with beautiful lawns, rich in colour and disease resistant, not only in the summer but all year round. During the winter months, the lawn will hold its lush green colour and can resist frost and darker corners. With the onset of spring the rapid germination and quick spring green-up means that lawns are greener earlier.

There is other compostable waste that could be used in the above mixture - The following is from a farmer who runs Riverford Organic Farmers who deliver weekly boxes of vegetables, meat etc from their farms to the homes of members of the public in Britain in his weekly epistle dated Monday 4th December 2017:-

"So why now, in my 57th year, have I seen the light?

  • Firstly, given the environmental impact of livestock, we need a more sustainable source of fertility than muck.
  • Secondly, I met a man who sent 10 tonnes of cooked crab waste, packed with valuable nutrients, to landfill every week at huge cost to him and the environment,
    then another bloke in the pub looking for a home for 1000's of tonnes of wood chip;
    the perfect high carbon material to mix with the nitrogen-rich crab.
  • Thirdly, our agnostic and practical farm team attest to compost soil and its crop improving properties.
  • Fourthly, I met Milan, a highly practical Bulgarian organic grower and compost expert who, with alchemist wizardry, seems to be able to make compost from almost anything given a thermometer and loader. Milan brewed up a little crab, wood chip and spent wool insulation and tried some of the resulting compost on my cardoons and artichokes; they love it.

So, I have seen the errors of my youth and come inside. Milan tells me we have only just started.

It is shocking how much compostable material is wasted at such cost to our environment:

  • food waste,
  • sewage sludge,
  • whey,
  • wood chip,
  • hedge trimmings,
  • seafood waste,
  • abattoir waste.

The reasons are:-

  • Partly the unintended consequences of well-meaning environmental and health legislation;
  • partly the chronic failing of businesses and our market economy to solve complex long-term problems involving bulky, perishable, highly variable and locally specific raw materials; and
  • partly that the alternatives are just too cheap.

Time is running out; we cannot afford 100% safety when environmental destruction is 95% certain if we continue on our current path."

If the above waste was turned into compost that would last as a mulch like spent mushroom compost, which lasts for 2-3 years with 25-35% loss replenishment each year in the autumn, then it could be sold to the above home owners in bags to put alongside their hedges, in planted pots and in the flower beds throughout the year.
The present system of commercial composting of the garden waste taken from the domestic Brown Bins by the refuse collectors each week in England produces a soil conditioner to provide nutrients for the soil instead of a mulch material. The weeds as well as the purchased cultivated plants happily eat it and it is treated as a richly fertilized earth under it instead of a seaparate mulch; as I discovered in a client's garden. It does not provide the benefits that a mulch does of stopping the germination of weed seeds and a reduction of moisture loss.
Jersey Royals Potatoes are grown using seaweed harvested from Jersey beaches as a natural fertilizer. If the soil conditioner detailed in the previous paragraph was spread first and natural non-dried seaweed was added on top as a mulch, then the advantages of a mulch would occur and reduce the garden owner's time in weeding his/her garden. This mulch could be added - onto the new soil created from the waste ingredients above - after 2 months from when that soil had been installed and annually after that. Jersey seed potatoes could be planted in this mulched area to provide many health benefits to its garden owners in the form of their own organically grown food.
Builders could then sell new houses with healthy soil by

  • including red clover green manure seeds sown 2 months after the new soil has been installed to fix nitrogen from the air, weed suppression and improve the soil structure and
  • the promise of the new owners producing their own potato crop!!!

If you cannot be bothered to buy the commercially produced soil conditioner and collect your own seaweed to be harvested from beaches, then the following could still provide these other benefits in the same time slots as in above paragraph:-
To promote healthy growth of potted indoor and outdoor plants and to provide the trace elements (that other soil stimulants do not provide) ; you might consider using the following from Burncoose Nurseries:-
"All-purpose Seaweed Stimulant
All-purpose organic concentrated seaweed feed that is a ready to use, derived from sustainable harvested kelp, that can be used on all outdoor and indoor plants, except acid loving plants, use our Ericaceous seaweed stimulant instead.
The product contains very high levels of auxins and cytokins that are naturally plant growth promoters.
The natural hormones in Empathy All Purpose Seaweed are taken up by the plant and promote faster and stronger root and shoot growth. They will also promote the development of beneficial bacteria, microbes and the Mycorrhizal Fungi in the soil."
You can incorporate seaweed into your own diet to give you Iodine for proper thyroid function, if nothing else appeals.




E2 - Builder created a subsidence problem in building on clay, with the back garden sloping towards the house.

I have looked at a job of the third replacement of turf in a back garden of a new house. The back garden was clay and sloped down to the house - that house will have subsidence problems within 10 years. The only way that it might save itself is to rip up the lawn and plant shrubs that will absorb every drop of rain that falls on that garden -
you are not allowed to either drain into the storm drain of the house which is what takes the rain from the roof of the house/garage or
drain the rainwater from your garden to outside your property onto either public land or into somebody else's property.
I refused the job and told the owner to get onto the builders to rectify their error.
Since builders are repeating the same error on a massive scale in Ashford, the poor owners of new £500,000 houses are going to be upset- where the builders do not realise about the problem of subsidence caused by clay.

You have successfully not bought a property in London - due to its likelhood of subsiding.
London clay is disliked for building houses on, though inevitably most of Greater London is built on it. The mention of London Clay can cause home buyers’ stomachs to sink. It’s the main culprit behind subsidence, which is something any surveyor should be checking for when they survey a property.
London is a particular hotspot for subsidence. Most properties in the Greater London area are built on London Clay, which is one of the most shrinkable of soil types of all as it’s highly susceptible to changes in volume caused by high water content.
As climate change occurs, then the sea level will rise and the clay under London will absorb that water and raise your property up:-

  • Global mean sea level has risen about 8–9 inches (21–24 centimeters) since 1880. The rising water level is mostly due to a combination of melt water from glaciers and ice sheets and thermal expansion of seawater as it warms. In 2023, global mean sea level was 101.4 millimeters (3.99 inches) above 1993 levels, making it the highest annual average in the satellite record (1993-present).
  • Siberia is heating up around twice as quickly as other parts of the world. The rapid change is causing the frozen ground known as permafrost that coats about two-thirds of Russia to thaw for the first time in ages.
  • Thwaites Glacier, often dubbed the “Doomsday Glacier,” already accounts for 4 percent of the planet’s sea level rise and loses 50 billion tons of ice annually. When it collapses, it could raise oceans worldwide by 65 centimeters, or just over 2 feet. “It doesn’t sound like a lot, but if you think of how much ocean water we have in the world, that’s a huge volume,” said Dow.
    Imagine when your property rises 65 centimetres or 24 inches and breaks apart.




Copy of email sent to me by the Planning Department of Medway Council.

Unauthorised works on tree(s) - Eastmoor Cottages

From planningtrees on 2024-04-18 13:03

Details Headers Plain text



Dear Mr C. Garnons-Williams,

I wanted to thank you for your enquiry and apologise for any delay in responding. We have checked and cannot find any record of a 211 notice having been submitted, or of any record relating to notice of exempt works at 1 or 2 Eastmoor Farm Cottages. We have not given any form of consent for work on the tree(s)


To help us with our enquiries it would be appreciated if you could provide a few more details. For example:

•           A sketch or plan showing where the tree grows.

•           Some images showing the pruning that has been undertaken.


The alleged removal of a branch without the tree owners consent is a civil matter between the two parties, as is:

•           any resultant impact on the structural integrity of the tree in terms of how it alters the safe use of the property at 1 Eastmoor Farm Cottages.

•           The conversion of timber to be used as firewood by someone other than the tree owner. 


We will open a case file for unauthorised works to the tree(s) as they would have needed permission from the LPA to do any works other then removal of deadwood which does not require consent but from what you’ve said it appears more then deadwood has been removed

Kind Regards,

Daniel Foster | Open Digital Planning Support Officer | Planning Department

Medway Council | Gun Wharf, Dock Road, Chatham, ME4 4TR |
Phone: 01634 331700 Email: planningtrees@medway.gov.uk

Web: medway.gov.uk |Twitter/X: @medway_council | Facebook: Medway Council

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This email has been scanned for viruses and all reasonable precautions have been taken to ensure that none are present. Medway Council cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage arising from the use of his email or attachments. Any views expressed in this email are those of the individual sender and not necessarily those of Medway Council unless explicitly stated.

Please be aware that emails sent to or received from Medway Council may be subject to recording and/or monitoring in accordance with relevant legislation.



Is there much point in replying, when the trunks on the laurel hedge were wider than 7.5-10.0 cms at 150cms from the ground, without a 211 notice before cutting them?


FURTHER PAGE/INDEX TABLE OF PROBLEMS with each row detailing a problem in light blue background colour

The UK Labour or Conservative government has been humiliating, degrading and dehumanizing its population for over 40 years, without its population realising:-

  • See HISTORY OF THIS in row 2 of the next table on the right; followed by
  • SUMMARY OF ITS EFFECT in row 2 and
  • WITH HOW THAT HAS BEEN DONE also in row 2,
  • to lead to THE UK IS SUFFERING ANARCHY in row 4.
  • Row 6 - If members of the UK public complain then Government's Public Order Act 2023 will put them in jail.

    If workers strike, then the Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Bill (passed by House of Commons and House of Lords 4 July 2023) will kick in so you could be fired by ignoring a "work notice" ordering you to work on strike days for you in health, education, fire and rescue, transport, border security and nuclear decommissioning and radioactive waste management.
  • Row 7 - Water companies in England have faced a barrage of criticism as data revealed raw sewage was discharged for more than 3.6m hours into rivers and seas last year (2023) in a 105% increase on the previous 12 months, including that 38,000,000 tons of waste going annually into the River Thames from London. Environment Agency confirms 54% increase in sewage spills to more than 4,000,000 hours of raw sewage thought to have been discharged into rivers and seas in 2023. This kills the fish, marine life, as well as people/ visitors/ students from the UK and overseas/ swimmers in the waterways and the beaches in the UK, and via the seas to surrounding European countries of 1,000,000's of tons of raw human and animal sewage, microplastics and glyphosate pollution.

    My Experience with raw sewage in the sea and the Camber Sand staff stating it was only the result of a dead sheep in order to get adults and children to swim and play in human sewage, but it was because their was actual dumping of raw sewage in the river each side of the camber sands - I went to CAMBER SANDS beach last week with my wife, her 2 brothers and 2 children of 1 of the brothers.
  • Rows 8 and 9 provide further details on the dehumanizing of the UK population.

    Amazing how you can con 65,000,000 UK citizens, who will vote for this con-merchant in 2024. -
    Con 1 - by setting up a system that tells you a ratio to lull you into thinking finances are okay, but does not tell you how much extra debt that they have created that year.
    Con 2 - Also create a series of government departments to give the impression of controlling the privatised water boards, but actually they let them dump raw sewage into rivers and the surrounding seas. Southern Water gets most sewage dumps into rivers between 7am and 10am as people get up in Kent, Sussex and Hampshire. As it cannot treat its present population's human sewage waste, so any addition to the population such as students and immigrants coming into Kent in the UK in small boats across the Channel will simply add to these sewage spills.
    Con 3 - Using the Sewer Flow Diagram in the next table for Mains Water flow instead, you can see that if you increase the weirs to get water to separate new customers instead of to sewage treatment plants, then you will run out of water when there are too many for the capacity of that mains pipe laid in the 1800's.
    Con etc -
    Benefit slavery System,
    British Industry Supercharger,
    Genetic Technology (Precision Breeding) Bill ,
    Public Finance Initiative,
    England's schools to be given £370,000,000 less money after Department for Education admits bungling figures, etc


Britain runs out of food during summer of 2024. If a worker is on State Benefits and is only allowed to work up 15 hours 59 minutes a week at minimum wage, then with these extra new border control food charges it will cost that person 12% of their gross wage each week and 12% extra if they are supporting their child; from 30 April 2024.


8 problems caused by building house on clay or
with house-wall attached to clay.
work on polluted soil.
is about warnings of the government in the UK turning its population into slaves.


TABLE SOS where the action of humans breathing produces carbon dioxide and the trees/plants/algae cannot process that; because we either cover the roots in concrete/tarmac or kill the algae in the sea from the phosphorus in the human produced sewage. So we are slowly asphixiating ourselves in the UK.
The level of oxygen refers to the amount of oxygen present in the atmosphere or water. Oxygen is produced by photosynthesizing organisms that live in the ocean, in fresh water, and on land. These organisms include bacteria, algae and plants. Photosynthesizing algae in the ocean produce around 70% of oxygen in the atmosphere. The UK pollution going into the sea is killing the algae which provide 70% of oxygen for UK, France, Holland, Portugal, Norway, Sweden and Denmark.
Row 7 in last table on the right in Black Background - Welcome to the UK (Urinating Knave) with details of UK government backed pollution of millions of tons per year into its rivers; which the sea transported across the Channel to Europe killing marine life and humans.
Pollution is biggest threat to Wildlife on our UK waterways.
Photo of permanent air pollution over London.




These remaining items are of no interest to people outside the UK,
but will affect you,
if have property in the UK or
intend to reside in the UK for longer than 1 week.

Medway Proposed New School Comments in September 2019

Neighbour cutting branches off our trees without Conservation Area permission and attempting to sink our house with 1000's of litres of their sewage by blocking the drain to our cesspit. For the following week, they continued to download their sewage after we had written to them stating that the cesspit was full and that the drain was blocked.

Gas explosion from incorrectly installed home boiler, with other customers refusing to correct the situation.
Other items in the Home Section which have nothing to do with gardening, but reading them might deter you from visiting Great Britain; or employing its workforce; or trusting its local or main government.

Problems with electrical re-wire in my home, with the knowledge after the event that the client can do nothing about it, since NAPIT requires you to re-use the same contractor to fix the problems.
Would you; after reading these pages? Manderson emails to us about re-wire.
We wrote the
concerns about the electrical work on 21.03.21;
Questions concerning electrics on 21.03.21 and
re-wire narrative on 19.04.2021
which had no effect on the credit card company or NAPIT. So we commisioned the following report to see if that will make any difference.
Pages 10, 11, 12, 13 contain information concerning the condition of the electrical installation of the complete rewiring of my home by Mr Manderson of Manderson Electrical Services Ltd, with the report by a qualified electrician and this statement about the work carried out:-
"The result of my observations and testing, I am recommending that all the fixed wiring be recovered and a complete new fixed wiring installation is installed. Unfortunately the work previously carried out is of such a poor standard I cannot re-use any of it."
Mr Manderson is a Part P Registered Electrician with Napit; Registered Competent Person Electrical; Approved Electrician from Napit; City & Guilds Qualified; Part P Electrical Safety; and Honest & Transparent. His firm was employed to replace all the wiring, power sockets, light switches and lights and make sure that rodents could not attack them to chew through the cables or cause an
electrical problem.
Pages 10 lists 18 electrical faults on the new wiring, re-use of the old wiring, and old wiring that was still either in use or had been cut at the old power socket, at the old light fitting, or old light switch (the plasterers filled an old power socket metal box and short-circuited the fuse - it will be fine in 30 minutes sir; 4 hours later it was still shorting, so presumably that would explain why they switched off one of the fuses in the old fuseboard - see photo on page 15 of the report. As clients; we do appreciate having the opportunity of electrocuting ourselves from their re-wire work) where

  • fault 2 is a Code C1 'Danger Present' and immediate action is required from March 2021, (the electricians testing 2 of the double power sockets installed in the kitchen in 1987 found that they were polarity reversed. This risks a short circuit, shock or fire. They corrected the problem immediately)
  • Faults 4, 12, 14 and 18 are Code C2 and Urgent remedial action required,
  • Faults 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16, 17 are Code C3 where improvement is recommended

Because we had paid part of the cost to Manderson Electrical Services Ltd using a credit card, then after we had contacted them and sent the report, the credit card company re-imbursed us. We then used that money towards a total removal of all wiring and total rewiring by the electrician who had produced the report.


The above was a pointless waste of time - we have now had the house completely rewired again without any recompense from the original contractor's lies, thiefery and extremely dangerous work with the government body Napit being no help at all. The unfortunate consequence of either buying a house or having anything done to it is that you the owner can and will be totally screwed by the majority of the British Workforce.
I have looked at a job of the third replacement of turf in a back garden of a new house. The back garden was clay and sloped down to the house - that house will have subsidence problems within 10 years. The only way that it might save itself is to rip up the lawn and plant shrubs that will absorb every drop of rain that falls on that garden -
you are not allowed to either drain into the storm drain of the house which is what takes the rain from the roof of the house/garage or
drain the rainwater from your garden to outside your property onto either public land or into somebody else's property.
I refused the job and told the owner to get onto the builders to rectify their error.
Since builders are repeating the same error on a massive scale in Ashford in Kent, the poor owners of new £500,000 houses are going to be upset.