Ivydene Gardens Flower Shape and Use in Landscape for all Wildflower and Cultivated Plants in this Website Gallery: |
Text with White Background indicates that link to its Landscaping List Page has not so far occured. |
Text with Yellow Background indicates that the link to its Landscaping Page - that has had its details entered - has been completed. It has also been entered in the relevant row of the relevant pages in this gallery, that has it in its list. |
Macleaya |
Magnolia |
Maianthemum |
Majorana |
Malanthium |
Malva |
Malvastrum (Modiolastrum) |
Marrubium |
Matthiola |
Mazus |
Meconopsis |
Melaeuca |
Melissa |
Mentha |
Mertensia |
Mesembryan-themum |
Metrosideros |
Micromeria |
Mignonette |
Milium |
Milla |
Mimulus |
Miscanthus |
Mitchella |
Mitella |
Molinia |
Monarda |
Monardella |
Moraea |
Morisia |
Muehlenbeckia |
Muscari |
Mutisia |
Myoporum |
Myosotis |
Myreugenella |
Myrrhis |
Climbers:- 3 Sector Vertical Plant System from Infill3 Gallery Ramblers Scramblers & Twiners by Michael Jefferson-Brown (ISBN 0 - 7153 - 0942 - 0) describes how to choose, plant and nurture over 500 high-performance climbing plants and wall shrubs, so that more can be made of your garden if you think not just laterally on the ground but use the vertical support structures including the house as well. Warning - Just as it is a mistake to try to keep a tiger in a dog's kennel, it can be a disaster to plant a rampant grower in a site that it will very quickly outgrow. Strong climbers, especially self-supporting ones (Ivy, Ampelopsis, Parthenocissus and Vitis), can quickly get to the eaves, where they may sabotage gutters, and if allowed to get onto the roof, distort or even dislodge tiling. Climbing roses must be supported by humans tying them to structures since the roses cannot do it themselves (keep the top of the structures 3 feet below the eaves so that annual pruning can reduce the risk of the odd stem reaching the guttering!!). There are 3 sectors on a house wall or high wall:-
The climbers in the Climber Plant Gallery have been placed into one of these 3 heights with the Text Box Boundary in:-
The Climber Plant Gallery splits the climbers into their following ways of climbing:-
Climber 3 Sector Vertical Plant System Use Pages:-
The Gardener's Illustrated Encyclopedia of Climbers & Wall Shrubs - A guide to more than 2000 varieties including Roses, Clematis and Fruit Trees by Brian Davis. Published by Penguin Books Ltd. in 1990. ISBN 0-670-82929-3 is providing more climbers to add to the ones from Ramblers Scramblers & Twiners by Michael Jefferson-Brown (ISBN 0 - 7153 - 0942 - 0).
Further details of each are available in Climber Plant Gallery:- |
Bedding:- The following details about BEDDING comes from Wikipedia:- Bedding plants
Types of bedding
TABLE A with white background column Pre July 2022, the The Evergreen Perennials have
The following Column cells with White Background explains the above process in this table. If both 'Evergreen Perennials' and This TABLE A will be appended to every page P-Evergreen A-L Evergreen Perennial Evergreen Perennial for 7 flower colours per month . |
TABLE A with yellow background column Post July 2022, then Every Plant detailed in this website has
The following Column cells with Yellow Background explains the above process in this table. If both 'Evergreen Perennials' and This TABLE A, TABLE B and TABLE C will be appended only to the site map pages in the remaining galleries and to the site map pages comparing 'Every Plant detailed in this website' in the following galleries:- Plants detailed in this website by Botanical Name as shown in the next row, Evergreen Perennial 7 flower colours per month . |
Their Plant Description Pages in
...P-Evergreen A-L |
Their Plant Description Page or row in
Plants detailed in this website by |
Continuing from October 2023 |
The process below provides a uniform method for These are the galleries that will provide the plants to be added to their own Extra Index Pages
The following Extra Index of Bulbs is created in the
Having transferred the Extra Index row entry to the relevant Extra Index row for the same type of plant in a gallery below; then
Their 7 flower colours per month compared in Evergreen Perennial |
Their 7 flower colours per month compared in Evergreen Perennial |
I have updated the plant type and plant use for the Evergreen Perennials by February 2023, then,
Ground Cover from PLANTS is within the text box under the thumbnail, and by clicking on the centre of the thumbnail, the page shall be changed
Their Flower Shape compared in Evergreen Per Shape Gallery |
Every Plant in this website has their Flower Shape compared in |
Most of the Garden Plant Use
Lists from |
Lists from |
Nursery of Nursery of Damage by Plants in Chilham Village - Pages Pavements of Funchal, Madeira Identity of Plants Ron and Christine Foord - 1036 photos only inserted so far - Garden Flowers - Start Page of each Gallery |
followed by continuing to insert all the plants with flowers from Camera Photo Galleries as indicated by I will continue to insert all the plants planted in chalk as indicated by The following plants shall be added to the Flower Shape pages of this gallery
Add these plants from PLANTS topic from the soil it prefers:-
FINALLY The above will take time!!! |
Ivydene Gardens Water Fern to Yew Wild Flower Families Gallery: |
Only Wildflowers detailed in the following Wildflower Colour Pages |
Jan |
Feb |
Mar |
Apr |
May |
Jun |
Jul |
Aug |
Sep |
Oct |
Nov |
Dec |
1 |
Blue |
1 |
1 |
Cream |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
White A-D |
1 Yellow |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Flowering plants of |
1 |
Flowering plants of |
"SEASONS AND MONTHS SPRING SUMMER AUTUMN WINTER " from The Wildlife Garden Month-by-Month by Jackie Bennett. Published by David & Charles in 1993 (ISBN 0 7153 0033 4). |
B & T World Seeds Paguignan, 34210 Aigues Vives, France can supply seeds world-wide from over 35,000 different plants. John Chambers Wildflower Seed supplies native British produced wildflower seed from its John Chambers Wildflowers Brochure and its Green-tech Specifier Wildflowers Seeds with delivery to England, Scotland and Wales. American Meadows Quick Guide to Wildflowers contains complete planting instructions, how much seed you need, and wildflower searches by color, height, moisture and light requirements with delivery of live plants, bulbs and seeds to USA only, but only its seeds to Canada. |
The following 3 rows link to pages comparing plant use |
The following in this row is from Uses of Plant and Flower Shape:- |
The following is from Row 2 of the TOPIC TABLE Bulb Galleries has its own set of Flower Colour Pages Bulb houseplants flowering inside House during:- Climber in |
The following is from Row 2 of the TOPIC TABLE |
The following is from Row 4 of the TOPIC TABLE Indoor / House Cultivation, Cool Greenhouse Cultivation with artificial heating in the Winter, Conservatory Cultivation with heating throughout the year, and Stovehouse Cultivation with heating throughout the year for Tropical Plants |
The following is from Row 5 of the TOPIC TABLE All Flowers 53 with |
The following is from Row 6 of the TOPIC TABLE Uses of Bedding Uses of Bulb Uses of Rose |
The following is from Row 7 of the TOPIC TABLE and Coleus Bedding Foliage Trial Gallery, which also contains:- |
The following is from Row 8 of the TOPIC TABLE |
When you have chosen a plant, remember to use
Remember especially not to replace a plant from the following immediately with the same specie or another from the same family, because of Specific Replant Disease. See article in Recommended Rose Pruning Methods. To be on the safe side, do not replant the same specie in the same place, which is why we have a 4-year Vegetable rotation pattern. |
From Annuals and Biennials chapter in Plants for Ground-cover by Graham Stuart Thomas - Gardens consultant to the National Trust. Published by J.M. Dent and Sons Ltd in 1970, Reprinted (with further revisions) 1990. ISBN 0-460-12609-1:- "I think there is a case to be considered for annuals and biennials in ground-cover schemes so long as they will sow themselves freely. |
Use |
Plant |
Comments |
Lawn and ground-cover under conifer trees |
Poa annua |
The needles under a cedar tree were weekly swept away and the grass, despite fertilizers, top dressing, re-seading and re-turfing, simply would not grow. The needles were left alone and within 12 months the area became self-sown with a close and permanent sward of Poa nnua. This little grass regenerates itself constantly so that it makes a lawn, though each plant has only a short life. |
Oxalis rosea |
This is highly successful in the shade of conifers or any other tree |
Cyclamen hederifolium |
This is a perennial, though sowing itself freely when suited and it is here because plants to grow under cedars and yews, somewhat away from the trunks, are very few. |
Temporary ground-cover under trees |
Tropaeolum or Eschscholtzia |
A sheet of 'Gleam' nasturtiums or eschscholtzia; both are free-flowering and easily pulled up, though like all annuals it may be a year or two later before all dispersed seeds have germinated. Silene armeria and Iberis amara are equally successful, with Sett Alyssum (Lobularia maritima) creating a dwarf ground-cover carpet in late summer. |
Ground-cover under trees with high rainfall |
Claytonia sibirica (Montia sibirica) |
This grows under trees where the grass is thin at high altitude and high rainfall. It covers the area - interpersed with primroses and Oxalia acetosella - with a mass of pinky-white stars a few inches (cms) above the ground. Claytonia perfoliata is an annual; it is usually classed as a weed but is excellent cover in cool, acid soil, but far less conspicuous in flower |
Streamsides, river banks and fringes of boggy ground |
Impatiens glandulifera (Impatiens roylei, Annual Balsam) |
It is a rapid colonizer because its seeds are ejected with some force from the ripe pods. It seeds with great abandon and grows to 72 (180) or more; its many pink flowers make a great show. |
Full sun and drier soils than by streamsides |
Angelica archangelica |
It very quickly produces great green heads in spring, ripening quickly, with the result that the ground is thickly covered with seedlings in late summer. Oenothera biennis (Evening Primrose) will colonize any sunny waste place and produce yellow blooms for weeks in the summer Lychnis coronaria is a prolific seeder with rosettes of silvery basal leaves. Erysimum linifolium (Wallflower) produces lilac flowers |
Plants that seed about with abandon |
From Appendix II Lists of plants for special conditions in Plants for Ground-cover by Graham Stuart Thomas - Gardens consultant to the National Trust. Published by J.M. Dent and Sons Ltd in 1970, Reprinted (with further revisions) 1990. ISBN 0-460-12609-1:- |
Plant |
Plant |
Plant |
1. Plants requiring lime-free soils
Arctostaphylos. |
Erica. |
Philesia. |
2. Plants which will thrive in limy soils
Acaena. |
Cotula. |
Paeonia. |
3. Plants which tolerate clay.
Acanthus. |
Euonymus fortunei. |
Rodgersia. |
4. Plants which will grow satisfactorily in dry, shady places. Apart from ill-drained clay, this combination of conditions is the most difficult to cope with in the garden. * indicates those which will not tolerate lime. |
Alchemilla conjuncta. |
Fragaria. |
Reynoutria. |
5. Plants which thrive on moist soils. Genera marked * are suitable for boggy positions. |
Ajuga. |
Cornus stolonifera. |
*Onoclea. |
6. Plants which grow well in shady positions. The bulk of these are woodland plants, growing well under shrubs and trees, but those marked * are not so satisfactory under trees, though thriving in the shade given by buildings. For those requiring lime-free soil, compare with List 1. |
Adiantum. |
Carex. |
Epigaea. |
Helxine. |
Onoclea. |
Shortia. |
7. Plants which will thrive in hot, sunny places on dry soils. Those marked * require lime-free soil. |
Acaena. |
Dimorphotheca. |
Lychnis coronaria. |
8. Plants which thrive in maritime districts. Many of the following will stand wind and salt-spray, particularly those marked *. Those marked ** will provide shelter for others and shelter is highly important in seaside gardening. For genera requiring, lime-free soil, compare with List 1. |
Acaena. |
Aubretia. |
Ceanothus. |
*Genista. |
Pulsatilla. |
*Sedum. |
9. Plants which create barriers. The following by their dense or prickly character will deter small animals and human beings as well as weeds. |
Arundinaria anceps. |
Mahonia japonica. |
10. Plants for town gardens. Genera marked * prefer acid soil; those marked £ will thrive in impoverished soils. Soil in towns is usually deficient in humus. |
£Acanthus. |
Euonymus. |
Ribes. |
Humus is dark, organic material that forms in soil when plant and animal matter decays.
The humus provides the organic polymers to interact with the clay domains and bacterium to stick the 2 grains of sand together. This soil molecule of 2 grains of sand, organic polymers, clay domains and bacterium will disintegrate by the action of the bacterium or fungal enymatic catalysis on the organic polymers. So if a continuous supply of humus is not present, then the soil molecules will break up into sand and clay. |
Cultural Needs of Plants "Understanding Fern Needs
Only Earthworms provide the tunnels which transport water, gas and nutrients to and from roots. When the roots of the plant requires the mineral nutrients dissolved in soil water, oxygen and nitrogen intake and waste gases output, it gets it through the action of the earthworm continously making tunnels to provide the transport system. |
11. Plants suitable for covering rose-beds. The following are all small plants that will not be strong-growing for the purpose, and will help to make the beds more attractive during the 7 months when Hybrid Teas and Floribundas are not in flower. Small spring-flowering bulbs can be grown through them. The more vigorous shrub roses will tolerate many others among the shorter growing plants in this 1000 ground cover table. |
Acaena. |
Cardamine trifolia. |
Primula auricula. |
Ivydene Gardens Flower Shape and Use in Landscape for all Wildflower and Cultivated Plants in this Website Gallery |
These 2 systems of comparison:- The Evergreen Perennials have
are detailed in the TABLE A on the right |
PLANT USE AND FLOWER SHAPE GALLERY PAGES combined with those already compared in
Tip Colour background as shown in the cell above. |
Perennials & Ephemerals chapter of Plants for Dry Gardens by Jane Taylor. Published by Frances Lincoln Limited in 1993. ISBN 0-7112-0772-0 for plants that are drought tolerant. Wildflowers with the same genus name as for the plant in these following lists with their Species will be added to these lists so that you can then use them with those cultivated perennials for the same purpose in your garden. Their botanical names will be in black. |
Rock |
These pages in this section of Yellow Background are |
Back of Border, Alley, and Too Tall for Words Special Garden |
Perennials for Ground Covering in Shade and 3 |
Colour All The Year in My Garden by C.H. Middleton. Published by Ward, Lock & Co. for culture. Perennials The Gardener's Reference by Susan Carter, Carrie Becker and Bob Lilly. Published by Timber Press in 2007 for plants for Special Gardens. It also gives details of species and cultivars for each genus. Wildflowers with the same genus name as for the plant in these following lists with their Species will be added to these lists so that you can then use them with those cultivated perennials for the same purpose in your garden. Their botanical names will be in black. |
Wildflower Form and Evergreen Perennial Form Wildflower Form and Evergreen Perennial Form |
Prostrate or Trailing. |
Cushion or Mound-forming |
Spreading or Creeping |
Sword-shaped Leaves |
Erect or Upright. |
Wildflower Use and Evergreen Perennial Use |
Attracts Butter-flies |
Attracts Bees + |
Wildflower in Soil and Evergreen Perennial in Soil |
Clay + |
Peat + |
Any + |
+ Evergreen Perennials in Pages in Plants |
Peony Use |
1/3 of the food we eat Single flowered cultivars (some are marked as 'Single Flowers') are useful to honeybees, Information about Bee Pollinated Plants is in the Site Map of Evergreen Perennial gallery:-
This table provides the index for each month of each flower colour and
Comparing Alpines.