Ivydene Gardens Colour Wheel - Flowers Gallery: Compare plants of all types with the same Foliage Colour |
Silver |
Links to Plant Use and Shape Gallery Pages are below this comparison table, for:-
Links to Shape Gallery Pages only, for:-
Bulb and Perennial Height from Text Border Colour |
Brown = |
Blue = 12-24 inches (30-60 cms) |
Green = 24-36 inches (60-90 cms) |
Red = 36-72 inches (90-180 cms) |
Black = 72+ inches (180+ cms) |
Bulb and Perennial Soil Moisture from Text Background |
Shrub |
Brown = |
Blue = 12-36 inches (30-90 cms) |
Green = 36-60 inches (90-150 cms) |
Red = 60-120 inches (150-300 cms) |
Black = 120+ inches (300+ cms) |
Shrub |
Tree |
Brown = |
Blue = 240-480 inches (600-1200 cms) |
Green = 480+ inches (1200+ cms) |
Red = Potted |
Black = Use in Small Garden |
Tree |
Climber |
Blue = 0-36 inches (0-90 cms) |
Green = 36-120 inches (90-300 cms) |
Red = 120+ inches (180+ cms) |
Climber |
Aquatic, Bamboo, Bedding, Conifer, Fern, Grass, Herb, Rhododendron, Rose, Soft Fruit, Top Fruit, Vegetable and Wildflower |
Blue = 0-24 inches (0-60 cms) |
Green = 24-72 inches (60-180 cms) |
Red = |
Aquatic, Bamboo, Bedding, Conifer, Fern, Grass, Herb, Rhododendron, Rose, Soft Fruit, Top Fruit, Vegetable and Wildflower |
The 2 EUREKA EFFECT pages for understanding soil and how plants interact with it:-
Choose 1 of these different Plant selection Methods:- 1. Choose a plant from 1 of 53 flower colours in the Colour Wheel Gallery. 2. Choose a plant from 1 of 12 flower colours in each month of the year from
3. Choose a plant from 1 of 6 flower colours per month for each type of plant:- 4. Choose a plant from its Flower Shape:- 5. Choose a plant from its foliage:- 6. There are 6 Plant Selection Levels including
or 7. When I do not have my own or ones from mail-order nursery photos , then from March 2016, if you want to start from the uppermost design levels through to your choice of cultivated and wildflower plants to change your Plant Selection Process then use the following galleries:-
I like reading and that is shown by the index in my Library, where I provide lists of books to take you between designing, maintaining or building a garden and the hierarchy of books on plants taking you from
Colour Wheel - All Flowers 53 Gallery Site Map for Flower Petal Colour being nearest to Colour in this Colour Wheel Page Introduction explains the 54 links to the 54 colour pages in the Colour Wheel links map below |
Dark Tone Mid-Tone Pure Hue Pastel |
These 12 colour spokes of Dark Tone, Mid-Tone, Pure Hue and Pastel are split into:-
There are other pages on Plants which bloom in each month of the year in this website:-
When you have reached the required Flower Colour Page, then click on Flowering Months of the required plant to compare this flower with others |
Plant Selection by Flower Colour |
Blue Flowers |
Other Colour Flowers |
Red Flowers |
White Flowers |
Yellow Flowers |
Plant Index to all compared thumbnails of this flower colour in this page:- Click on Flowering Period Month to compare this flower EITHER with others from the same Plant Type - Bulbs, Climbers, Evergreen Perennials - in that month OR with others from the plants at RHS Wisley in that month |
Plant Name |
Flower Colour with |
Flowering Form Thumbnail |
Height x Width in inches (cms) - |
Foliage Colour with Foliage Thumbnail |
Plant Use |
Comments |
In my research into books useful to a gardener, the public do not want books written in botanical language like
because the general public has not learnt the biology language. Up to 1900-1920 many books were written as essays. Today, people do not spend the time reading essays to find out that on
Gertrude Jekyll writes very nice books which when I am completely retired at the age of 142, I shall read to send me to sleep. Sander's Enclyopaedia of Gardening first appeared in serial form in Amateur Gardening. For 5 years from November 15th 1890 until August 10th 1895 it appeared, a column or so at a time until at last the work was completed. It was then produced as a book and had an immediate success. For the first time the gardener was provided with a comprehensive enclopaedia which not only gave brief descriptions of all the plants he was ever likely to meet but also complete information regarding their cultivation. Moreover this enclopaedia was so compact that it could be carried around easily and so be available as a contant source of reference indoors or out. This book was continually revised and was still being published in 1960. The one I am using still uses a specific compost for each different plants. I think the later editions have gone to using 1 of the John Innes mixtures instead. The books written between 1900 and 1958 (including the very well written books on gardening produced during the second world war to get joe public to grow his own vegetables, fruit, chickens were very erudite) provided much more cultivation details than books currently published. If you look at my Library and see how it has been split up, one notices that most modern books are coffee table books with pictures and little information and some are misleading like the one by Stephen Lacey. We have the opportunity in this world to create something that would be useful to many people, but at the moment unless someone can make zillions out of it for very little effort then nothing happens. At least I am trying. At least Wikimedia Commons provides some photos. When Percy Thrower was on the television then you were taught something about gardening, the modern TV programmes just entertain but not teach. I would love it if I could get photos of plants that I can verify are the plant specified and that I can get the cultivation details as well to provide to the public, but 99.999% of nurseries will not supply or allow me to come and take my own photos; unless money is involved - unlike the 5 days taking photos without touching them of the roses growing in the nursery of R.V. Roger free of charge to me. |
Bulbs |
Herbaceous Perennials |
Evergreen Perennials |
Deciduous Shrub |
Evergreen Shrub |
Deciduous Tree |
Evergreen Tree |
Deciduous Climber |
Evergreen Climber |
Aquatic, Bamboo, Bedding, Conifer, |
Site design and content copyright ©August 2009. Menus amended July 2015. Page changed to provide more comprehensive plant index June 2017. Plant Use and Flower Shape pages added July 2017. Chris Garnons-Williams. DISCLAIMER: Links to external sites are provided as a courtesy to visitors. Ivydene Horticultural Services are not responsible for the breakage of the link to the Safety Regulations for man walking with Red Flag before Automobile. |
Plant Name |
Habit |
Planting Time |
Main pruning |
Propagation |
Plant Use |
Origin, |
Helichrysum angusti-folium (Helich-rysum italicum) |
Shrub. Height 24 inches (60 cm), allow 24 inches (60 cm) width |
April-May |
May |
Cuttings and layers |
Border. Front of shrubbery. Ground cover |
Eastern United States. |
Culture |
Helichry-sum pendulum (Helichry-sum fontanesii) |
Shrub. Height 48 inches (120 cm), allow 30 inch (75 cm) width |
May |
May |
Layers and cuttings |
Border and shrubbery. |
Sicily. |
Culture |
Helichrysum italicum |
Shrub. Height 12-18 inch (30-45 cm), allow 12 inch (30 cm) width |
May |
May |
Cuttings |
For very low hedges |
Southern Europe. |
Culture |
Hummock forming. Height 6 inches (15 cm), allow 8 inch (20 cm) width |
May |
No pruning is necessary |
Rooted offshoots |
Rockery |
South Africa. |
Culture |
Helichrysum petiolatum (Helichry-sum petiolare, Licorice Plant) |
Spreading perennial. Allow 18 inch (45 cm) width. |
Late May |
No pruning is necessary |
Cuttings |
As temporary ground cover or for trailing |
Australia. |
Culture |
Helichrysum plicatum |
Bushy shrub. Height 24 inches (60 cm), allow 20 inch width |
April-May |
May |
Cuttings in July. Layering |
Border |
South-eastern Europe. |
Culture |
Helichrysum stoechas 'White Barn' (Helichr-ysum plicatum 'Elmstead') |
Bushy shrub. Height 24 inch (60 cm), allow 20 inch width |
April-May |
May |
Layers and cuttings |
Border shrub |
Garden. |
Culture |
Helichrysum splendidum |
Bush shrub. Height 24 inches (60 cm), allow 18 inch (45 cm) |
April |
April |
Heel cuttings |
Border |
South Africa. |
Culture |
Lavandula lanata (Woolly Lavender, Spanish Mountain Lavender) |
Small shrub. Height 12-18 inches (30-45 cm), allow 12 inch (30 cm) width |
May |
After flowering |
Seed sown under glass in March |
Border and greenhouse |
Spain. |
Culture |
Bushy shrub. Height 30 inches (75 cm), allow 20 inch (50 cm) width |
April |
After flowering |
Semi-mature cuttings in August |
Border. Low hedge |
Garden. |
Culture |
Leucanth-emum hosmariense (Chrys-anthemum hosmariense or Chrysan-themum maresii var. hosmar-iensis, Rhodanth-emum hosmariense) |
Bushy shrublet. Height 9 inches (22.5 cm), allow 12 inch (30 cm) width |
April-May |
April |
Cuttings |
Border or rock garden |
Morocco. |
Culture |
Onopordum nervosum (Onopordon arabicum, Scotch Thistle) |
Monocarpic, usually biennial. Height 7-8 inches (17.5-20 cm), allow 18 inch (45 cm) width |
September-October |
No pruning is necessary |
Seed |
Back of border |
Southern Europe. |
Culture |
Romneya coulteri (The Californian Bush Poppy) |
Bush shrub. Height 60 inches (150 cm), allow for a spread of not more than 18 inches (45 cm) in second year but up to 48 inches (120 cm) thereafter |
April |
April |
Division in April. Root cuttings in September or from off-sets |
Back of border. Wall shrub |
California. |
Culture |
Salvia argentea (Silver Sage) |
Monocarpic. Flowering stem 48 inches (120 cm), allow 14 inches (35 cm) width |
April |
No pruning is necessary |
Seed |
Front of border |
Mediterranean. |
Culture |
Santolina chamae-cyparissus (Santolina incana) |
Bushy shrub. Height 24 inches (60 cm), allow 24 inch (60 cm) width |
April-May |
April |
Layering. Cuttings |
Border. Low hedge. Ground cover. |
Southern Europe. |
Culture |
Santolina chamae-cyparissus nana (Santolina incana nana, Dwarf Cotton Lavender) |
Bushy shrub. Height 12-18 inch (30-45 cm), allow 18 inch (45 cm) width |
May |
No pruning is necessary |
Tip cuttings |
Border. Rock garden |
Southern Europe. |
Culture |
Santolina neapolitana (Santolina rosmarin-ifolia, Green Santolina) |
Upright shrub. Height 24 inch (60 cm), allow 24 inch (60 cm) width |
April |
After flowering |
Cuttings |
Shrubbery |
Southern Italy. Spain. Portugal. |
Culture |
Upright shrub. Height 24 inch (60 cm), allow 18 inch (45 cm) width |
April |
April |
Cuttings |
Border |
Unknown. |
Culture |
Jacobaea maritima (Senecio cineraria, Silver ragwort, Dusty Miller) |
Upright shrub. Height 24 inch (60 cm), allow 8 inch (20 cm) between seedlings |
May |
May |
Seed |
Summer bedding |
Mediterranean. |
Culture |
Senecio cineraria 'Ramparts' |
Upright shrub. Height 30 inch (75 cm), allow 18-24 inch (45-60 cm) width |
May |
May |
Cuttings |
Border |
Garden. |
Culture |
Round bushy shrub. Height 18 inch (45 cm), allow 16 inch (40 cm) width |
May |
May |
Cuttings |
Border |
Garden. |
Culture |
Small shrub. Height 30 inches (75 cm), allow 16 inch (40 cm) width |
May. |
May |
Cuttings |
Border. Rockery |
New Zealand. |
Culture |
Senecio laxifolius |
Shrub. Height 48 inch (120 cm). Eventually spreads over a square yard - 36 x 36 inches (90 x 90 cm) |
April-May |
April |
Layering. Cuttings in November |
Border |
New Zealand. |
Culture |
Small shrub. Height 24 inch (60 cm), allow 18 inch (45 cm) width |
May |
May |
Cuttings |
Border |
Patagonia. |
Culture |
Stachys byzantina (Stachys lanata, bear's ear) |
Ground-covering perennial. Stem 12 inches (30 cm), allow 8 inch (20 cm) width |
March-April |
No pruning is necessary |
By division |
Front edge of border |
Cacasus to Persia. |
Culture |
Stachys lanata 'Silver Carpet' (Lamb's Ear, Woolly betony) |
Ground-covering perennial. Allow 8 inch (20 cm) width |
March-April |
No pruning is necessary |
Division |
Front of border |
Garden. |
Culture |
Tanecetum densum amani (Chrysant-hemum haradjanii, Chrysanth-emum poteri-folium) |
Mat-forming perennial. Height 6 inch. Spreads over 9 inches (22.5 cm) in first year |
May |
No pruning is necessary |
Cuttings. Rough layers |
Front of border. Rock garden |
Turkey. |
Culture |
Teucrium fruticans (Shrubby Germander) |
Shrub. Height 60 inches (150 cm), allow for 42 inch (105 cm) width |
May |
After flowering |
Cuttings |
Against South-facing walls |
Southern Europe. |
Culture |
Teucrium polium (Teucrium pulver-ulentum) |
Low spreading perennial. Height 8 inches (20 cm), allow 8 inch (20 cm) width |
April. May |
No pruning is necessary |
Layers. Cuttings |
Front edge of border. Rockery |
Unkown. |
Culture |
Biennial. Height 60 inches (150 cm), allow 14 inch (35 cm) width |
September-November |
No pruning is necessary |
Seed |
Back of border |
Asia Minor. |
Culture |
Verbascum olympicum (Greek Mullein) |
Monocarpic. Height 84-96 inches (210-240 cm), allow 24 inch (60 cm) for flowering specimens, 14 inch (35 cm) for those grown as ground cover. |
Autumn or early Spring |
No pruning is necessary |
By seed |
Floweing spikes for the back of the border. Immature plants in their second year as ground cover |
Western Anatolia. |
Culture |
Culture |
Veronica incana |
Mat-forming perennial. Allow 12 inch (30 cm) width. |
April |
No pruning is necessary |
Division |
Edge of border |
Southern Europe. |
Culture |
The Site of Trees and Shrubs Online Trees and Shrubs Online is a project to create a truly modern reference to temperate trees and shrubs. Currently there are articles for some 730 genera and 4,500 species, with each species article describing many subspecies, forms and cultivars. New material is being writen and old material rewritten. The first genus to have gone through this process is Stewartia, which stands as an example of what is to come. The sources Currently, the bulk of the text is derived from two sources: New Trees by John Grimshaw and Ross Bayton, commissioned by the International Dendrology Society and published by Kew Publishing in 2009, and W J Bean’s Trees and Shrubs Hardy in the British Isles, first published in 1914. The 'Bean' text is from the Eighth Edition, the last to be published, which appeared in four volumes during the 1970s, along with the Supplement by Desmond Clarke, published in 1988. The IDS The International Dendrology Society is dedicated to promoting the knowledge of trees and shrubs and is pleased to be able to stand behind this important project. The IDS is raising funds to cover further development of this site. |
Hardy Plant Society: Articles from Cornucopia - Grey and Silver Plants by Mary Hember details some other plants:- |
Plant Care may aid you in keeping your newly planted plants healthy and growing. PLANT USE AND FLOWER SHAPE GALLERY PAGES This Gallery compares the use and flower shape of plants in this website combined with those already compared in |
Number of Flower Petals |
Flower Shape - Simple |
Rose Petal Count from Rose Use Gallery |
Single: |
Semi-Double: |
Flower Shape - Simple |
Double: |
Full: |
Very Full: |
Flower Shape - Elabor-ated |
Rose Bloom Shape from Rose Use Gallery |
Flower Shape - Elabor-ated |
Stars with Semi-Double Flowers |
Flat, |
Natural Arrange-ments |
Bunches, Posies and Sprays (Group) |
Plant Use |
Ground-Cover |
Copied from Colour Wheel Flowers Site Map
To locate mail-order nursery for plants from the UK in this gallery try using search in RHS Find a Plant (Peter Reason of boundarynursery.co.uk sells plants, etc, to use for a small raised alpine rock garden bed). To locate plants in the European Union (EU) try using Search Term in Gardens4You and Meilland Richardier in France. To locate mail-order nursery for plants from America in this gallery try using search in Plant Lust. To locate plant information in Australia try using Plant Finder in Gardening Australia. |
The following details come from Cactus Art:- "A flower is the the complex sexual reproductive structure of Angiosperms, typically consisting of an axis bearing perianth parts, androecium (male) and gynoecium (female). Bisexual flower show four distinctive parts arranged in rings inside each other which are technically modified leaves: Sepal, petal, stamen & pistil. This flower is referred to as complete (with all four parts) and perfect (with "male" stamens and "female" pistil). The ovary ripens into a fruit and the ovules inside develop into seeds. Incomplete flowers are lacking one or more of the four main parts. Imperfect (unisexual) flowers contain a pistil or stamens, but not both. The colourful parts of a flower and its scent attract pollinators and guide them to the nectary, usually at the base of the flower tube.
Androecium (male Parts or stamens) Gynoecium (female Parts or carpels or pistil)
 It is made up of the stigma, style, and ovary. Each pistil is constructed of one to many rolled leaflike structures.
The following details come from Nectary Genomics:- "NECTAR. Many flowering plants attract potential pollinators by offering a reward of floral nectar. The primary solutes found in most nectars are varying ratios of sucrose, glucose and fructose, which can range from as little a 8% (w/w) in some species to as high as 80% in others. This abundance of simple sugars has resulted in the general perception that nectar consists of little more than sugar-water; however, numerous studies indicate that it is actually a complex mixture of components. Additional compounds found in a variety of nectars include other sugars, all 20 standard amino acids, phenolics, alkaloids, flavonoids, terpenes, vitamins, organic acids, oils, free fatty acids, metal ions and proteins. NECTARIES. An organ known as the floral nectary is responsible for producing the complex mixture of compounds found in nectar. Nectaries can occur in different areas of flowers, and often take on diverse forms in different species, even to the point of being used for taxonomic purposes. Nectaries undergo remarkable morphological and metabolic changes during the course of floral development. For example, it is known that pre-secretory nectaries in a number of species accumulate large amounts of starch, which is followed by a rapid degradation of amyloplast granules just prior to anthesis and nectar secretion. These sugars presumably serve as a source of nectar carbohydrate. WHY STUDY NECTAR? Nearly one-third of all worldwide crops are dependent on animals to achieve efficient pollination. In addition, U.S. pollinator-dependent crops have been estimated to have an annual value of up to $15 billion. Many crop species are largely self-incompatible (not self-fertile) and almost entirely on animal pollinators to achieve full fecundity; poor pollinator visitation has been reported to reduce yields of certain species by up to 50%." |
The following details about DOUBLE FLOWERS comes from Wikipedia:- "Double-flowered" describes varieties of flowers with extra petals, often containing flowers within flowers. The double-flowered trait is often noted alongside the scientific name with the abbreviation fl. pl. (flore pleno, a Latin ablative form meaning "with full flower"). The first abnormality to be documented in flowers, double flowers are popular varieties of many commercial flower types, including roses, camellias and carnations. In some double-flowered varieties all of the reproductive organs are converted to petals — as a result, they are sexually sterile and must be propagated through cuttings. Many double-flowered plants have little wildlife value as access to the nectaries is typically blocked by the mutation.
There is further photographic, diagramatic and text about Double Flowers from an education department - dept.ca.uky.edu - in the University of Kentucky in America.
"Meet the plant hunter obsessed with double-flowering blooms" - an article from The Telegraph. |
Copied from Ivydene Gardens Companion Planting: Companion Plant : Pest Control |
Control of Pests/Disease by Companion Planting Centipedes, which have one pair of legs to every body segment, are useful because they live on decaying garden material, not growing plants. The Mole (Talpa europaea) eats their own body weight of earthworms and beetle-grubs under lawns and slugs, snails, birds, lizards, frogs and snakes above ground, but not plants. The mole can starve to death in several hours without food at any time of the year. The chief pairing season is at the end of March and beginning of April, and the young are born about 6 weeks later. Newborn female moles will mate the following spring and the cycle begins anew. They excavate 2 different types of tunnel:-
Moles prefer loose, moist loam and avoid dry, sandy, or heavy clay soils in which they can dig up to 200 feet of tunnel every day, so they are too extensive to fumigate. Moles do not eat the roots and bulbs of flowers and vegetables. Its sense of smell and hearing are very acute. On the average, one acre of land will support about two or three moles at one time. But areas next to large tracts or forested areas may be subject to continual invasions by moles because such areas may support many moles. Attack methods:-
See useful data for non-plant control of cats and rodents. Useful booklists on growing conditions and pest control after this table . |
Climate Zone - Scottish Highlands and Northern Japan is Zone 7, Most of British Isles, Central Ireland with parts of Japan, Australia and China are Zone 8 and the Mediterranean area is Zone 9 |
Plant |
Climate Zone |
Repels |
Catnip (Nepeta cataria) |
3-10 |
Ant |
Chervil (Anthriscus cerefolium) |
7-10 |
Ant |
Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis) |
3-10 |
Ant |
Lavender (Lavandula) |
5-10 |
Ant |
Mint (Mentha). Fresh or dried mint in the pantry to deter house ants. |
3-7 |
Ant |
Oak leaf smoke (Quercus robur) |
3-10 |
Ant |
Pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium) Sprays either fresh or dried, placed on larder shelves deter ants. |
7-9 |
Ant |
Peppermint (Mentha piperita) |
3-7 |
Ant |
Sage (Salvia officinalis) |
5-10 |
Ant |
Southernwood or Lad's Love (Artemesia abrotanum). Sprays either fresh or dried, placed on larder shelves deter ants. |
4-10 |
Ant |
Spearmint (Mentha spicata) |
3-7 |
Ant |
Tansy (Tanacetum vulgare) Sprays either fresh or dried, placed on larder shelves deter ants. |
4-9 |
Ant |
Anise or Aniseed (Pimpenella anisum) |
4-8 |
Aphid |
Annual Delphinium (Consolida ambigua) |
9-11 |
Aphid |
Black Mustard (Brassica nigra) |
7-11 |
Aphid |
Catnip (Nepeta cataria) |
3-10 |
Aphid |
Chive (Allium schoenoprasum) |
5-10 |
Aphid |
Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) |
6-9 |
Aphid |
Dill (Anethum graveolens) |
8-10 |
Aphid |
Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) |
5-10 |
Aphid |
Garlic (Allium sativum). Pick young leaves of Garlic, Nettle (Urtica dioica), Basil (Ocimum |
8-10 |
Aphid. Ladybirds prefer to eat up to 400 aphids per week. Damsel-fly catch aphids and dispose of insect larvae. |
Lavender (Lavandula) |
5-10 |
Aphid |
Milkweed (Asclepias) |
7 |
Aphid |
Nasturtium (Trapaeolum majus). Grow border of orange nasturtiums round plants to be protected. |
9-11 |
Aphid |
Oak leaf smoke (Quercus robur) |
3-10 |
Aphid |
Sage (Salvia officinalis) |
5-10 |
Aphid |
Southernwood or Lad's Love (Artemesia abrotanum) |
4-10 |
Aphid |
Spearmint (Mentha spicata) |
3-7 |
Aphid |
Spindle tree (Euonymus europeus) - this tree is the host to the Black Bean Fly |
3-9 |
Aphid |
Spurrey (Spergula arvensis) |
7 |
Aphid |
Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica) |
3-9 |
Aphid |
Summer Savory (Satureja hortensis) |
5-9 |
Aphid |
Chive (Allium schoenoprasum) |
5-10 |
Apple tree scab |
Marigold (Calendula officinalis) |
6-10 |
Aspagus beetle |
Rosemary (Rosemarinus officinalis) |
6-11 |
Bean beetle |
Summer savory (Satureja hortensis) |
5-9 |
Bean beetle |
Petunia |
9-11 |
Beetle |
Mint (Mentha) |
3-7 |
Black Flea beetle |
Chive (Allium schoenoprasum) |
5-10 |
Black spot |
Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica) |
3-9 |
Blackfly |
Summer savory (Satureja hortensis) |
5-9 |
Blackfly |
Wormwood (Artemesia absinthum and Artemesia frigida) |
4-10 |
Blackfly beetle |
Tansy (Tanacetum vulgare) |
4-9 |
Borer |
Tree Onion (Allium cepa) |
5-10 |
Borer |
Wormwood (Artemesia absinthum and Artemesia frigida) |
4-10 |
Butterfly |
Celery (Apium graveolens dulce) |
5-8 |
Cabbage butterfly |
Mint (Mentha) |
3-7 |
Cabbage White Butterfly |
Common Sage (Salvia officinalis) |
5-10 |
Cabbage moth |
Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis) |
3-10 |
Cabbage moth |
Southernwood or Lad's Love (Artemesia abrotanum) |
4-10 |
Cabbage moth |
Rosemary (Rosemarinus officinalis) |
6-11 |
Cabbage moths |
French Marigold (Tagetes patula) |
11-12 |
Cabbage pests |
Clover (Trifolium repens) |
4-10 |
Cabbage root fly |
Anise or Aniseed (Pimpenella anisum) |
4-8 |
Cabbage worm |
Common Sage (Salvia officinalis) |
5-10 |
Cabbage worm |
Garden Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) |
7-10 |
Cabbage worm |
Nasturtium (Trapaeolum majus) |
9-11 |
Cabbage worm |
Tansy (Tanacetum vulgare) |
4-9 |
Cabbage worm |
Wormwood (Artemesia absinthum and Artemesia frigida) |
4-10 |
Cabbage worm |
Allium |
8-10 |
Carrot fly |
Common Sage (Salvia officinalis) |
5-10 |
Carrot fly |
Rosemary (Rosemarinus officinalis) |
6-11 |
Carrot fly |
Tree Onion (Allium cepa) |
5-10 |
Carrot fly |
Viper's grass (Scorzonera hispanica) |
6 |
Carrot fly |
Wild Leek (Allium ampeloprasum) |
6-9 |
Carrot fly |
Common Rue (Ruta graveolens) |
5-9 |
Cat |
Hyssop (Hysoppus officinalis), Sage (Salvia officinalis) and Thyme (Thymus vulgaris). Plant mixture round edge of vegetable area. |
3-10 |
Caterpillar |
Spurrey (Spergula arvensis) |
7 |
Caterpillar |
Celeriac (Apium graveolens rapaceum) |
5-8 |
Caterpillars in brassicas |
Celery (Apium graveolens dulce) |
5-8 |
Caterpillars in cabbages |
Mint (Mentha). Sachets of dried mint in the wardrobe. |
3-7 |
Clothes Moth |
Chinaberry or Indian lilac (Melia azedarach) |
8-12 |
Cockroach (Blatella) |
Black nightshade (Solanum nigrum) |
8-11 |
Colorado beetle |
Catnip (Nepeta cataria) |
3-10 |
Colorado beetle |
Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) |
6-9 |
Colorado beetle |
Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) |
3-10 |
Colorado beetle |
Eggplant or Aubergine (Solanum melongena) |
9-12 |
Colorado beetle |
Horse-radish (Armoracia rusticana) |
5-9 |
Colorado beetle |
Nasturtium (Trapaeolum majus) |
9-11 |
Colorado beetle |
Tansy (Tanacetum vulgare) |
4-9 |
Colorado beetle |
Thorn Apple (Datura stramontium) |
7-11 |
Colorado beetle |
Tree Onion (Allium cepa) |
5-10 |
Colorado beetle |
Bean (Phaseolus) |
8-10 |
Corn armyworms |
Soybean (Glycine max) |
7-8 |
Corn borer |
Soybean (Glycine max) |
7-8 |
Corn earworm |
Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) |
4-8 |
Corn wireworms |
Lavender cotton or Gray Santolina (Santolina chamaecyparissus) |
7-10 |
Corn wireworms |
African Marigold (Tagetes minuta) |
10 |
Couch Grass |
Radish (Raphanus sativus) |
6-9 |
Cucumber beetle |
Sweetcorn (Zea mays) |
8-10 |
Cucumber beetle |
Elder (Sambucus ebulus) |
5-10 |
Cutworm |
Oak leaf mulch (Quercus robur) |
3-10 |
Cutworm |
Oak Tanbark (Lithocarpus densiflorus) |
7-9 |
Cutworm |
Tansy (Tanacetum vulgare) |
4-9 |
Cutworm |
Catnip (Nepeta cataria) |
3-10 |
Darkling beetle |
Castor beans (Ricinus communis) and Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea) |
9-12 |
Deer |
Fennel (Foeniculum officinalis) planted alongside dog kennels and sprays inside the kennel |
5-10 |
Dog Fleas |
French Marigold (Tagetes patula) |
11-12 |
Eelworm |
Everlasting Pea (Lathyrus grandiflorus ) |
6-10 |
Field Mouse |
Catnip (Nepeta cataria) |
3-10 |
Flea beetle |
Common Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) |
6-11 |
Flea beetle |
Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis) |
3-10 |
Flea beetle |
Radish (Raphanus sativus) |
6-9 |
Flea beetle |
Celery (Apium graveolens dulce) |
5-8 |
Flea beetle in cabbages |
Anise or Aniseed (Pimpenella anisum) |
4-8 |
Fleas |
Amur Corktree (Phellodendron amurense) |
3-9 |
Fly |
Basil (Ocimum basilicum) |
10-12 |
Fly |
Common Rue (Ruta graveolens) |
5-9 |
Fly |
Hazelnut (Corylus avallana) |
4-8 |
Fly |
Tansy (Tanacetum vulgare) |
4-9 |
Flying insect |
Tansy (Tanacetum vulgare), |
4-9 |
Fruit Fly of Peach and Apricot trees |
Garlic (Allium sativum) |
8-10 |
Fruit Tree Borers |
Southernwood or Lad's Love (Artemesia abrotanum) |
4-10 |
Fruit Tree Moth |
Chive (Allium schoenoprasum) |
5-10 |
Fungus |
Squill (Scilla bifolia) |
4-8 |
Gopher (Geomyidae) |
Chinaberry or Indian lilac (Melia azedarach) |
8-12 |
Grasshopper |
Chervil (Anthriscus cerefolium) |
7-10 |
Greenfly from lettuces |
African Marigold (Tagetas minuta) |
9 |
Ground Elder |
Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris lactiflora) |
3-10 |
Growth retardant for nearby plants |
Oak leaf mulch (Quercus robur) |
3-10 |
Grub |
Oak Tanbark (Lithocarpus densiflorus) |
7-9 |
Grub |
Black Mustard (Brassica nigra) |
7-11 |
Harlequin bug |
Wormwood (Artemesia absinthum and Artemesia frigida) |
4-10 |
Houseflies |
Basil (Ocimum basilicum), Tansy (Tanacetum vulgare) or Eau-de-cologne Mint (Mentha) in pots by the house-entrance doors and the barbeque area |
4-9 |
Houseflies |
Tickseed (Coreopsis lanceolate) |
3-9 |
Insect |
Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis) |
3-10 |
Insect larvae |
Annual Delphinium (Consolida ambigua) |
9-11 |
Japanese beetle |
Catnip (Nepeta cataria) |
3-10 |
Japanese beetle |
Chive (Allium schoenoprasum) |
5-10 |
Japanese beetle |
Common Rue (Ruta graveolens) |
5-9 |
Japanese beetle |
Garlic (Allium sativum) |
8-10 |
Japanese beetle |
French Marigold (Tagetes patula) |
11-12 |
Japanese beetle |
Red Buckeye (Aesculus pavia) |
7 |
Japanese beetle |
Tansy (Tanacetum vulgare) |
4-9 |
Japanese beetle |
Thorn Apple (Datura stramontium) |
7-11 |
Japanese beetle |
White Geranium (Geranium versicolor) |
6-9 |
Japanese beetle |
White rose (Rosa alba semi-plena) |
4-10 |
Japanese beetle |
Zinnia |
9-11 |
Japanese beetle |
Borage (Borage officinalis) |
5-10 |
Japanese beetle and pests of Brassicas |
Cranesbill (Geranium) |
6-9 |
Leafhopper |
Petunia |
9-11 |
Leafhopper |
Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris lactiflora) |
3-10 |
Lice |
Chinaberry or Indian lilac (Melia azedarach) |
8-12 |
Locust |
Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) |
4-8 |
Lygus bugs |
Rosemary (Rosemarinus officinalis) |
6-11 |
Malaria mosquito |
Southernwood or Lad's Love (Artemesia abrotanum) |
4-10 |
Malaria mosquito |
Wormwood (Artemesia absinthum and Artemesia frigida) |
4-10 |
Malaria mosquito |
French Marigold (Tagetes patula) |
11-12 |
Mexican bean beetle |
Petunia |
9-11 |
Mexican bean beetle |
Potato (Solanum tuberosum) |
7-11 |
Mexican bean beetle |
Winter Savory (Satureja montana) |
4-8 |
Mexican bean beetle |
Caper spurge (Euphorbia lathyris) |
6-10 |
Mice |
Daffodil or Daffy Down Dilly (Narcissus) |
5-10 |
Mice |
Daffodil or Daffy Down Dilly (Narcissus) |
5-10 |
Mice |
Elder (Sambucus ebulus) |
5-10 |
Mice |
Garlic (Allium sativum) |
8-10 |
Mice |
Grape hyacinth (Muscari aucheri) |
6-9 |
Mice |
Mint (Mentha) |
3-7 |
Mice |
Spurge (Euphorbia lactea) |
8-11 |
Mice |
Squill (Scilla bifolia) |
4-8 |
Mice |
Wormwood (Artemesia absinthum and Artemesia frigida) |
4-10 |
Mice |
Chive (Allium schoenoprasum) |
5-10 |
Mite |
Tree Onion (Allium cepa) |
5-10 |
Mite |
Allium |
8-10 |
Mole |
Caper spurge (Euphorbia lathyris) |
6-10 |
Mole |
Elder (Sambucus ebulus). Put twigs into molehill or make into a liquid and pour it onto the molehill. |
5-10 |
Mole |
Spurge (Euphorbia lactea) Sow in late autumn for best effect |
8-11 |
Mole |
Striped Squill (Puschkinia scilloides) |
4-6 |
Mole |
Basil (Ocimum basilicum) |
10-12 |
Mosquito |
Garlic (Allium sativum) |
8-10 |
Mosquito |
Pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium) |
7-9 |
Mosquito |
Sassafras albidum |
5-9 |
Mosquito |
Artemesia family |
4-10 |
Moth |
Clover (Trifolium repens) |
4-10 |
Moth |
Common Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) |
5-10 |
Moth |
Feverfew (Chrysanthemum parthenium) |
4-9 |
Moth |
Lavender cotton or Gray Santolina (Santolina chamaecyparissus) |
7-10 |
Moth |
Oil of cade (Juniperus oxycedrus) |
5-9 |
Moth |
Tansy (Tanacetum vulgare) |
4-9 |
Moth |
Wormwood (Artemesia absinthum and Artemesia frigida) |
4-10 |
Moth |
Asparagus (Asparagus acutifolius) |
4-8 |
Nematode |
Chrysanthemum or Persian Insect Flower (Chrysanthemum coccineum) |
5-9 |
Nematode |
Dahlia |
9-11 |
Nematode |
Marigold (Calendula officinalis) |
6-10 |
Nematode |
French Marigold (Tagetes patula) |
11-12 |
Nematode |
White Mustard (Sinapis alba) |
7-11 |
Nematode |
Rattle-box (Crotalaria spectabilis) – poisonous to livestock |
9-11 |
Nematode |
Rye (Secale cereale) |
3 |
Nematode |
Scarlet Sage (Salvia coccinea) |
9-12 |
Nematode |
Carrot (Daucus carota) |
3-9 |
Onion Fly |
Garlic (Allium sativum) |
8-10 |
Onion Fly |
Peanut, Groundnut or Monkey Nut (Arachis hypogaea) |
8-12 |
Ostrinia furnacalis |
Pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium) |
7-9 |
Plant lice |
Sassafras albidum |
5-9 |
Plant lice |
Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica) |
3-9 |
Plant lice |
Garlic (Allium sativum) |
8-10 |
Plum curculio |
Eggplant or Aubergine (Solanum melongena) |
9-12 |
Potato beetle |
Eggplant or Aubergine (Solanum melongena) |
9-12 |
Potato bug |
Flax (Linum) |
9 |
Potato bug |
Petunia |
9-11 |
Potato bug |
White Dead Nettle (Lamium maculatum album) |
4-10 |
Potato bug |
Horse-radish (Armoracia rusticana) |
5-9 |
Potato bug |
Allium. Plant at corners of plot. |
8-10 |
Rabbit |
Dusty Miller or Sea Ragwort (Senecio cineraria). |
7-10 |
Rabbit |
Tree Onion (Allium cepa) |
5-10 |
Rabbit |
Caper spurge (Euphorbia lathyris) |
6-10 |
Rat |
Peppermint (Mentha piperita) |
3-7 |
Rat |
Spurge (Euphorbia lactea) |
8-11 |
Rat |
Radish (Raphanus sativus) |
6-9 |
Root fly |
Common Sage (Salvia officinalis) |
5-10 |
Root maggots |
Spurrey (Spergula arvensis) |
7 |
Root worm |
Cranesbill (Geranium) |
6-9 |
Rose chafer |
Petunia |
9-11 |
Rose chafer |
Tree Onion (Allium cepa) |
5-10 |
Rose chafer |
Tree Onion (Allium cepa) |
5-10 |
Rust |
Oak leaf mulch (Quercus robur) |
3-10 |
Slug. Persuade a hedgehog or toad to live in your garden so that they eat the slugs. See further info at end of this table. |
Oak Tanbark (Lithocarpus densiflorus) |
7-9 |
Slug |
Rosemary (Rosemarinus officinalis) |
6-11 |
Slug |
White hellebore (Helleborus niger) |
3-9 |
Slug |
Wormwood (Artemesia absinthum and Artemesia frigida) |
4-10 |
Slug |
Borage (Borago officinalis) |
5-10 |
Snail |
Chervil (Anthriscus cerefolium) |
7-10 |
Snail |
Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis) |
3-10 |
Snail |
Rosemary (Rosemarinus officinalis) |
6-11 |
Snail |
Sage (Salvia officinalis) |
5-10 |
Snail |
Stinging nettle (Urtica dioica). Lay flat round affected plants as sheet mulch. Snails discouraged by its stinging hairs |
3-9 |
Snail |
Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) |
7-10 |
Snail |
White hellebore (Helleborus niger) |
3-9 |
Snail |
Wormwood (Artemesia absinthum and Artemesia frigida) |
4-10 |
Snail |
Lavender cotton or Gray Santolina (Santolina chamaecyparissus) |
7-10 |
Southern rootworm |
Dill (Anethum graveolens) |
8-10 |
Spider mite |
Garlic (Allium sativum) |
8-10 |
Spider mite |
Catnip (Nepeta cataria) |
3-10 |
Squash bug |
Nasturtium (Trapaeolum majus) |
9-11 |
Squash bug |
Petunia |
9-11 |
Squash bug |
Tansy (Tanacetum vulgare) |
4-9 |
Squash bug |
Radish (Raphanus sativus) |
6-9 |
Squash insects |
Egyptian potato (Allium cepa) with conifers. When planting bulbs in pots, put a 1" deep layer of horticultural grit to the surface of the compost. You can do the same when planting bulbs in the ground, or cover them with chicken wire hidden under a layer of soil. |
5-10 |
Squirrel |
Broccoli (Brassica oleracea) |
8-11 |
Striped cucumber beetle |
Tansy (Tanacetum vulgare) |
4-9 |
Striped cucumber beetle |
Nasturtium (Trapaeolum majus) |
9-11 |
Striped pumpkin beetle |
Chinaberry or Indian lilac (Melia azedarach) |
8-12 |
Termite |
Oak leaf smoke (Quercus robur) |
3-10 |
Termite |
Annual Delphinium (Consolida ambigua) |
9-11 |
Thrips |
Common Sage (Salvia officinalis) |
5-10 |
Ticks |
Basil (Ocimum basilicum) |
10-12 |
Tomato hornworm |
Borage (Borage officinalis) |
5-10 |
Tomato hornworm |
Marigold (Calendula officinalis) |
6-10 |
Tomato hornworm |
Dill (Anethum graveolens) |
8-10 |
Tomato worm |
Radish (Raphanus sativus) |
6-9 |
Vine borer |
Elder (Sambucus ebulus) |
5-10 |
Vole |
Bay (Laurus nobilis). Bay leaves stored with wheat, rye, beans, or oats repel weevils. |
8-11 |
Weevil |
Catnip (Nepeta cataria) |
3-10 |
Weevil |
Garlic (Allium sativum) |
8-10 |
Weevil |
Peppermint (Mentha piperita) |
3-7 |
White Cabbage butterfly |
Mint (Mentha) |
3-7 |
White Cabbage Moth |
Apple-Of-Peru or Shoofly (Nicandra physalodes) |
8-11 |
White fly |
Basil (Ocimum basilicum) |
10-12 |
White Fly |
Garden Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) |
7-10 |
White fly |
French Marigold (Tagetes patula) |
11-12 |
White fly |
Nasturtium (Trapaeolum majus) |
9-11 |
White fly |
Oak leaf smoke (Quercus robur) |
3-10 |
White fly in greenhouses |
Johnson grass (Sorghum halapense) |
9-12 |
Willamette mites on vines |
Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) |
10 |
Wireworm |
White mustard (Brassica campestris) |
9-11 |
Wireworm |
Woad (Isatis tinctoria) |
6-8 |
Wireworm |
Nasturtium (Trapaeolum majus) |
9-11 |
Woolly aphid |
Carrot (Daucus carota) |
3-9 |
Worms in goats |
Mulberry leaves (Morus indica) |
4-6 |
Worms in horses |
Tansy (Tanacetum vulgare) |
4-9 |
Worms -Tansy leaves for worms in horses |