Ivydene Gardens Bee-Pollinated Bloom Plant Index Gallery: |
Botanical Plant Name with link to |
Flower Colour / with link to photo/data |
Flowering Months with link to |
Height with Spacings or Width (W) in inches (cms) 1 inch = 2.5 cms |
Foliage Colour / with link to Australia, China or New Zealand mail-order supplier |
Evergreen (Evg) or Deciduous (Dec or Her) Plant Type / Acidic (Acid), Alkaline (Alk) or with link to other page in this website |
Nectar / Pollen * = very good bee plant |
Bellis perennis |
White ray-florets with central disc of Yellow Disc-florets / |
Flowerhead closes at night and opens in the morning. |
6 x 6-9 |
Evg Perennial / |
Pollen |
December - March Native American plant |
160 x 160 |
Evg Shrub / |
Pollen coll-ected from male catkins |
Lonicera standishii |
December - March Birds and small mammals spread the fruit, so the township of Exeter in Pennsylvania prefer that these are not planted in their area of America. |
80 x 80 This is 1 of the great shrubs for winter interest. |
Dark Green / |
Semi-Evg Shrub / |
Nectar, Pollen coll-ected from Lonicera x purpusii 'Winter Beauty' as well during the same months |
Oemleria cerasiformis |
White / |
February - April Native American plant |
100 x 160 |
Dark Green foliage appears after the male and female flowers on separate plants / |
Dec Shrub / |
Nectar, Pollen |
Stellaria media (Common Chickweed, Chickweed, Chickenwort, Craches, Maruns, Winterweed) |
White / |
Very nutritious, they can be added to salads whilst the cooked leaves can scarcely be distinguished from spring spinach |
4 x 20 Food plant for caterpillars of many butterfly species |
Dark Green / |
Annual / Grows almost anywhere, it is a common garden weed and is often eaten by chickens. |
Nectar is only produced in sunny weather |
Viburnum tinus |
December - April |
120 x 120 |
Evg Shrub / |
Pollen is coll-ected from all its cultiv-ars |
From Native in Daffodil Family |
White, solitary, nodding and fragrant |
Feb-Mar |
8 x 4 |
Narrow, grey-green. |
A bulb of moist woodlands. It in in parks, large gardens, churchyards, on road verges, by watercourses and in damp grassland. |
Pollen is collected from the Wild-flower but not from the double flowers of the garden varieties. |
Sarcococca humilis From |
Very fragrant Creamy- White followed by black berries. |
Clump. Tolerant of atmospheric pollution |
20-40 x 20-40 |
Glossy, dark green elliptic leaves. |
Suckering compact |
Pollen |
The spacings (the distance between the plants) recommended above should enable the plants of the same genera to cover the ground in 2-3 years. |
"Everwilde Farms is a family owned and operated farm located in Northwestern Wisconsin in America that is dedicated to producing and selling the best native seeds available, with an emphasis on rare or unusual species. " |
White Flowers in February |
The above process can be carried out on any of the pages in this website. Flowering Months. |
Botanical Plant Name with link to link to other page instead of this one in this gallery for its description |
Jan |
Feb |
Mar |
Apr |
May |
Jun |
Jul |
Aug |
Sep |
Oct |
Nov |
Dec |
Pink or White |
Pink or White |
Pink or White |
Pink or White |
Pink or White |
Silvery catkins |
Silvery catkins |
Silvery catkins |
Silvery catkins |
Lonicera standishii |
White |
White |
White |
White |
Fragrant Pinkish-White |
Fragrant Pinkish-White |
Fragrant Pinkish-White |
Fragrant Pinkish-White |
Fragrant Pinkish-White |
Fragrant Pinkish-White |
Fragrant Pinkish-White |
Bellis perennis |
White ray-florets with central disc of Yellow Disc-florets |
White ray-florets with central disc of Yellow Disc-florets |
White ray-florets with central disc of Yellow Disc-florets |
White ray-florets with central disc of Yellow Disc-florets |
White ray-florets with central disc of Yellow Disc-florets |
White ray-florets with central disc of Yellow Disc-florets |
White ray-florets with central disc of Yellow Disc-florets |
White ray-florets with central disc of Yellow Disc-florets |
White ray-florets with central disc of Yellow Disc-florets |
Oemleria cerasiformis |
Stellaria media |
White |
White |
Sarcococca hookeriana |
Aromatic White |
Aromatic White |
Aromatic White |
Sarcococca hookeriana var. digyna |
Creamy-White |
Creamy-White |
Creamy-White |
Creamy-White |
Sarcococca humilis |
Very fragrant Creamy- White |
Very fragrant Creamy- White |
Botanical Plant Name |
Jan |
Feb |
Mar |
Apr |
May |
Jun |
Jul |
Aug |
Sep |
Oct |
Nov |
Dec |
Botanical Plant Name |
Jan |
Feb |
Mar |
Apr |
May |
Jun |
Jul |
Aug |
Sep |
Oct |
Nov |
Dec |
How to grow plants for bees
This group has been completed in the Index Gallery only |
Comment |
Plant Name |
Common Name |
Feb-Mar |
Apr |
May |
Jun |
Jul |
Aug |
Sep-Oct |
Pollen |
Alnus glutinosa |
Alder |
Nectar and Pollen |
Prunus dulcis |
Almond |
000 |
Pollen |
Lobularia maritima |
Alyssum |
000 |
000 |
Nectar |
Anchusa species |
Anchusa |
000 |
000 |
000 |
000 |
Honey, |
Malus pumila |
Apple |
000 |
Nectar and Pollen. |
Arabis species |
Arabis |
000 |
000 |
Pollen |
Fraxinus excelsior |
Ash |
000 |
000 |
000 |
Nectar and Pollen |
Aubretia deltoidea |
Aubretia |
000 |
000 |
Pollen |
Colchicum autumnale |
Autumn Crocus |
000 |
Honey and |
Impatiens balsamina, Impatiens bicolor. |
Balsam |
000 |
000 |
000 |
Pollen source only in UK. |
Fagus sylvatica in Europe |
Beech |
000 |
Honey, Major bee plant |
Calluna vulgaris |
Bell Heather |
000 |
000 |
Barberry Honey and Nectar |
Berberis |
Berberis |
Unus-ual |
000 |
Monarda fistulosa and Monarda didyma |
Bergamot |
000 |
000 |
Vaccinium myrtillus |
Billberry |
000 |
000 |
Pollen |
Calystegia sepium and Convolvulus arvensis |
000 |
Pollen. |
Betula species |
Birch |
000 |
Comment |
Plant Name |
Common Name |
Feb-Mar |
Apr |
May |
Jun |
Jul |
Aug |
Sep-Oct |
Single-flowered wild plant for its Nectar |
Lotus corniculatus |
Bird's-foot-trefoil |
000 |
000 |
000 |
Sep |
Nectar and Pollen. |
Rubus fruticosus |
Blackberry |
000 |
000 |
000 |
Nectar and Pollen |
Prunus spinosa |
Blackthorn |
000 |
Nectar |
Hyacinthoides non-scripta |
Bluebell |
000 |
000 |
Honey, |
Borago officinalis |
Borage |
000 |
000 |
000 |
Honey, Nectar and Pollen |
Brassica species |
Brassicas |
000 |
000 |
Sep |
Nectar and Pollen |
Cytisus scoparius |
Broom |
000 |
000 |
Pollen may be harmful to bees. Poisonous to horses, cattle and other livestock eating it |
Ranunculus species like Ranunculus repens |
Buttercup |
000 |
000 |
Sep |
Nectar and Pollen. |
Campanula |
Campanula |
000 |
000 |
000 |
Nectar. |
Nepeta cataria |
Cat-mint |
000 |
000 |
000 |
Nov |
Pollen in UK. Nectar and Pollen in USA. |
Ceanothus species |
Ceanothus |
000 |
Pollen |
Ranunculus ficaria |
Lesser Celandine |
Yell-ow |
000 |
Honey, Nectar and Pollen. |
Prunus avium |
Wild Cherry |
000 |
Nectar and Pollen. Also used by Bumble Bees |
Malus sylvestris |
Crab apple |
Unus-ual |
000 |
Nectar and Pollen |
Geranium species in Geranium Family |
Crane's-bill but not Pelargon-iums - bedding plants |
000 |
000 |
000 |
Pollen |
Crocus species |
Crocus |
000 |
Honey, Nectar and Pollen |
Ribes species |
Currants |
000 |
Honey and Nectar. |
Prunus domestica |
Damson |
Honey, Nectar and Pollen. |
Taraxacum officinale |
Dandelion |
000 |
000 |
000 |
000 |
Comment |
Plant Name |
Common Name |
Feb-Mar |
Apr |
May |
Jun |
Jul |
Aug |
Sep-Oct |
Nectar and Pollen. |
Lamium species like Lamium purpureum |
Dead-nettle |
Mauve |
000 |
000 |
000 |
000 |
000 |
Nectar and Pollen. |
Doronicum like Doronicum plantagineum |
Leopard's Bane |
000 |
Pollen |
Ulex minor |
Dwarf Gorse |
000 |
Sep |
Pollen |
Ulmus species like Ulmus glabra |
Elm |
Nectar and Pollen. |
Escallonia species like Escallonia macrantha |
Escallonia |
000 |
Nectar and Pollen |
Foeniculum vulgare |
Fennel |
000 |
Honey, Nectar and Pollen. Major bee plant. |
Vicia faba |
Field bean, Broad Bean, French Bean, Kidney Bean and Runner Bean in the UK |
000 |
000 |
000 |
Nectar |
Scrophularia species like Scrophularia nodosa |
Figwort |
000 |
Sep |
Nectar and Pollen. |
Myosotis species like Myosotis arvensis |
Forget-me-not |
000 |
000 |
000 |
000 |
000 |
Nectar. |
Fuchsia magellanica |
Fuschia |
000 |
Nectar and Pollen |
Solidago species like Solidago virgaurea |
Golden rod |
000 |
000 |
Nectar |
Ribes uva-crispa |
Gooseberry |
000 |
Pollen |
Ulex europaeus |
Gorse |
Jan-Mar |
Yell-ow |
000 |
000 |
000 |
000 |
Sep-Dec |
Honey, Nectar and Pollen. Major bee plant. |
Crataegus species like Crataegus monogyna |
Hawthorn |
000 |
Pollen |
Corylus avellana |
Hazel |
000 |
Nectar and Pollen |
Hieracleum species like Hieraclium spondylium |
Hogweed |
000 |
000 |
000 |
Nectar. Periodical clipping of holly hedges prevents flowering. Clip in July instead |
Ilex aquifolium |
Holly |
000 |
000 |
000 |
Nectar. Pollen is in high demand this late in the season |
Alcea rosea like Alcea rosea 'Nigra' |
Hollyhock |
000 |
Sep |
Comment |
Plant Name |
Common Name |
Feb-Mar |
Apr |
May |
Jun |
Jul |
Aug |
Sep-Oct |
Honey, |
Aesculus hippo-castanum |
Horse-chestnut |
000 |
Honey, |
Hedera helix |
Ivy |
Sep-Nov Green |
Nectar and Pollen |
Polemonium caeruleum |
Jacob's-ladder |
000 |
Honey and |
Centaurea species like Centaurea nigra |
Knapweed |
000 |
000 |
Sep |
Nectar. |
Prunus laurocerasus |
Laurel |
000 |
Honey and Nectar. |
Lavendular angustifolia |
Lavender |
000 |
Sep |
Honey and Nectar. |
Tilia species like Tilia vulgaris |
Lime (Linden tree) |
Honey, Nectar and Pollen. Major bee plant. |
Calluna vulgaris |
Ling Heather |
000 |
Sep-Nov |
Nectar |
Medicago sativa |
Lucerne, Alfalfa |
000 |
Nectar and Pollen. |
Malva sylvestris |
Mallow |
000 |
000 |
Sep |
Nectar and Pollen. |
Acer species like Acer campestre |
Maple |
000 |
Nectar is also collected from O. marjoranae and O. onites |
Origanum vulgare |
Marjoram |
000 |
Sep |
Pollen |
Spiraea ulmaria |
Meadow-sweet |
000 |
000 |
Sep |
Honey, |
Aster species - Aster novi-belgii, Aster novae-angliae (Michael-mas Daisies including Aster amellus - Italian Starwort and other asters) |
Michael-mas daisy |
Nectar. |
Mentha species like |
Mint |
000 |
000 |
Sep |
Pollen |
Verbascum species like |
Mullein |
000 |
000 |
Comment |
Plant Name |
Common Name |
Feb-Mar |
Apr |
May |
Jun |
Jul |
Aug |
Sep-Oct |
Honey, |
Sinapis alba |
Mustard |
000 |
000 |
000 |
Pollen |
Quercus species like |
Oak |
000 |
000 |
Nectar and Pollen. |
Brassica napus and |
Oil-seed rape autumn sown |
000 |
000 |
Nectar and Pollen. |
Brassica napus and |
Oil-seed rape spring sown |
000 |
000 |
Nectar and Pollen. |
Brassica rapa |
Barge-man's Cabbage |
000 |
000 |
000 |
Nectar |
Allium species like Allium unifolium There are other Alliums in Allium/ Anemone Gallery and native Alliums in the |
Onion |
000 |
000 |
Nectar and Pollen. |
Pear |
000 |
Nectar and Pollen |
Phacelia tanacetifolia |
Phacelia |
000 |
000 |
000 |
000 |
Pollen |
Plantago lanceolata (Ribwort Plantain) |
Plantain in Plantain Family |
000 |
000 |
000 |
000 |
000 |
Honey, |
Prunus domestica (Plum, Damson, |
Plum |
Pollen |
Poppy |
000 |
000 |
Nectar from neglected privet hedges |
Ligustrum ovalifolium (Japanese Privet, |
Privet |
Nectar and Pollen |
Prunus laurocerasus |
Prunus |
000 |
Nectar and Pollen |
Lythrum salicaria |
Purple-loosestrife |
000 |
000 |
Nectar and Pollen |
Pyracantha coccinea |
Firethorn |
000 |
Nectar and Pollen. |
Senecio jacobaea |
Ragwort |
000 |
000 |
000 |
Comment |
Plant Name |
Common Name |
Feb-Mar |
Apr |
May |
Jun |
Jul |
Aug |
Sep-Oct |
Honey, |
Rubus idaeus |
Raspberry |
000 |
000 |
Nectar and Pollen |
Trifolium pratense |
Red clover |
000 |
000 |
000 |
Sep |
Nectar and Pollen. |
Robinia pseudoacacia (Black Locust, False Acacia) |
False Acacia |
000 |
000 |
Pollen |
Helianth-emum species like |
Rock-rose |
000 |
000 |
000 |
Sep |
Nectar and Pollen |
Salvia officinalis |
Sage |
000 |
000 |
000 |
Nectar |
Scabiosa, Knautia and Succisa species with common name containing Scabious |
See Field Scabious, Small Scabious and Devilsbit Scabious in Teasel Family |
000 |
000 |
000 |
In coastal regions sea lavender will yield good nectar producing a light coloured honey. |
Sea-lavender |
000 |
Pollen is collected from the Wild-flower but not from the double flowers of the garden varieties. |
Galanthus nivalis |
Snowdrop |
Nectar and Pollen |
Helianthus species like Helianthus annuus |
Sunflower |
000 |
000 |
Pollen |
Castanea sativa |
Sweet Chestnut |
Honey, |
Acer pseudo-platanus |
Sycamore |
000 |
Nectar and Pollen |
Cirsium and Carduus species like Cirsium vulgare Native in |
Thistle |
000 |
000 |
Nectar and Pollen |
Armeria maritima |
Thrift |
000 |
000 |
000 |
000 |
000 |
Nectar |
Thymus species like Mentha rotundifolia |
Thyme |
000 |
Nectar |
Linaria species like Linaria vulgaris Native in Figwort - Mulleins Family |
Toadflax |
000 |
000 |
Comment |
Plant Name |
Common Name |
Feb-Mar |
Apr |
May |
Jun |
Jul |
Aug |
Sep-Oct |
Pollen |
Clematis vitalba Native in |
Traveller's joy |
000 |
Sep |
Nectar and pollen. |
Veronica species like Veronica chamaedrys (Birdseye Speedwell, Germander Speedwell) Native in Figwort - Speedwells Family |
Veronica |
000 |
000 |
000 |
Pollen |
Vicia species like Vicia sativa Native in Peaflower Vetches/Peas Family |
Vetch |
000 |
000 |
Sep |
Nectar |
Viola odorata Native in |
Violet |
Purp-le |
000 |
Nectar |
Echium vulgare Native in Borage Family |
Viper's bugloss |
000 |
000 |
Sep |
Nectar and Pollen |
Parthen-ocissus quin-quefolia |
Virginia creeper |
000 |
Nectar and Pollen |
Erysimum species like Native in Crucifer (Cabbage/Mustard) 2 Family |
Wallflower |
Unus-ual |
000 |
000 |
Nectar and Pollen |
Bryonia dioica Native in Melon (Gourd/Cucumber) Family Deadly poisonous |
White bryony |
000 |
000 |
000 |
Sep |
Honey, |
Trifolium Native in Peaflower |
White clover |
000 |
000 |
Sep |
Pollen |
Rosa canina Native in |
Wild rose |
000 |
Honey, |
Salix species like Salix pentranda Native in |
Willow |
000 |
Nectar and Pollen. |
Chamae-nerion angusti-folium Native in |
Rosebay Will-owherb |
000 |
000 |
Sep |
Nectar and Pollen and visited by Bumble Bee |
Eranthis hyemalis From Bee pollinated flowers in winter Nov-Feb in Plants Folder Native in |
Winter aconite |
Jan-Mar Yell-ow |
Nectar and Pollen |
Erica species like Erica cinerea Native in Heath Family See Erica cinerea Index of cultivars with its other flower colours ranging from white through pink to red |
Winter heaths |
000 |
Pollen |
Anemone nemerosa Native in Buttercup Family |
Wood anemone |
White |
000 |
Nectar and Pollen |
Teucrium scorodonia Native in Thyme 2 Family |
Wood sage |
000 |
Sep |
Nectar Sweet clover is a major source of nectar for domestic honey bees as hives near sweet clover can yield up to 200 pounds of honey in a year. |
Melilotus officinalis Native in Peaflower Family |
Yellow melilot |
000 |
000 |
Sep |
Comment |
Plant Name |
Common Name |
Feb-Mar |
Apr |
May |
Jun |
Jul |
Aug |
Sep-Oct |
Cash strapped Councils could save money and help bees and pollinators by planting CLOVER as
for the following benefits:-
Jan |
Feb |
Mar |
Apr |
May |
Jun |
Jul |
Aug |
Sep |
Oct |
Nov |
Dec |
OOO E1. |
OOO E13. |
Inner circle of Grey is 12 months of Unusual or Multi-Coloured Flower Colour |
Bulb and Perennial Height from Text Border |
Brown = 0-12 inches (0-30 cms) |
Blue = 12-24 inches (30-60 cms) |
Green = 24-36 inches (60-90 cms) |
Red = 36-72 inches (90- 180 cms) |
Black = 72+ inches (180+ cms) |
Shrub Height from Text Border |
Brown = 0-12 inches (0-30 cms) |
Blue = 12-36 inches (30-90 cms) |
Green = 36-60 inches (90- 150 cms) |
Red = 60-120 inches (150- 300 cms) |
Black = 120+ inches (300+ cms) |
Tree Height from Text Border |
Brown = 0-240 inches (0- 600 cms) |
Blue = 240- 480 inches (600- 1200 cms) |
Green = 480+ inches (1200 + cms) |
Red = Potted |
Black = Use in Small Garden |
Climber Height from Text Border |
Blue = 0-36 inches (0-90 cms) |
Green = 36-120 inches (90-300 cms) |
Red = 120+ inches (300+ cms) |
Bamboo, Bedding, Conifer, Fern, Grass, Herb, Rhododendron, Rose, Soft Fruit, Top Fruit, Vegetable and Wildflower Height from Text Border |
Blue = 0-24 inches (0-60 cms) |
Green = 24-72 inches (60- 180 cms) |
Red = 72+ inches (180+ cms) |
Plant Soil Moisture from Text Background |
Wet Soil |
Moist Soil |
Dry Soil |
Societies by Plant Type in USA |
DISCLAIMER: Links to external sites are provided as a courtesy to visitors. Ivydene Horticultural Services are not responsible for the content and/or quality of external web sites linked from this site. |
The process below provides a uniform method for comparing every plant detailed in the following galleries with
When the following Extra Index of Bee Pollinated Plants is created in the Bee-Pollinated Index Gallery, its bee-pollinated flower thumbnail - or foliage thumbnail if it does not have flowers - will be compared with the others in the relevant gallery below.
Having transferred the Extra Index row entry to the relevant Extra Index row for the same type of plant in a gallery below; then
Bee-Pollinated Bloom Plant Index.
You could then progress to Rootop Gardens, which may require a further strengthening of the supporting structure to carry the potential extra weight:-
If you do not fancy putting plants on the walls or your roof, then you could have a series of window box gardens and Balcony gardens using self-watering planters and boxes from Amberol. If you have the room in the hardstanding round your property then why not use a series of Promenade Self-Watering Planters from Amberol. These are easy to work on - even if you are in a wheelchair or otherwise infirm - and they could still then provide flowers for the bees to use. "What do bees need?
The Potential Impact of Global Warming
The plants in Table 10 (on the right) there are Bee Pollinated Plants for Hay Fever Sufferers in these pages |
What are Beebombs and why do we need them sown?
"A flower is the the complex sexual reproductive structure of Angiosperms, typically consisting of an axis bearing perianth parts, androecium (male) and gynoecium (female). Bisexual flower show four distinctive parts arranged in rings inside each other which are technically modified leaves: Sepal, petal, stamen & pistil. This flower is referred to as complete (with all four parts) and perfect (with "male" stamens and "female" pistil). The ovary ripens into a fruit and the ovules inside develop into seeds. Incomplete flowers are lacking one or more of the four main parts. Imperfect (unisexual) flowers contain a pistil or stamens, but not both. The colourful parts of a flower and its scent attract pollinators and guide them to the nectary, usually at the base of the flower tube.
Androecium (male Parts or stamens) Gynoecium (female Parts or carpels or pistil) It is made up of the stigma, style, and ovary. Each pistil is constructed of one to many rolled leaflike structures. Stigma This is the part of the pistil which receives the pollen grains and on which they germinate. Style This is the long stalk that the stigma sits on top of. Ovary The part of the plant that contains the ovules. Ovule The part of the ovary that becomes the seeds. Petal The colorful, often bright part of the flower (corolla). Sepal The parts that look like little green leaves that cover the outside of a flower bud (calix). (Undifferentiated "Perianth segment" that are not clearly differentiated into sepals and petals, take the names of tepals.)" ........ The following details come from Nectary Genomics:- "NECTAR. Many flowering plants attract potential pollinators by offering a reward of floral nectar. The primary solutes found in most nectars are varying ratios of sucrose, glucose and fructose, which can range from as little a 8% (w/w) in some species to as high as 80% in others. This abundance of simple sugars has resulted in the general perception that nectar consists of little more than sugar-water; however, numerous studies indicate that it is actually a complex mixture of components. Additional compounds found in a variety of nectars include other sugars, all 20 standard amino acids, phenolics, alkaloids, flavonoids, terpenes, vitamins, organic acids, oils, free fatty acids, metal ions and proteins. NECTARIES. An organ known as the floral nectary is responsible for producing the complex mixture of compounds found in nectar. Nectaries can occur in different areas of flowers, and often take on diverse forms in different species, even to the point of being used for taxonomic purposes. Nectaries undergo remarkable morphological and metabolic changes during the course of floral development. For example, it is known that pre-secretory nectaries in a number of species accumulate large amounts of starch, which is followed by a rapid degradation of amyloplast granules just prior to anthesis and nectar secretion. These sugars presumably serve as a source of nectar carbohydrate. WHY STUDY NECTAR? Nearly one-third of all worldwide crops are dependent on animals to achieve efficient pollination. In addition, U.S. pollinator-dependent crops have been estimated to have an annual value of up to $15 billion. Many crop species are largely self-incompatible (not self-fertile) and almost entirely on animal pollinators to achieve full fecundity; poor pollinator visitation has been reported to reduce yields of certain species by up to 50%." |
"Double-flowered" describes varieties of flowers with extra petals, often containing flowers within flowers. The double-flowered trait is often noted alongside the scientific name with the abbreviation fl. pl. (flore pleno, a Latin ablative form meaning "with full flower"). The first abnormality to be documented in flowers, double flowers are popular varieties of many commercial flower types, including roses, camellias and carnations. In some double-flowered varieties all of the reproductive organs are converted to petals — as a result, they are sexually sterile and must be propagated through cuttings. Many double-flowered plants have little wildlife value as access to the nectaries is typically blocked by the mutation. There is further photographic, diagramatic and text about Double Flowers from an education department - dept.ca.uky.edu - in the University of Kentucky in America. "Meet the plant hunter obsessed with double-flowering blooms" - an article from The Telegraph. |
Colour Wheel of All Flowers Primary Colours:- Secondary Colours:- Tertiary Colours:- |
Rock Garden (Alpines) suitable for Small Gardens in 53 Colours Click on number in flower colour required in that month. FLOWERING IN MONTH |
"Soils vary enormously in characteristics, but the size of the particles that make up a soil defines its gardening characteristics:
The dominating particle size gives soil its characteristics and because the tiny clay particles have a huge surface area for a given volume of clay they dominate the other particles:
PLANTS PAGE PLANT USE Groundcover Height Poisonous Cultivated and UK Wildflower Plants with Photos
Following parts of Level 2a, |
Photos - 12 Flower Colours per Month in its Bloom Colour Wheel Gallery
There are other pages on Plants which bloom in each month of the year in this website:-
I hope that you find that the information in this website is useful to you:- I like reading and that is shown by the index in my Library, where I provide lists of books to take you between designing, maintaining or building a garden and the hierarchy of books on plants taking you from
There are these systems for choosing plants as shown in
82 rock garden plants (with photos) suitable for small garden areas; split into:-
I am taking photos of rock garden plants suitable for small gardens and if they do not have their own Plant Description Page in this website, then each photo of each plant will be located at the bottom of the relevant 1 of 52 Rockgarden Flower Colour Wheel pages. Usually a link in *** to that page of 35 will be included in the Name field of the respective Index Page, for:-
Copied from Ivydene Gardens Bee-Pollinated Bloom Plant Index Gallery: |
Bee-pollinated plants are suitable for Hay-fever Sufferers.
in the text box below the thumbnail.
in one of the Bee-pollinated Plant Index pages. :- Bee-Pollinated Plant Set 1. Set 1 has been completed in both the Bloom in Month and Index Galleries.
Bee-Pollinated Plant Set 2 of 3 groups. there are Bee Pollinated Plants for Hay Fever Sufferers in these pages within this Index Gallery transferred from Plants Topic and are inserted in Brown. This group is being inserted into the Index Gallery |
Bee-Pollinated Plant Set 3 of 3 groups. This set has not been started yet (6-Oct-2022) In addition the extra plants used by bees from the following sections of my website will be inserted in Blue:-
in the 12 flower colours per month Index pages of this Bee-pollinated Index Gallery in the table on the right ----> |